Thursday, April 16, 2015

Bob Thiel Publishes New Book On Hillary Clinton - 'Is She The Antichrist?'

Bitter Bob is back with a new book.  After bringing the wrath of Rod Meredith down on his head for publishing his absurd book on President Obama, Bitter Bob is back now trashing Hillary Clinton from a Church of God point of view.  Regardless of anyone's point of view on Obama or Clinton, no Church of God leader has any right to be speaking out about the President or  presidential hopefuls if they do not vote.  The day these "men" start voting then they can have a voice.  Till that happens their viewpoints are worthless.

Bitter Bob for some reason holds himself up as the worlds foremost authority on the Bible, prophecy, Mayan's, Catholicism and politics.  He floods numerous web sites with his drivel that he posts as "news commentary."  Since he was doubly blessed by a Living Church of God "minister" the Bitter Prophet has been trying to get his word out to all the world.  The only people that seem to listen are people in African nations who are looking for gullible Americans to dish out money to them.

Now that the United States is heading into another mind-numbing political showdown for the White House, non-voting Bitter Bob feels his opinions about the presidential candidate is worthwhile.

These are the exciting topics that Bitter Bob has included in his ebook.

Its ten 10 chapters answer these exciting questions:
  1. Hillary Rodham Clinton: Background, Morality, and Hebrew Prophecy
  2. Hillary Clinton, Islamic Prophecy, and Related Biblical Prophecy       
  3. Is Hillary Clinton the Antichrist?      
  4. The Names “Hillary,” “Diane,”“Rodham,” “Clinton,” and Her Faith 
  5. 20 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton is Apocalyptic
  6. Buddhist, Native-American, and Other Prophecies       
  7. Nostradamus and Hillary Clinton     
  8. Immorality, Republicans, and Prophecy
  9. The King of the North, Hillary Clinton, and the End of the United States, and its Anglo-Saxon Allies
  10. Hillary Clinton is Fulfilling End Time Prophecy

Regardless of all the dumb things Rod Meredith has said and done over the past 80 some years, getting rid of Bob Thiel was his best decision ever.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

COG Splinter Group Leader Says He's Not Crazy Even Though He Is Talking To Aliens

“We come to bring you the Truth in this final stage of human development on this planet. This message you must receive. It is absolutely important for your survival and your advancement. If you are to entire [fill up] a new phase of growth a number of brids [human hybrids] must arise to bring stability and equilibrium to your current situation. Only this will be able to create extended preservation. Humans have the opportunity in this time to emerge in the Greater Community, that of the extraterrestrial. The choice is yours.” ~ Anoh

Its been a while since I had anything up on Eric King, that wild and crazy leader of the Church of God Speaking to the Remnant aka The OFFICIAL Worldwide Church of God.  King has been through so many different versions of his own church it is hard to keep track of them all.  He has now officially named his group the Science of Christian Thought.  As unbelievable as it is, he actually has a few followers.

Of course adding Herbert Armstrong's name to any variation of the Church of God will draw in gullible members.

SOCT thus comprises an international organization dedicated to bringing what it calls the “Seventh Message” to planet Earth. SOCT religious beliefs encompass the teachings of early Christianity as confirmed by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, the sixth era apostle. SOCT teachings also contain advanced understandings of physics (science in general), astronomy, neurology and the controversial subject of UFO’s and extraterrestrials. SOCT makes the claim that we have received ET contact and information. ~

Unless you heed this message from King and Anoh the earth will be "recycled."  

Have no fear though, just as HWA  gave lip service to Jesus, King does the same.  King also claims to use the Christian Bible just like Meredith does...Meeting the Aliens

We believe in a literal person popularly known as Jesus Christ which appeared on this planet a little over 2000 years ago as of October 7th 2011. He brought advanced knowledge and took the religious books of ancient Israel; the Torah, the Prophets & the Writings to use as his foundation to begin the upgrade. Why these books? These books were already the result of multiple religions. They contained a basic compellation taken from many stories which circulated in ancient Mesopotamia. We believe that these compilations were guided by Divine Intelligence. SOCT students still use the Christian Bible to study and teach from. We understand the Christian Bible to be our “religious” and “spiritual” book. ~We believe in a literal person popularly known as Jesus Christ which appeared on this planet a little over 2000 years ago as of October 7th 2011. He brought advanced knowledge and took the religious books of ancient Israel; the Torah, the Prophets & the Writings to use as his foundation to begin the upgrade. Why these books? These books were already the result of multiple religions. They contained a basic compellation taken from many stories which circulated in ancient Mesopotamia. We believe that these compilations were guided by Divine Intelligence. SOCT students still use the Christian Bible to study and teach from. We understand the Christian Bible to be our “religious” and “spiritual” book. ~

King is has been posting endless "revealed' prophecies that he claims are coming true.  100% of his predictions are coming to pass every day; something that Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry and Rod Meredith are inept at doing. Every single thing these three buffoons have predicted has failed to came to pass. King 100% - Pack, Flurry, Meredith 0%

King says his alien personally visits him now.

King writes:

As many of you know I have had the privilege of communicating with extraterrestrials since I was a child at age 12. I have been in contact with many different types of ET’s. It wasn’t until July 14th 2014 that I had special contact with what is known as “the Keeper class”. These are the highest most evolved and advanced ET’s within our universe.

Shortly thereafter I was contacted by one special and particular ET who is called Anoh. He still makes contact with me periodically when there is a special and direct message to be given. I have no warning of these visits, they simply happen when and where they are supposed to.
 Thanks to the fact that his dogs had to "pee and poop" King was able to make contact with his alien.

So this first of my ‘latter year visits’ occurred during the month of July of 2014. I walked outside and my dogs came out, started barking and immediately ran back into the house. I let my dogs out to go pee and poop. Out of curiosity I shut my dogs in and walked further out from the house. My ears started ringing and popping. There were no apparent clouds in the beautiful nighttime sky. The next thing I realize is that I am probably in a dream. Why? Because all of a sudden I am sitting in a large circular type couch with many other humans, male and female all adults. We are asked [by whom I did not see] to please look into the viewers that were dropping down on us over our heads. These pipes came down with something like binoculars on the end of them. We all tilted our heads back and began to look into these viewers. ~

Then my consciousness jumps to another place and time. Now all of a sudden I am trying to hide in a small room. I hear somebody else say; “Here they come”. But I am alone and wondering where the hell I am. Then a doorway appears and small beings start walking up to me. I couldn’t really make out any facial futures but they appeared thin and small. I remember I said; “Please don’t kill me.” And in my head I received the answer: “Your person prevents us from such a thing.” They informed me that they were what I know as “the Keeper class”. One of the shortest of these beings informed me that I would - from this point on - receive a more conscious experience in a series of visits from a being I would come to call Anoh.” ~

That’s it. I woke up on the floor next to the door I originally let my dogs out to go to the bathroom. Since that experience I have been contacted by a human looking being. As a matter of fact you cannot tell him apart from any other humans other than he does move a bit peculiar…much more fluidly in his movements. He goes by the name Anoh [pronounced; On-oh]. He visits at night with no particular warning given. I have discussions about what I am supposed to write about and so I write it. I am not a highly educated person and in fact I am quite simple. I have been informed that many humans are having ‘visits’ for different reasons and some from different classes of extraterrestrials but I am informed not to be preoccupied with such cases. I have a different mission. ~
Now I know all of you are thinking that King is bat-shit crazy, but he's not!  He says so!

So does all this sound crazy? Well, I lead a fairly normal life considering all of these experiences and information. Surprisingly most people experience me as a ‘normal’ person. There are many people who have experienced strange things in their life’s but that doesn’t necessarily make them strange – or crazy. ~

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees

Here are some excerpts from an article written by a former COG member.  Its food for thought for those sincerely seeking to follow their God.  From by Richard of Decatur - Beware the Leaven of the Pharisees

Over forty years ago, I got involved with an organization in which I was initially miss-lead by its literature and ministry concerning its top leadership.  The membership was "conditioned‟ to not read or listen to any negative information concerning the church or its leadership.  After ten years, I finally discovered irrefutable proof that its founder was perhaps one of the most ungodly men who ever walked this earth. Yet, nearly everyone in that organization, ministers and members alike were "brainwashed‟ into reverencing that evil man.  The shock I felt when I heard of the hypocrisy and ungodly behavior of the leadership of that whole organization literally made me sick then and even now as I remember what I learned was taking place at headquarters while I kept to a very tight budget and continually gave all I could to that organization. 

When I left that evil corrupt church organization,my faith was almost in shambles.  I honestly was not sure of which beliefs I had accepted while associated with that organization that were really of God and which ones were the false teaching of a man? Only as I learned that the top leader had plagiarized and stolen Biblical truths from others and other organizations and then claimed them as his own was I able to begin to sift through God‟s Word trying to hold on to those that I could independently justify apart from that organization.  No one needs to experience something like that.  Sad to say, I have seen that many people who eventually learned the terrible truth and left that organization had their faith and trust in God destroyed.  They were so damaged spiritually they could never recover. Truth is the faith of many was really in a man and an organization and not in God and His Word.

  • The first thing we should learn from this scripture is to be wary of the leadership of religious organizations.  
 You want to get other‟s attention.  Make some comments about the leadership that might be possibly construed as not flattering or is downright negative.  It does not matter that the comment is absolutely the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  This is applicable to virtually all organizations.  Do this while a member of the armed forces and you could get yourself court-martialed.  Do this at work and you might be fired.  Do this in many religious church organizations and you will probably be excommunicated, marked,and kicked out. 

Let us further consider the last situation.  In addition to being kicked out of your church organization, you will find out that no one still in the organization will be allowed to have any further contact with you under penalty of having the same thing happen to him or her.  This creates a very difficult situation because often those still in the organization you were removed from had been for years your dearest and closest friends and some might even be family members.  Almost always, sad to say, these people will chose the organization and reject you.  Individuals in many church organizations are systematically brainwashed to think that membership in that organization is synonymous with salvation.  They fear the church leadership and are compelled to forsake those who leave rather than be subject to also being kicked out and losing their salvation.  This kind of teaching and behavior in church organizations is absolute proof they are not serving God and have become an abusive church and possibly a cult.
  • Many religious leaders say they have compassion on others but they sorely lack actual works to that effect.  Some ride in limousines and expensive airplanes.  Others live in mansions full of luxurious amenities.  Many dine in elegant and expensive restaurants.  There are some religious leaders who have secretaries and outer offices full of an inner circle of elite who guard access to them almost as extensive as the President of the United States has.  Am I the only one that thinks something is seriously wrong when leaders of a religious organization have as their closest friends and advisers those who are not members of that organization?  How can the membership support leaders who generally keep themselves from direct contact with rank and file members of their own organization?    
If you see the leader of a religious organization when coming before groups of the church‟s membership,enter at the last moment and leave immediately after they speak amid an entourage of their inner circle, flags should start waving in your head, SOMETHING IS SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH THIS ORGANIZATION!  When it becomes customary for everyone to stand and applaud religious leaders as they enter or leave pompously strutting not even feigning any signs of humility as they wave to the audience like nobility, alarms should be sounding, SUCH LEADERS ARE NOT OF GOD! Let me be clear, if you ever witness anything even remotely, like what I have just described, you are seeing the workings of a cult.  If you are a member of a church organization with any characteristics of this kind of leadership, GET OUT NOW!
  • The second aspect of the warning against the „leaven of Herod‟ relates to heredity.  Often we see the spouse and children of leaders treated with the same regard as the leader.  Usually we are speaking of men and their sons but this can also be characteristic of women and daughters who are leaders.  It is common practice in many leadership roles that a son automatically inherits the throne, title, or ownership.  While there is usually some kind of preparation as the son is "trained‟ as heir apparent to assume the leadership role, often it is not sufficient.  
In business, this inheritance often results in the total collapse and bankruptcy of the business as the heirs run the company "into the ground.‟  From the Bible we find the kings of Israel and Judah generally brought the nations to destruction and slavery. This scenario repeats itself so often it makes one think that there should be some kind of law that actually prevents this from happening.  The heir must be able and prove they have been prepared and are of the same kind of ability to rule as their father.  Of course, we are talking about good leaders, no one would want lousy leaders to be followed in kind by lousy heirs. 

Rod Meredith Disgusted By Traditional Christian Hymns

Songs of Praise at the Royal Albert Hall. 

Living Armstrongism has posted an entry about a sermon that Rod Meredith preached in 1953.  Meredith was fresh out of the "college" headquartered in Pasadena at that time. The sermon shows that Meredith's arrogant dismissive disdain for anything outside of the Church of God was formed at an early age and is retained to this day.

Many of the traditional Christian hymns that have been passed down over the last several centuries are magnificent pieces of music praising God in ways that hymns in the Purple Hymnal never did.  Armstrongism prefers hymns that sing about a vengeful god ready to squash and kill all those who are outside the Church of God.  Armstrongism sings it hymns to a god who is a god of war, violence, pestilence, and death. These hymns are usually the ones that are sung the most and with gusto.  Anything that smacks of grace or love from God towards creation or humanity are rarely sung.  If a hymn that is in the LCG hymnal is "protestant" based you can be guarantee many words have been changed to fit Meredith's theology.

Below is summary notes take by the blog owner on the things Meredith said in his sermon.
Condemning Non-Armstrongite Hymns

Now Meredith begins to discuss hymns. Meredith talks about how disgusted he is by the hymns of the other churches because they contain ideas that contradict what HWA has said, (or as he puts it in Armstrongite jargon "lies".) 

You (the Radio COG lay members) were finishing "Praise Him" which he approved of. Must "not let paganism come into this church". Thankful and congratulates Dwight Armstrong for writing the Bible Hymnal. (13-14 minutes.)

The more he listens to other hymns the more thankful he is that Dwight Armstrong has made the hymns in question. Other hymns have been edited.

Onward Christian Soldiers speaks of a cross. This has been changed to a sword. Nothing loving about the cross. Despicable cross. Not to be "worshiped" in any form.

Singing Hymn 33. Have to watch it regarding what is sung. Meaningless poetic language. Draw me to the cross. Offended that it talks about Christ bleeding. Not the Christ preached in the Bible. (17 minutes.)

Talks of how Protestants believe in "Little Lord Jesus", in mocking tone.

Christ did not have long hair. Protestants have pagan pictures -- idols -- of Jesus. With effeminate features. Portrayed as "sickly individual." He was a "he man". Not a sissy. Not a sissy. (He uses that phrase twice very quickly.)

HWA is preaching the word of God. Soundly. Sober.

Not just telling about the person of Christ.

Monday, April 13, 2015

LCG Lied About 2013 Income Claiming It Was Up 5% When It Was Really Down 9.1%

From the current issue of Living Church News:

Estates and Accounting
In the last couple of years, God’s Work has been particularly blessed by the estate donations it has received.  Those who can make such donations are indeed leaving a lasting legacy that can do great good for those whom God calls and to whom He wants to send a message of witness.  So we are very grateful for these donations as they come. Of course, this brings some accounting challenges, as those of you familiar with generally accepted accounting principles will recognize. For instance, our auditors last year required that some estate donations that were made in 2013, but not yet received in full until 2014 or even 2015, would be booked as “income” for 2013, because they were considered to be “receivables.” As a result (as you may remember from the article accompanying the 2013 audit, published in the September-October 2014 Living Church News, p. 20), this had the effect of “overstating’’ our 2013 income. Also, some estate receipts in 2013 were held over so the funds could be spread out for additional TV stations in 2014 and 2015. This had the effect of increasing our stated 2014 expenses and creating an operating deficit for that year.  So, even though we were blessed in 2014 with about a 5 percent real increase in regular income over 2013, the auditors’ statement for 2014 will show a paper decrease in income of about 9.1 percent in total income, largely because of these generous estate donations. The good news is that the reported income decrease and operating deficit will be due largely to established accounting rules.

Update and "Thank You" from the Business Office
LCG Business Office

 A reader here writes:

Ok, wait, I'm confused. So you lied about how much tithe money you brought in in 2013 to make the numbers look good and to profess your all so important "growth" thereby "proving" that LCG is being blessed as God's one and only true church so the deficit that you are running in for 2014 isn't really as bad as it looks because 2013 wasn't really as great as you said it was? And then you "held receipts" so you could spread out TV stations in 2014 and 2015? And the takeaway is supposed to be the income is down 9.1 percent  on paper but it's really up 5 percent?! Sounds like deception to me but what do I know.
As usual, it's likely that a large number of sleeping sheep won't even question this insanity because if headquarters says it, it must be real.