Thursday, June 11, 2015

Ron Weinland: Prophesied On Operating Table He Was To Die, Dies, Then Was Resurrected A Short Time Later

We all knew it  was a matter of time till Ron Weinland would imitate his predecessor Herbert Armstrong who  claimed he died and was brought back to life.  Like Armstrong, Weinalnd is using his resurrection as a way to revitalize the Church of God and put it back on track. Weinland says he has big things in store for the church.  Is ANY Church of God leader capable of EVER coming up with something new and original?

Recently Wienland had a heart attack and was rushed to the operating room.  Here is how he describes it:

The last thing I remember was when they were getting ready to transfer me from the portable bed to the operating table. However, after I woke up in the intensive care unit of the hospital, several nurses and some doctors who came around began to fill me in on what had taken place. One of the first that I talked to was a cardiac nurse who asked me what I remembered and if I remembered what I had said when, at one point, I sat up and spoke to them. I explained that the last thing I remembered was when they were getting ready to transfer me from the portable bed to the operating table, but I did not actually remember them doing the actual transfer.

This nurse informed me that on the operating table (but at what specific point, I am not sure) I sat up and said that I was going to die. Then I laid down and immediately flatlined (my heart stopped). They told me that at that point they announced over the hospital system a “code blue,” which was to notify all those who had anything to do with giving me defibrillation (electric shock therapy to start the heart) to get to their station and do so. They gave me the jolt I needed to get my heart going again. I have no idea how much time passed, but I think I understood them to say it took a couple of times to do this to get my heart started again. I’m not sure I have explained all this in a correct manner medically, but in my understanding, this is the best that I can relay what I was told.

Yet in all this, as everyone should strongly know, my life is fully in God’s hands, just as with everyone who has been called, begotten, and is then yielding to God’s purpose in their life. This has happened to me as a part of God’s purpose in what He intends to accomplish and produce through it, as well as it occurring precisely in His timing of those things He is working out. There has already been some incredible good that has come out of this, which will be revealed more fully at a later time. Although it was a pretty rough and difficult thing to experience (as my pain tolerance is not high, and this was extremely painful), it is truly nothing compared to the good that it has already produced. We should all keep that in mind and realize that in those things we experience of hardships, trials, and pain, that often others can be helped and/or strengthened by our experience. Then of course, we too can learn personally and become more fully perfected through such things we may go through in life, and especially in how we go through them.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

PCG: Ministers Are Here To Rule Over You. When They Make A Mistake You Need To Ask Why It Might Be Your Fault

The most perfect ministry that rules upon this earth today is in the Philadelphia Church of God. (Sorry Dave Pack, with all of your impotent claims lately your ministers have no credibility.)  The ministry of the PCG has been set upon this earth by God's direct hand and your salvation is dependent upon how you listen and follow what these men tell you.  If you dare to question or resist one of Gerald's ministers then you are resiting God!  The PCG even takes it down the ranks to the point you cannot question teachers, parents, and employers. In other words if you work at the PCG cult compound you CANNOT question ANYTHING!  Above all you cannot question WHY the PCG spends hundreds of thousands of dollars so that the PCG elite children can learn Irish dance - but that's another story.

The most telling comment below is that PCG members are not to question when "mistakes" are made.  Apparently by putting it in parenthesis this lets the PCG members know that the ministry is incapable of making mistakes and that it is most likely an issue of poor attitude of the  person complaining or questioning.  It is also apparent that when a person feels a mistake has been made that it is somehow THEIR fault.

Remember that God also uses His ministers to give counsel (Ephesians 4:11-16). The ministry is there to give guidelines, to encourage and exhort, but not to make decisions for you. God wants you to learn how to make decisions.

We are judged on how we incorporate God’s instructions into our lives. We must not resist Him. By judging those in authority—employers, ministers, parents, teachers—and then deciding that since they are not perfect we don’t have to look to them for guidance, we are denying God’s authority over us.

God judges us on how we treat those under our authority and how we submit to those in authority over us. We rule and are ruled.

How do we react when “mistakes” are made? Perhaps we need to ask God what He is trying to show us about ourselves.