Tuesday, February 10, 2015

UPDATED: Rod Meredith Drives Out Last African American Members From Charlotte Church After Calling Them Pickaninnies and Other Derogatory Terms

The Living Church of God headquarters in Charlotte continues its downward spiral.  Everything that has been happening regarding the implosion of the Living Church of God HQ staff (and church) is tied directly to Rod Meredith's actions and words.

Rod Meredith has had a long history of saying racist and bigoted things, particularly when it comes to race.  The idea that he is STILL doing this in 2015 is disgusting beyond belief.  The report below states that Meredith refers to African Americans OFTEN as pickaninnies, that children of mixed marriages are BLOBS with no identity, and that whites will rise before blacks in resurrection.

I should say that I am shocked at his racist bullshit but I am not.  Its sad that a leader of a church in 2015 would be saying such things, particularly one who "claims" to follow something he calls "Jesus."  Because Meredith is a follower of the law and Old Testament rules and regulations he has no place in his heart for anything in regards to new covenant understanding.

Galatians 3:28The Message (MSG)

28-29 In Christ’s family there can be no division into Jew and non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Among us you are all equal. That is, we are all in a common relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, since you are Christ’s family, then you are Abraham’s famous “descendant,” heirs according to the covenant promises.

Galatians 3:28Common English Bible (CEB)

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek; there is neither slave nor free; nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Galatians 3:28New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

28 There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
This is the report I received:

There are now officially no black members left in the 225+ Charlotte LCG headquarters congregation. Apparently they found Rod Meredith's blatant and recurrent racially derogatory remarks to no longer be tolerable. He has referred to blacks as "pick-a-ninnies" multiple times during sermons. He preaches that whites will rise before blacks in the resurrection. He preaches that inter-racial marriage is "not good" and that the children on mixed couples are "blobs" with no identity. He preaches that God made blacks different from whites and gave them different strengths such as an ability to be more athletic while whites are typically more intellectual. He states these hateful, ignorant "facts" as if they are scientific and widely accepted. He truly believes in white superiority. Rod Meredith's history of racism is well recorded. It's no wonder that his church is whiter than Wonder bread. Yet, he fancies himself a "Christian". How is being a total racist letting Christ live in you Roddy? Wake up. It's no longer 1950. Your ignorance and hate are no longer acceptable

Why does Richard Ames and the REST of the ministry stand by and let him say this stuff?  Why don't ANY OF THEM have the where-with-all to stand up and say this is wrong?  Every minister in Living Church of God that does not speak out against Meredeth's racism is complicit with him.

UPDATE: The following response was received from an LCG member in Charlotte:

Well as often the case with the internet; social media... this source writes in absolutes as if it was true. It is not. Although it doesn't surprise me to see postings and comments leaning 'against' the general-COG in general But this post is but an outright fabrication. Here in Charlotte we've been holding steady numbers with a consistent diversity. Unless of course this all happened in the last two days. And although I've not heard every word spoken by Dr Meredith, I've not heard those words in all the years I've attended locally. This headline and its supporting post would be too easily dis-proven with the slightest research enough to ruin the credibility of those who use this outlet in support of their leanings. Not that it really matters. Cheers!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Garner Ted Armstrong On Members Being "...shriveled-up, rotten, vile, filthy, sinning hulks of rotting human flesh..."

The following quote was made by Garner Ted Armstrong many years ago.  This is the kind of stuff that the ministry, from HWA, Meredith, Waterhouse and most others shoved down out throats week after week.

" you come to really SEE yourself as you ARE--as GOD sees you--as a self-centered, hostile, shriveled-up, rotten, vile, filthy, sinning hulk of rotting human flesh, unworthy to breathe the free air God gives you! "
Is it any wonder that so many in Armstrongism have been permanently scared by this kind of deviate beliefs?  Low self-esteem was rampant in the church and still is today.  What is a person to do when they are told what filthy they are week in and week out.  When the constant mantra is that "you at never good enough" what hope does a person see in life?  That's what lead Terry Ratzmann to murder Living Church of God members in church on Saturday.  It leads to horrific child and spousal abuse and much, much more.

There are Facebook groups, with combined total memberships into the thousands, that are filled with people who have suffered from this abuse and openly speak about it.  Yet the favorite mantra there and elsewhere from present day COGlet members is, 'Get over it."  How does one get over being treated like a pile of steaming shit their entire church life?  Why do so many present day COG member continue to let their ministurds tell them the same thing today?

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Elijah Baghdad Dave Pack and His Difficulty In Leading By Example

It has been reported here and on other sites, including several Facebook sites, about Elijah Baghdad Pack's blatant hypocrisy in setting the example for his membership.  Elijah Baghdad Dave has been telling his members for many years now that everything that they own does NOT belong to them and them they need to sell it, mortgage it, or cash it in and send it to Elijah Baghdad Dave's HQ.  The broad majority of the membership did just that a few years ago.  Now, Elijah Baghdad Dave is doing it again.  He wants them to send them every penny that they can.

The question being asked now is "Will Elijah Baghdad Dave do the same?"  Elijah Baghdad Dave owns his home free and clear. Its in HIS name, not the Restored Church of God.

From a comment by Richard on a previous thread:
Thank you Ronco for doing the look up of the public land records on the title ownership of Pack's home. Then this indeed is scandalous on a couple of levels which is why I asked the question.

First, the obvious is that he is not following the example of God's end time Apostle Herbert Armstrong who owned nothing other than his suits, but controlled all WCG owned assets including his personal residence. To my knowledge, HWA's death did not probate a will because the WCG owned everything including his home.

Second, it is also obvious that Dave Pack is a hypocrite asking his members to mortgage homes and sell assets to fund "the work" of his RCG fear religion business. Dave does not lead by example and is unwilling to do what he threatens his membership with eternal damnation to do.

Third, and perhaps most telling regarding Pack's motives, is that his home titled in his own name would be insulated from any RCG bankruptcy proceedings should it occur. Unlike HWA, Pack has separated his home from the Church.

Not only does Elijah Baghdad Dave own his own home free and clear, many of the ministry do so as well.  Not a single one of them have mortgaged their homes.  They have not sold their homes either.  They also have not cashed in any retirement plans they have.  They keep every dime they earn when their sheeple below them struggle to survive.

Because Elijah Baghdad Dave has NEVER lead by example, what makes him think that hundreds if not thousands of COG members are out there waiting to jump ship to his superfantabulous personality cult?  Why would any COG  member, in their right mind, join up with Elijah Baghdad Dave?  No one can believe a  thing he says!