Saturday, March 7, 2015

David Elijah Passover Pack: Moses Was Too Ignorant To Know That I Was The Elijah To Come

Color in Elijah Passover Pack on his fiery chariot
(That's Rod Meredith left behind on the ground.)

David Passover Pack is doing everything in his power to make his dwindling flock of followers believe that he is a reincarnated Elijah who has come to restore all things before he is whisked away in a fiery chariot.

Sermon 2:

110: Now think of both men again. Even the correct and full definition of who and what is Elijah would have to be restored by that man; by Elijah. I'm actually restoring the correct understanding of what is Elijah. Also the ancient Moses died never knowing of Elijah the prophet, or of John the Baptist, but the final Elijah would know of all three, and of Mr. Armstrong. This would include correctly seeing Mr. Armstrong's time setting and his role as a Moses. Moses never saw any of these other men; I see all of them. You'd have to have a man with the lookback perspective to put it all into perspective. The modern Moses would not be in any position to see the Elijah fulfillment; he would have to see the coming apostasy, and Mr. Armstrong never did or he would have picked a different leader.

David Passover Elijah Pack: I Am A Type of Christ

David Elijah Pack Our Passover

Around the 50:00 mark in sermon 2:

Elijah actually does restore all things, thus creating a second powerful parallel with Christ. So Moses compares himself to Christ – you just read it. The best way to see this is that Moses directly described himself as a type of that prophet – read his words, this means Mr. Armstrong would be as well. Mr. Armstrong would be a type of that great prophet. If Moses was so is Mr. Armstrong. Just think of the many millions of people – what we just read there in Acts who would hear Christ – the many millions of people everywhere who heard his voice, his words. How then is Elijah, who does an even greater work, in an even bigger world not coming in the same way? So that Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Pack, if you will, come side by side, with Mr. Armstrong taller; he should have been six-seven, and I'm five-seven, that part's not right. How is Elijah not also a type of that prophet? But this is just another way of saying both men are types of Christ. No wonder these men are talking together with Christ in the transfiguration. They work together in a unique way at the end of the age. Christ is an apostle and a prophet, that's what it says; there he's called a prophet, you know in another place he's called an apostle. Both of these two men – these final two apostles, unique in all history – are both also apostles and prophets. See the parallel?