Tuesday, March 10, 2015

David Passover Pack: I Have Already Started Training The Prophets, But They Don't Know It Yet

David Passover thinks that the two witless witnesses are in his chruch and are currently being trained by him.  The problem is he doesn't know who they are and they don't know.  What a convoluted line of reasoning.

60: Elijah uniquely specialized in training prophets; he ran three schools for the prophets, Gilgal, Jericho and Bethel. Let me just say it again, he uniquely specialized in training prophets. So will I; it's probably already started without knowledge of whom.

David Passover Pack: Joe Tkach Sr. Was A Modern Ahab That Was Out To Get Me!

David Passover is now whining that Tkach Sr. was out to get him.  I am sure that Tkach Sr. knew what kind of abusive moron that Pack was and most likely had a good reason, if this is true at all!  Everywhere that David Passover was sent as a minister soon resulted in a deluge of complaints from members on how abusive he was.

58: Joe Tkach, a modern Ahab if there ever was one, pursued me for years like Ahab did Elijah. And like no one else, like Ahab – like Ahab – he did die soon enough, and God went on to curse his son Ahaziah; leaves some things to the imagination. Elijah played a role in what happened to that son. God sent him to go talk to that son; I don't know whether that will happen. The angel told him to go, but Ahaziah sent two groups to come get Elijah, and a hundred and two burnt men later, the third captain realized, "Ew, would you be willing to come and talk to the boss, he fell through a window and he's got a bad infection, he's sick," and Elijah was told by an angel – interesting, twice actually in that first chapter of 2 Kings – and he went.  
Poooooor Davie, always the bridesmaid but never the bride.