Thursday, June 12, 2014

Jan Young Claims The Earth And Every Species On It Was Created In 144 Hours

Jan Young is back with more words of wisdom (page7) for us all.  This time it is on the creation of the earth and every living organism and creature on it.

He created heaven and earth in 144 hours. The Sabbath command includes this:
Ex 20:11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the  seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. 
He created heaven, earth and sea in 6 days. He created earth’s biosphere of flora and fauna, not the universe in that time. Each of these 6 days was the same length as the 7th, not millennial-type days, but the 24-hour kind. Same timing described in His Sabbath covenant:
Ex 31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.
While there is the analogy of 6 millennial type ‘days’ plus 1 Sabbath ‘day’ of about 1000 years (2 Pet 3:8), this is based on the 6 literal days to create heaven and earth plus 1st Sabbath then.

According to that logic, Jan's god created over 8,7000,000 living organisms and creatures in 144 hours. With 6.5 million species on land and 2.2 million in oceans that sure is a hell of a lot of work to do in a few hours.

His god apparently just snapped his fingers and all this came into being.  His kind of god would not be able to sit down and plan each living species out in all its intricate glory.  It apparently just magically happened in 144 hours.

Did you know dinosaurs were created in Satan's image because is the "dragon?"  Young also seems to think that dinosaurs roamed are are still roaming distant worlds.

Since radiometric dating is off, many creationists believe planet earth was created with the universe about 6000 years ago; that dinosaurs and Adam co-existed.—But Lucifer and his angels sinned prior to man (Jude 6). Dinosaurs dominated in world(s) created in Satan’s image of dragon. Though not 65 million years ago since some Tyrannosaurus Rex fossils have been found with soft tissues and blood vessels
Young also has solved the age old question, 'Which came first,the chicken or the egg?"

He does not state anywhere how old the earth or universe is, so is not a liar. Movies in 2 dimensions can seem to show past or future events. Surely God can show more in 3-D. Adam and Eve were made in adult form and so must many plants for them to eat. Animals also made as mature, so the chicken came first and not the egg. Jesus created bread and fish with apparent age in miracles to feed thousands. Created the end products immediately. So stars looking millions of years old at their creation is very possible. Then there are also the eons before Gen 1:1 when the universe existed, and later planet earth (to which many creationists disagree).
Next he combines science with creation myths of Armstrongsm.  That is the only way they can justify all the incongruities in the world around them.
Tameness and no meat eaters rules out many dinosaurs in the time of man, and the beasts in Adam’s time came to him to be named (Gen 2:19-20). Though mankind can on a limited basis tame any animal (James
3:7), as horse whisperer or snake charmer.
Apparently during the Adamic World humans and animals did not eat meat. Note the distinct source of food of Gen 1:29-30. And notice the change after Noah’s Deluge in 9:2-3. Though Abel offered a meat sacrifice to God, sheep are used for more than meat, as wool.
There were differences between that world and now of low relief, not high mountains. No jungles, tundras, deserts or ice caps. Apparently just a one world continent or Pangaea with all continents joined as one. No oceans. Each world-age is unique with special conditions different from other worlds. Though some are the same. The basic foundation of the planet earth remains the same.

ExCOG Member A Highly Recognized Fitness Coach

For many years in Armstrongism I remember hearing one minister after another stand on the stage of the Auditorium or in one of the gym's and state that people who left the church would never be successful since God had removed his blessing from them.

The first case of this was when the Scarborough family sold Ganny's Pantry in Pasadena.  Granny's was a nutritional/health food store located on Arroyo Blvd by Bran's Cleaners. The new owners started keeping it open on Saturdays. Since that was an abomination in some peoples  sight, they expected the store to close down because God was no longer blessing it. Forty some years alter it is still there providing healthy food alternatives even though a Whole Foods market is located a few hundred feet north of it.

The Journal has an obituary up about Harry Sneider and in it Lee Brandon is named.  She was the poster child for the Summer Education Program located in Orr Minnesota in the 1970's.

She was the first woman to be hired by the NFL to train the New York Jets and is a two time winner of the Long Drive Championship.

I love it when people like this make those that utter idiotic comments in Armstrongism eat their words!

Check out here web site here:  Long Drive Champ

Monday, June 9, 2014

UCG: Has It Lost Close To 4,000 Members In The Last Three Years?

UCG has been sending out glowing reports from its latest Elders conference that everything is all peachy-keen in the land of Oz.  UCG members and those no longer part of the UCG know that this is not necessarily true.  More are leaving UCG than are being drawn into full membership.

Prophet Malm has this up today about the discrepancy in UCG numbers:

To quote Roy Holladay from the GCE conference report: This past year, “our Holy Day attendance was over 8,000 in both the latter festivals of 2013 and the first festivals of 2014.”  it still represents a drop in attendance.


2011  worldwide Feast attendance was 12,800.  

2012 The total attendance for all Feast sites sponsored by the United Church of God for 2012 was 12,763. 

Now consider that an attendance of 8,000 is about 4,000 below previous Feast attendance figures, and if that does not include international; it is still a drop.
So where are they going?  To COGWA?  To Bitter Bob's personality cult?  UCG members. like most all COG members laugh at Bitter Bob's little group and have no interest.

At least a thousand [perhaps more; some being replaced by baptizing new folks with no spiritual understanding] have left over the past winter and a few are going to COGWA because of family or friends, many are going to LCG because LCG is the only alternative; and many are standing alone and turning back to God with a whole heart.

Let me be clear here; even if attendance increased above eight thousand for Pentecost, it will still be well below the Feast attendance in the years 2011 to 2013. 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

James Malm: No BBQing, Buying Gas, Eating Out on Saturdays, But If You Do Eat Out You Might As Well Pay For A Whore Too!

The chief Pharisee of the Churches of God is back today laying down the law on what is proper and not proper for Saturdays.

At no time should you fire up the BBQ on Saturdays and cook yourself a steak or beef hot dog.  No fixing salads or taking effort to cut a watermelon.  You should do that on Fridays anyway!

If you have to drive a distance to church then fill up on Friday and DO NOT spend extra money for gas if you need to get home!  If you have to do that then you are driving too far.

You are not allowed to bake, boil, simmer or seethe on Saturday.  I know a lot of seething church members by the end of some of the sermons, are they allowed to seethe too?

Exodus 16:22
“And it came to pass that on the sixth day, they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man and all the rulers of the congregation came and told Moses. And Moses told them, this is that which the Lord hath said. Tomorrow is the rest of the Holy Sabbath unto the Eternal. Bake that which you will bake today. And seethe or simmer or boil that which you will seethe today and that which remains overlay for you to be kept until the morning.” And in giving this command, Jesus Christ was telling the people that they are not to bake, or simmer, or boil, or  to seethe. They are not to do any kind of cooking on the Sabbath Day. No serious cooking of any kind.

Now I myself will go ahead and put a piece of bread in the toaster. Or warm up some water for a coffee or a tea. Or even heat up a previously prepared container of soup. Or warm up something on a cold winter’s day up here in Canada. But I am not going to start frying a steak, or barbecuing, or roasting meat, or boiling potatoes, or doing any kind of serious cooking. Cooking is for the preparation day; which is the day before the Sabbath.

What about the person who has to drive 30 or 40 miles to attend a service? All I can say is fill up your gas tank on Friday. Prepare a little boxed lunch on Friday. Do your preparation on Friday.  

No, absolutely not. No extensive travel and no travel for personal reasons. Travel should be for Godly reasons, should be very, very limited in scope and duration; and should not involve any expense. If you have to buy an extra tank of gas on a Sabbath, the trip is too far. Don’t go. Make some kind of other arrangement. It can be done. Things can be worked out. You can work around these things and truly make God’s Sabbath a delight.  

So now you have done all these things are at church and have set through the most god awful sermon ever preached.  Afterwards you turn to your friend and start talking about it, or your kids, or the latest world news event.  If you do that you are a grievous sinner bound to t the lake of fire because you have PROFANED Saturday!

A convocation is ONLY holy if it is God centered!  If you go to a service to hear a sermon and then talk ONLY about work and business, the weather, clothes and babies you have PROFANED that convocation and God’s sabbath.  Out of one’s mouth come those things that are dearest to one’s heart Mat 12:34.  If your heart and mind are not on the things of God, your mouth will reveal this.  
God forbid if you friend invites you out to eat after church on Saturday.  If you do that you might as well go find a whore and pay her (or him) too.  It is a sin to do that, a MAJOR sin since Malm has it all in CAPS.

It is NOT LAWFUL to buy goods and services in restaurants or other establishments.  To say that we may buy, because they are going to work anyway, makes a mockery of God’s way.  For that excuse justifies ALL SIN; there is NO SIN that men are not going to do ANYWAY!  Let us then use the whore, for she will do it anyway.  Why not have our enemy murdered, for the killer will kill anyway.  This is a juvenile and pathetic excuse to justify SIN. 
Pharasee Malm wants you to know that he is SINLESS when it comes to these rules.  He has not sinned on Saturdays in 30 years!

I ask YOU;   WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?   If you make an HONEST EFFORT TO PLEASE GOD,  don’t you think that He WILL HELP YOU?  Most problems involving Sabbath pollution through buying and selling can be resolved simply and easily, with a little forethought, planning and effort. I have avoided this sin for thirty years and it has been difficult at times but God has always provided a way.
Talk about convoluted legalistic crap!