Monday, March 16, 2015

What Was Rod Meredith Thinking????

It has long been known by Church of God members how much Rod Meredith is obsessed with sex.

Of all the stories I have heard none compares to this one:

Rod is completely obsessed with ALL types of sex, not just homosexual. Despite the fact that there are many young children and impressionable teenagers in his audience he often goes into disgusting detail of various sex acts. Things I would never say to a child. On one occasion he told the entire Charlotte congregation that his wife had shown him all kinds of "disgusting sex acts on the internet including women with women, men with men and beastiality and every other unimaginable abominable thing". The audience is thinking, what in the world! Why are you looking at the stuff in the first place and then why are you openly admitting to it in public? Meredith is a grade A pervert. 

Why is his wife looking at porn in the first place?  Why is she looking at bestiality porn?  Why did Rod watch it with her?  Kind reminds me of the Adam and Eve myth.  Eve gives Adam the apple to eat after he watches her picked it off the tree. He freely indulged, but it was all her fault.   Kind of like the time he was caught coming out of the porn shop in Old Town Pasadena in he early 70's.  He was only in there to do research for an article...on sex....

Richard David Armstrong: The First Church of God Martyr?

Gerald Flurry has an approved piece up on the Philadelphia Church of God web site that is written by Ryan Malone.  The First Martyr of the End Time.  The article is about Richard Armstrong, the son of Herbert and Loma Armstrong and brother to Garner Ted, Beverly and Dorothy.  According to Malone, using a quote from HWA, Richard was the first MARTYR for the modern day church.

Richard was Herbert's most favored son that he had envisioned to be the leader of the church. He was the studious and devoted one, unlike his brother Garner Ted who was a womanizing, hard drinking and rambunctious young man.

Richard Armstrong was killed as the result of Alton Billingsley not paying attention to a divided road in central California.  The resulting accident was a head on collision that sent Richard to the hospital in San Luis Obispo.

Malone writes:

While Alton Billingsly was driving north on Coast Highway 101 in California at about 1:15 p.m. on July 23, 1958, Richard had his briefcase open, checking his list of people to visit and planning their next few stops. The four-lane, divided highway had merged into a two-way highway. Somehow neither of them noticed it. A half block or so to their left was another paved road running parallel to theirs; Mr. Billingsly supposed that to be the other two lanes of the highway. They moved over into the left lane—the lane of oncoming traffic—to pass, believing it still to be a divided highway. Just before they passed the car on their right, a Cadillac came over a slight hilltop. Mr. Billingsly swerved left, but the cars were moving toward each other too quickly. The oncoming car hit them head-on, just to the right—shearing off much of the right side of the car. Had Richard not dived toward the driver just before impact, he would have been killed instantly.
Although Mr. Billingsly was not seriously injured, Richard was taken to San Luis Obispo Hospital and placed in critical condition. His pelvis and right elbow were badly broken; his jaw was broken in several places with several teeth knocked out; his stomach and intestines were knocked up through the diaphragm against the left lung, collapsing the lung and shoving his heart over on his right side.
A week later, Richard’s kidneys were failing. They would have to move him to Los Angeles where they could hook him up to artificial kidneys. Because he was in traction, moving him could have killed him. So they carried him in a special bed that kept him in traction, slowly driving to Los Angeles in the middle of the night.

Here ends the "facts" that traditional church historians recognize.  Before we turn to to the Philadelphia Church of God's fantasy interpretation, lets first look at the definition of what martyr is.

Merriam Webster defines a martyr this way:


noun mar·tyr \ˈmär-tər\
  • a person who is killed or who suffers greatly for a religion, cause, etc.
  • a person who pretends to suffer or who exaggerates suffering in order to get praise or sympathy
  • a person who suffers greatly from something (such as an illness)

    Full Definition of MARTYR

  • a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion
  • a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle
  • victim; especially :  a great or constant sufferer martyr to asthma all his life — A. J. Cronin
Malone continues on quoting Herbert Armstrong.  Armstrong, in his typical fashion, turned the focus off of Richard and onto the membership.  Richard's accident and impending death was a sure sign of faith.  If Richard lived then the membership was proving that they had faith that Richard would be completely healed.  If he died then the membership were guilty of having no faith. Even more appalling is that Armstrong used Richard's accident as weapon to make the members give more money!

He wanted God’s people to build faith from the experience. Driving from San Luis Obispo to L.A. the night of July 29, Mr. Armstrong said he struggled deeply to keep his mind in a state of faith. The Sabbath after Richard’s death, Mr. Armstrong debated going to Church services back at the college. “But then I realized it was my duty to attend …. I realized that some of the students had erroneously assumed that ministers were under such divine protection that no such tragedy could occur to one of them. Dick’s accident and death might shatter this faith. I knew I had to bring a message that would bolster and strengthen, not destroy, faith” (Autobiography, Vol. 2).

Another co-worker letter, dated August 28 of the same year, states, “Some had thought God would never let such a thing happen …. But nothing would please Satan more than to see us now lose faith.”
It’s no wonder why God, in the same chapter known as the “faith chapter,” goes into detail about the martyrdom of so many of His saints. The Church and its co-workers received perhaps the biggest lesson in faith it had ever received! In a co-worker letter written after the accident, before Richard died (on July 27), Mr. Armstrong scolded many of them for letting down in their prayers and offerings. “Co-workers, will you not only pray for my son’s miraculous and speedy recovery—but also for the financial salvation of the Work of God?” Throughout the letter, with the call for more believing prayers, Mr. Armstrong called for more faithful offerings. He said Satan had struck one of God’s “very chiefest laborers,” but that God’s Work needed more co-worker laborers “who help with their urgent heart-rending prayers, and with their tithes and generous offerings, regularly every month, or even every week.
Can you imagine having a father that made your suffering into a tool of fundraising? This sadly was the main tool that Herbert Armstrong used continually over the years.  He used the health of his son, his wife and other church leaders in order to extort more money from members.  The sicker the person got the worse the membership was blamed for their lack of faith and support for the work.

Does a person who dies early in life, without ever being tortured or persecuted for ones beliefs, make them into a martyr?  Richard was not killed for his religion.  He was not persecuted for the message he was preaching.  Neither has any other living or deceased Church of God member over the last 80 some years.  No government has jailed any leader for their beliefs and no one has died for their beliefs.  

Flurry and Pack's personality cults are not being persecuted though they certainly are being mocked.  That is not persecution! What this blog does, what The Painful Truth, Silenced and many others do is not persecution either.  Pointing out the foibles and asinine sayings of church leaders is not persecution.

If Flurry, Pack and Thiel want to see REAL Christian being persecuted then they need to look no further than Syria, Iraq, India, Pakistan and Central Africa where Christians are being slaughtered for refusing to give up their beliefs.  Those people are martyrs. There are no martyrs sitting in Wadsworth, Edmond, Cincinnati, Arroyo Grande, or Charlotte. Never have been and never will be.

New Android App: The Deck of Shame (LINK FIXED)

A new app has been designed for Android phones.  See how many you can get right!

Deck of Shame

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Church History and the Churches of God


There is an interesting letter on Exit and Support from a woman who finally had the courage to leave the Philadelphia Church of God.  Her route out was exacerbated by Gerald Flurry's obscene "no contact" rule that has ripped families apart.  Because her parents were always good to her and because she loved them she refused to separate herself from her them.  This eventually led her away from the PCG cult.

One thing she eventually did was start reading about Christian history WITHOUT a little COG penned book by her side.

She writes:

The healing finally started--after what felt like eternity--when I at last found the courage to start asking hard questions, questions I would never have dared to ask while within the organization. They were questions that would sometimes come up in the past but were always brushed aside. Questions like: How can they demand I go against my conscience or be put out of the "church"? Isn't my first loyalty supposed to be towards God? And eventually I dared to ask, by what authority do those men really have the right to stand up and teach me God's truth? Who appointed them? And actually, who appointed Herbert Armstrong? Lots of religious leaders believe that they alone speak for God. Why did I really believe he was the only one used by God? Is it just because that is what we were told, or is there a better reason? Because I thought it all "made sense"?

For the first time in my life I timidly began to study church history--objectively study it--not with the "assistance" of a tiny WCG-printed booklet that would gloss over centuries in a few paragraphs. Coming to Herbert Armstrong's place in it, I had to honestly admit that his claims were largely unfounded. How could we dare dismiss the thousands who throughout history have shed their blood for their (Christian) faith as being "deceived," thinking ourselves to be so much more faithful and understanding? And how could we really accept that when Christ so clearly commanded His disciples to "go into all the world" 2000 years ago, that that command wasn't fulfilled, and the church just basically fell off a cliff, only to unexpectedly resurface in the 1900s after endless disputes between men who thought they were called by God?

One of the first things I did exiting Armstrongism  was take a four year course on the study of Hebrew, Christian scriptures, church history and Christian thought.  It was a mind shattering experience that easily debunked everything about Armstrong, long held beliefs of what scripture was supposed to mean and  opened the door to church history unlike ANYTHING I  ever read in Armstrongism.

The writer above is correct to question above the long held belief that Herbert Armstrong restored church history and doctrine that God had somehow let get lost for 1,900 years.  Seriously, what kind of an impotent god would allow such a thing to happen?  Armstrong's god, apparently.

Is church history filled with corruption, greed, averse and destruction?  Absolutely, just like Armstrongism is filled with it to this day.  However, through it all there were faithful men and women who struggled with the Word they claimed to follow, struggled with doubt, struggled with failure and yet went to the four corners of the earth sharing a story they had that brought meaning to their lives.  They lived and died, many times murdered for their beliefs, yet the Church of God writes these people off as "deceived."  Or, as false prophet Bob Theil calls then, "so-called Christians."  These "deceived" and "so-called" Christans make the works of Theil, Flurry, Pack and Meredith look like baby pablum instead of the truth they claim it to be.

If you need some interesting reading for the summer then consider these books:

A New History of Early Christianity by Charles Freeman
Christianity: The First Three Thousand Years by Diarmaid MacCulloch
The Story of Christianity by Justo Gonzalez
A History of Christian Thought by Justo Gonzalez
Documents of the Christian Church  edited by Henry Betttenson and Chris Maunder
The Early Christan Fathers  edited by Cyril Richardson

Reading just one of these books quickly points out that Armstrongism is nothing more than an insignificant blip on the timeline.

Friday, March 13, 2015

10th Anniversary of the Living Church of God Killings and LCG Leaders Remain Silent

It is hard to believe that it has been ten years since Terry Ratzmann went on a shooting spree in the Milwaukee Living Church of God.  Ratzmann shot the church pastor, the pastor's son and five other church members killing them all.  He wounded four others.

Numerous news reports. in print and in video form, say that Ratzmann was disturbed by a sermon that Rod Meredith had given a couple weeks earlier that was sent out to all the LCG churches with the requirement that it be played.  Meredith and crew quickly scrubbed the sermon from its web site.

The local Christian community was shocked by the killings and put up small crosses in the snow in support of those murdered.  This however send Bob Theil into a snarling fit of anger complaining that these poor misguided cretins used a pagan symbol that the TRUE Church of God looked down upon.

The Living Church of God, as well as most of Armstrongism, has a long track record of preaching doom, destruction and death that is soon to be unleashed upon the United States, Canada, England and Australia.  At times they seem almost giddy with delight in the prospect of it happening. 

Many in the Living Church of God, particularly in Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin, are shocked that Rod Meredith and other leaders in the Living Church of God are completely ignoring what happened ten years ago.

One reader here wrote:
So, did a Meredith (Rod or Little Jimmy) say even ONE little thing to console LCG members upon the tenth anniversary of the deaths of their friends and loved ones? NO! All he did to mark the occasion was to cancel a previously scheduled Wisconsin feast site. Do you really think the timing of this disrespect to Wisconsin LCG members was a coincidence?
A book was even published on the shootings, written though by a Living Church of God member, Thomas Geiger.  Martyrdom in Milwaukee

This book, while filled with the tragic stories of what happened to the people that day, is a white wash supporting the Living Church of God in every aspect imaginable.

In 2006 I wrote on Gavin Rumney's blog, Ambassador Watch, about this book:

Geiger's account of his son witnessing the shootings and his son also almost getting killed is definitely moving. I also found the entire situation a tragic experience for all those involved.

The sad part of the book is that it is mostly a defense of Meredithism/Armstrongism.

According to Geiger, the entire congregation knew Ratzman had mental problems yet not one of them ever told him to get professional counseling. Of course, Meredithism like Armstrongism looks down on psychologists/psychiatrists. Geiger talks about how Ratzman would do weird things around all the members and they would laugh it off.

I found his following excuse of Meredithism relationship to the murders to be one sad comment:

"If it truly is your position that the Living Church of God is to blame for what happened, then by that same thought process you would be forced to blame Christ's disciples for his crucifixion."

The main difference with Meredithism/Armstrongism and the disciples is that the latter group was actually following Jesus, while the former group does not. I mean, how can they? They can't even talk about him without mocking him. At least Geiger did not seem to have a problem with the crosses displayed at all the memorial services. Which stands in sharp contrast with Meredithism cult apologist Theil and his silly embarrassing tirade.

Even the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel took issue with Geigers book.  The Painful Truth has the article up from which the following quote is from:

Geiger, who was friends with Ratzmann for many years through the church, devotes the first chapter of his book to episodes in which he believes Ratzmann behaved as a "genius," a "hero" and a "caring and sensitive man who could harm no one when in his natural state."

In an interview, Geiger said he was not trying to absolve Ratzmann of responsibility for the shootings, which left four other church members with non-lethal injuries.

"I don't want to whitewash the man," Geiger said. "He does bear a measure of guilt."

But considering that Ratzmann was known as a friendly man with no history of significant violence, Geiger said, "I find it difficult to ascribe all of that to him humanly."

As the congregation gathered March 12, 2005, for its regular Saturday service, Ratzmann fired 22 shots from the back of the hotel meeting room with a 9mm handgun, stopping once to reload.

In "Martyrdom in Milwaukee," Geiger dedicates the 178-page work to Ratzmann's victims and writes extensively about them, especially about the youngest victim, Bart Oliver, Geiger's nephew.

Bart's mother, Loni Oliver, who is Geiger's sister, said some parishioners are unhappy about the book, partly because they suspect Geiger is trying to profit from the tragedy. The paperback sells for $14 to $17.

The book is not widely discussed among Living Church of God members, who continue meeting every Saturday at a new location in Waukesha.

"There are people who do have a problem with it," Oliver said, "so you just don't talk about it."

It is surprising, given the number of crazy Church of God leaders that we now have running various splinter personalty cults, that another killing spree has not happened again. With Gerald Flurry's cult breaking up families and destroying marriages to Dave Pack's mindless blabberings that are also ripping families apart financially and physically, it is only a matter of time till someone snaps.

When that happens these cult leaders will not take responsibility and many members will still not hold their leaders accountable.  It will be Satan who is out to destroy the true church.  The troops will rally and the leaders will recover.  Doom, death and damnation will continue on and the money will roll in.


Church, Police Probe 7 Murders
Open Letter to Ron Dart: We Are Not Cowards
Relatives Struggle For Answers After Shooting
New York Times: Gunman Kills 7 In Wisconsin Church Group
What Motivated Terry Ratzmann’s Shooting Spree in the Living Church of God?
The Painful Truth: Terry Ratzmann (has links to sermon)
Eight Dead in Living Church of God Shooting Spree!