Friday, March 20, 2015

Is It A Sin To Stop At Starbucks On Saturday? "Horrified" Legalist Has Seen Church Members Going Into Stores!!!!!

The legalists that claim to follow every word of God faithfully are the biggest law breakers around.  While they spit and snarl at church members stopping at Starbucks on a long drive to church or grabbing a warm doughnut, they click their tongues in disgust and indignation.

A Malmite writes:
Once paying people to work for you [Supposedly converted people] is considered “okay”, it certainly is a slippery slope. Next thing you know it’s “okay” to stop at 7-11 or Starbucks for coffee on the way to church, or it’s okay to fly home from the Feast, or buy some donuts for Sabbath brunch, or to conveniently stop at the grocery store for something to bring for after services, or BBQ a huge dinner for guests, or why not have a reunion picnic with family who don’t keep the Sabbath, or have a workman service your plumbing problem or play some backgammon. Next thing you know it’s just like a Sunday service you go to on Saturday with all these other distractions that aren’t even Sabbath related! I have seen all these things and many more in LCG!! Horrified I even saw someone run to the store on the Sabbath for Club Soda so they could make more mixed drinks for their guests since they ran out! Wow!! The list could go on and on. I certainly think HWA was wrong to put his stamp of approval on “eating out” but he probably would roll over in his grave to see what is considered Sabbath observance today by ELDERS and brethren!!

UCG's Scott Ashley Lashes Out at James Malm's "Vomit" While Calling Him a "Congenital Liar" a "Lying Fool" and a "Useful Idiot"

James Malm has been working overtime to stir up a stink in the UCG over the idiotic nonsense of who is using the right calendar.   Various other useful idiots over the decades have written countless papers attempting to prove which calendar is to be used, which dates are proper dates, when the first grain of barley is found in some forsaken field in Israel or when the faintest glimmer of a new moon is sighted in Jerusalem.  These apparently are supposed to have relevance to people in other countries who are a part of the minuscule chosen remnant who pretend to be "christian" Jews who place more importance on keeping the law than on anything Jesus ever said or did.

Scott Ashley did not take kindly to James recent rantings.

Hello James,
I see from your comments below and a look at your website—which I haven’t looked at for about 2 1/2 years—that you remain a congenital liar incapable of telling the truth.
As recently as last week your website continues to beat the dead horse that UCG plans to change the Sabbath—even though more than four years have passed since the cogwa split and the United Church of God has made none of the changes you’ve predicted. You seem to fail to grasp that you were used as a useful idiot by those who left UCG to form cogwa, knowing that the only way they could attract a following was to allege that UCG was going to change doctrine—a charge they knew was false. But they couldn’t state the real reasons for the split, which were that they demanded to be in control. They found in you a tool they could use to spread those lies, and you were too stupid to realize that you were being used. I feel sorry for you that you were too blind to see what they were doing, and were able to use you as a tool for deceit and division.
You say “It is widely reported in UCG that you and Gary Petty have said that the paper ‘the Defense of the Biblical Calendar’ has merit.” Really? I find that impossible to believe since the only people who have ever asked me about it or said anything about it to me are the family who gave an earlier version to me and one other elder I passed it on to as a heads-up. I’ve said nothing to anyone about the merits of the paper since I hadn’t read it (and still haven’t). So in your message to me you write two more lies that have no basis in fact.
For the record in the interests of truth, I do not know when or if the paper will be looked at the Doctrine Committee (of which I am a member). If it has been submitted according to the defined process, we have not been notified yet.

Scott Ashley

PS—As for your book, I have no interest in reading it since your track record of predicting the future has been so abysmally wrong over recent years (as in UCG is planning to change the Sabbath, UCG is planning to introduce the Trinity, UCG is planning to change the Holy Days, ad nauseum). You’ve shown by your track record that nothing you write is worth my time reading. I have no time for lying fools whose mission in life is to slander and spread division—which I have no doubt you will try to do with this calendar issue. Take your vomit somewhere else and don’t waste my time.

Revelation 21:8—“. . . and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

Romans 16:17—”Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them.”

Thursday, March 19, 2015

It's That Time Of Year Again: The Church of God's Second Favorite Holy Day

Its that time of year again and the false prophets of Armstrongism are going over board in denouncing Lent, Holy Week and Easter.  Almost every single one of these guys have gotten their information out of church related works, the debunked Hislop's Two Babylons and other anti-Catholic screeds in print.  Reading their drivel makes it painfully obvious that they are totally oblivious of anything connected to the season.  This is especially true of Bob Thiel, James Malm, Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith, Dave Pack and UCG.

As Bereans Did has an interesting posting up about Easter and all the various myths that continue to float around Armstrongism about the season.

Did Easter start in Nimrod’s day?
No. That is an outright lie built on terrible etymology and pseudo-history, and passed off as fact due to repetition. There is nothing remotely in the realm of reliable historical evidence to demonstrate this. All of these sorts of Nimrod, Ishtar, Tammuz, etc claims find their beginning with Alexander Hislop. He’s the one who made it all up in the late 1840’s. Maybe you didn’t know that Hislop is completely unreliable. I can hardly blame you for not knowing this. Among the people who promote his writings are Herbert Armstrong and thus the leaders of every one of the COG splinter churches, Dave Hunt, Chuck Missler, Richard Rives, the Christadelphians, the Jehovah’s Witnesses – the list goes on and on. But if you really want the truth about Hislop, then please send away for Mr. Ralph Woodrow’s book “The Babylon Connection”. It will give you the information that you need to know about Alexander Hislop.
See our posts “The Babylon Connection” and “The Two Babylons” for more.
Think about it… Some people, following Alexander Hislop, say Easter is an ancient Babylonian holiday that was kept continuously by the Catholic Church since Nimrod’s day. But if it was always being kept then it cannot be the result of the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. It cannot be both.

If it was the product of the Council of Nicaea then it cannot be the result of the Catholic Church which only sent two representatives to the Council. It cannot be both.

The first mention of Eostre is in the eighth century, not the first century, nor the fourth century, and certainly not 2,000+ BC. They can’t all be right.
The early church called it Pascha and only several centuries later came the name Easter. If Pascha is centuries older tha Easter then Easter cannot be the source of Pascha. It cannot be both.

What kind of coincidence could possibly cause the holiday to be called Easter by the Babylonians, then Pascha by the Greeks and Latins, then Ostern by the Germans, then Easter once again by the English?
These contradictions cannot all be true. Who will you believe? Don’t make up your mind yet. There’s more.
The article goes on to cover these qucik facts:

Is Easter a pagan holiday coopted by the Catholic Church?
Was Passover replaced by Easter at the Council of Nicaea?
Should we call Easter by the name Passover?
Is the King James Version right in translating Acts 12: 4 as “Easter”?
Is Easter tied to the Spring Equinox because of paganism?
Is the Pope responsible for the change from Passover to Easter?
Is Easter named after a goddess?
What of the goddess Ostara, then?
What of the Austriahenae inscriptions?
Was Ostara’s consort a hare?
Is Eostra/Ostara actually Ishtar?
Did Ishtar hatch from an egg?
Did Ishtar have rabbits and eggs as her symbols?
Where does the tradition of eggs come from if not from paganism?
Where does the tradition of the Easter Bunny come from?
Is the cross just the first letter of the name Tammuz?
Does Lent come from the weeping for Tammuz?
Where did Lent come from if not from paganism?
How can we fit “three days and three nights” into Friday evening to Sunday morning?
Does the Holy Week support a Wednesday or Thursday crucifixion?
Was there a holy day then a weekly Sabbath in the crucifixion week? 
When did the women prepare spices?
Wasn’t Sunday worship itself adopted from paganism?
Other links they provide: