Thursday, February 5, 2015

Elijah Dave Pack Now Possesses Extraordinary Powers!

Elijah Dave Pack has always been a boastful person.  His track record through college and three failed churches have revealed that appalling tendency to scores of people.

Listening to and reading Elijah Dave's utterances over the last several years also brings that into the forefront.  Elijah Dave leads the worlds most superfantabulous Church of God EVER!  He produces the worlds most superfantabulous web site EVER to exist in Christendom that is filled with the most Godly information EVER gathered in one place.  Elijah Dave is the worlds most superfantabulous prophet EVER!  Elijah Dave knows MORE than any other man in human history.  The list can go on and on.

This little tidbit is from Sermon 2 now reveals that Elijah Dave is the most powerful man EVER!  Will he soon be resurrection people?  Calling down fire upon his detractors? Will the lame walk, the deaf hear and the blind see?

Sermon 2  Around 1:05:00
"And, because I believe I will receive extraordinary power brethren, I'll just say that now... and in many ways I already have..."

Elijah Dave Pack: "I Teach More About Prophecy Than Any Man Ever!"

Did you know that Elijah Dave knows more about prophecy than any other man in human history?  This must be a major butt-hurt for Prophet Bob Thiel!  Ouch!

Sermon 2  Around 30:00
"Elijah was a prophet.  So let's ask, and this should be obvious, I'm not bragging... Who has learned and taught more about all of prophecy than any man ever?  I don't come as a prophet but I teach more about prophecy than any man ever..."

Elijah Dave Will Be Taken Away In A Fiery Chariot To Live In A Secret Location

Thanks to the patience of several readers here who have listened to Elijah Dave's latest 6 hour rants expounding on 130 brain farts on why he is Elijah we are blessed with the following tidbit:

Part 2, around 23:00
"How did Elijah escape?  He was taken up by angels in fiery chariots including fiery horses.  Which the splinters don't know about... but we're in a position to see the parallel: So will I be...  They don't know that eagles are angels...”
"Elijah went on to live years in secret in an undisclosed location.  So will I".

Elijah Dave Pack's Transformation From Just Plain Dave to Joshua And Now To Elijah

Elijah Dave Pack has had a long history in the Church of God for being greatly disliked.  Members complained about him when he was part of the Worldwide Church of God. Members complained about him when he was part of the Living Church of God. There is nothing about the guy that is genuine or God sent.  It's all an ego driven facade for power that Dave has never really had.

As his personalty cult implodes around him he comes up with more and more bizarre scenarios every day.  He has become the laughing stock of the Church of God now, which is something no legitimate Elijah would ever dream of doing.
Behold the transformation (or perhaps the gradual revelation):

1998 Dave Pack: "I'm not going to claim to behold some high office, or I am some kind of 'secret apostle' in waiting. Baloney. I don't think that way."

...7 years later.

2005 Dave Pack: "Mr. Armstrong was an Apostle. Yes brethren I hold that office. I do... If the highest office in Restored Church of God is not an apostle, then I was not sent by Christ."

 ...10 years after that...

2015 Dave Pack: "Now I understand more than ever that God had to look after me in a unique way. I guess he'd have to do that if I were JUST an apostle..."

 I think now it can be documented what kind of creep Dave Pack has always been, at least since groups of people were organizing in WCG to draft open letters of complaint about him.