Thursday, October 15, 2015

Learning the Craft of Storytelling from an Apocalyptic Cult

Glynn Washington talks about what its like growing up in the Worldwide Church of God and what its beliefs did to the emotional growth of its youth.

Learning the Craft of Storytelling from an Apocalyptic Cult

Glynn has national award winning radio show on PBS.

There is also a response from WCG/Grace Communion to the show.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Still Waiting...80 Some years later

This is what it's like listening to Herbert Armstrong, Garner Ted Armstrong, Mark Armstrong, Gerald Waterhouse, Tim Kitchen, Sam Kitchen, Rod Meredith, Gerald Flurry, Wade Cox, Steve Gilbreath, Dave Pack, Herman Hoeh, and all the other Church of God false prophets. Not one single thing any of them predicted has come to pass.