Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Rod Meredith: We Are Trying To Keep God's Church Clean

Poor Rod Meredith.  Try as he might he just CANNOT keep his shrinking personalty cult under control.  The Living Church of God tries to present itself as the most unified and loving COG to exist in this dispensation, yet it is constantly rocked with strife and upheavals.  LCG members love to get on here and call us liars every time we point this out.

This is from a COG news site:

In November all congregations were commanded to play a sermonette by Rod McNair on Ministerial Authority and a sermon by Rod Meredith on God’s Government.
(These two audios have been removed from this independent website. In each case: “The item is not available due to issues with the item's content.”)

The audios explain that LCGs doctrine on church government gives the ministry rulership over its church members, some of whom have been expressing disagreement with various doctrines and distrust of even the leading ministers. 

Notice how Meredith has to always blame everyone else but himself.  Sine he proclaimed years ago that he has never committed a major sin since baptism it is apparently hard to find fault with himself.

Roderick Meredith says, “We found that some of these people we’ve had to put out (of the church) ... they often lie and lie, and they’ll twist and turn, and turn things around ...”

“I’ve asked Mr McNair and Mr (Bob) League - they’ve been working as a team to get all the information on many of these things - and I’m working with them and other leaders ... We’re trying to keep God’s church clean.”

Sunday, January 4, 2015

A Childhood of Abuse In Armstrongism

Here is another story from a person who grew up in Armstrongism and the abuse she received and witnessed. Scores of rabid Armstrong worshipers deny anything like this ever happened.  Everything is always rainbows, lollipops and unicorns in their eyes.

Here is another sad story of a childhood robbed by Armstrongism.

From Exit and Support:

I just read the story about the boy who ran away from home at an early age to escape abusive parents. His dad quit his government job as did my dad in 1972. I never knew this was a command of HWA until I read it here. I have called my mom as my dad died, and she refuses to discuss anything. Typical mind controlled member in a remnant group.

I was not allowed to attend SEP because of what happened to my elder sister there. Her things were stolen and she learned to smoke there--imagine that. Now I realize why I was never encouraged to go to college, which I did on my own in 1986. Again, HWA didn't believe in any college other than his own.

Luckily I had a very good imagination and sat through all those long sermons on Saturdays pretending I was traveling in space and never understood what WWCG was about. However, I knew enough to know I was going to escape as soon as possible.

My mom would beat the hell out of me at times and then make me thank her for the correction and smile to show her my attitude. Another revelation I had this week is that HWA taught her to do that. Finding this site has been good for me.

My parents never kept us from our school friends or "unbelieving" family, thank God. I think my dad definitely used his own thinking power on that one. I think feeling weird and ostracized and missing so much school hurt me the worst. Also, now realizing how deceived my mom and sister still are makes me sick. The language they use is the epitome of a cult but they are sheep nonetheless.

I saw many of my age mates in the WWCG get severely abused--starved, burned, beat, just to name a few. I also remember the year that the state department of children showed up in St. Petersburg at the feast and the paddles were removed from the walls of the Mother's Room (i. e., the "beating chamber"). The members were told not to spank at services.

My sisters and I knew how to obey like good little girls. I was a smart child and refused to go spend the night with any WWCG members that I knew were cruel to their children. My sister was not as smart and I will never forget a few times my parents had to go in the middle of the night to pick her up because she was sick. When we would go back to bed, she would relay terrible stories of things she witnessed, one of which a child being burned terribly bad for playing with matches. My parents tried to talk to the minister, but were politely told to mind their own business.

LCG Releases Mind-Boggling Church Attendance Numbers of God's Most Highly Favored Church EVER!

Its always fun to watch those  wild and crazy guys in Charlotte at Living Church of God's HQ react to postings on this blog.

Stung by repeated postings and comments about the shrinking size of LCG congregations Bob League reported the other day the mind-boggling size of several LCG congregations.  The size of these congregations are unprecedented in COG history!  Be impressed brethren!  God's greatest restored church is the biggest and bestest ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LCG publishes list of ten largest congregations.  

1. Charlotte North Carolina 258  
2. Kansas City Missouri 195  
3. Chaguanas Trinidad 128  
4. Ft. Lauderdale Florida 116
5. Houston Texas 115

6. Dallas Texas 113  
7. Phoenix Arizona 107  
8. Quezon City Metro Manila, Philippines 99
9. Kingston Jamaica 96 

10. Christ Church Barbados 94
Years ago a Worldwide Church of God accounting executive said that they could make statistics mean any thing they wanted and the brethren would never know fact from fiction.  This was during the time they claimed to have 8,000,000 PT subscribers and 144,000 members.  That very same person went on to stab WCG in the back and followed Meredith into the epic failure of Global Church of God and then on into Living Church of God.

From congregations in the mother church of 400-800 members in various parts of the country to 195 as the max for a field church in LCG....there is NOTHING impressive about that!  The LCG Charlotte congregation doesn't count because the majority of these are paid staff and family of HQ and they are REQUIRED to attend services.

The glory days of Armstrongism are over and not one single apostate COG will EVER accomplish the things that Herbert Armstrong did. EVER!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Rod Meredith and Bob League Continue Gestapo Tactics In Living Church of God

Some things never change with Rod Meredith and his henchmen.

From a reader here:

I just happened upon this post and I'm freaking out! It is ALL TRUE. RCM has re-instated the old WCG visiting ministers program so he can "check in" with members who may be less than fully supportive of him as the Supreme Ruler. League and McNair, his henchmen, have been instructed to "weed out" dissenters. There method is typically to isolate the woman because they know they are more likely to get them to crack/dish info on their husbands or other members. They ask for lists of the names of friends that might need "to be counselled" aka possible trouble makers that also need to be interrogated. If they can't find a legitimate issue with someone they want out of LCG they will just make something up. Meredith has NO PROBLEM lying about members if it serves his purpose. Anyone who questions him knows they will be next on the chopping block so people just remain silent to stay out of RCM's crosshairs. In the last year, 24 people that I know of have left the Charlotte congregation alone largely in part to these Gestapo tactics and absolute tyranny against anyone who dares question or have a critical/independent thought. Absolutely nothing has changed since Leona McNair. RCM uses his position and his microphone to destroy those who don't bow down to him. 

The more RCM feels he is losing control, the tighter he clamps down. Practically every sermon is about obeying and submitting. Not to God, but to church authority. They demand blind obedience. Mr. League even went so far as to say that if he were to call a member in the middle of the night and ask them to drive circles around the block for 4 hours, they should obey without asking questions.

The League/ McNair team also monitors members private Facebook pages and ask members to remove posts or pictures that they don't like for whatever reason. They are so blinded by their power and agenda that they can't see all the members taking note of the false allegations they make about long-time members, the late night interrogations and the exodus of LCG members. It is widely talked about in whispers after services and at Friday night get-togethers. There is a storm brewing and they are completely oblivious!