Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Guess who's home this is....

Guess which COG leader owns this house....
currently worth $448,000.00

And this one:

And this one:

Dude...Wait....... What?????????

I received the following private post this morning.  I guess I need to get out my Strong's Exhaustive Concordance to try and figure out just what this person is trying to say.

What a disgrace you are. Just because a lot of brethren left in 1996 to go to the Feast and thereby 'join' Joe does not mean you can drop your bundle. Where is the LOVE (cf. Mr Armstrong) to those brethren that God had mercy on post-1996? Should you not also exhibit brotherly love? I am ashamed to say I was congregationally fellowshipping with you critics. Thanks for succouring the scattered ones. I AM being sarcastic! Shame. Shame. Shame.

The church left for the Feast in 1996 to join Joe?
Dropping my bundle?
God only loved the pre-1996 "brethren?"

Monday, March 23, 2015

Which Church of God May Prove To Be The Most Deadly?

With all the craziness going on with David Pack, Gerald Flurry,  Rod Meredith and other Church of God splinter personalty cults, it may not be long till something deadly happens again.  Vote in the latest poll to the right on who that might be.

Living Church of God: Home of Big Brother

Things continue to slowly melt down at the Living Church of God headquarters in Charlotte.  Every time one of these stories comes out here, LCG brass start proclaiming that the LCG is more unified than every and that EVERYONE loves each other with so much love that even God is surprised.  It is easy to see why Herbert Armstrong refused to name Rod Meredith as his successor.

Rod Meredith is keenly aware of his beloved source of money crumbling a little more each day as employees and members alike get more and more frustrated with his rhetoric. There are indeed "loose bricks" at LCG headquarters in Charlotte. Its unclear as to whether he continually writes and preaches about the purest ministry ever and the most unity in the history of the church in an effort to convince himself or others; or if he is truly delusional.

Meanwhile there are so many issues and unhappy employees / ministers at LCG headquarters that Meredith has now begun to check private emails of his employees looking for dissenters, negative comments about himself or his soldiers or communication with the ex-communicated. Any emails sent to or from private @lcg.org email accounts is scrutinized by someone in IT for offending statements. Nothing is private. If it goes through their server, it is theirs. Meredith's paranoia is unfathomable.

Of course people are smart enough to send email that they truly want to be private via web-based email such as Hotmail or gmail. Roddy probably hasn't figured that out though since he's stuck in 1957 (when it was widely acceptable to discriminate against blacks and homosexuals).

It is somewhat amusing to imagine that someone gets paid to monitor Facebook accounts and private emails over at LCG. Is there nothing better these people can do with their time?