Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Rod Meredith: 63 Years Later And His World Is Still Coming To An End

Here is the logic that trickles from Rod Meredith's aging mind.  It is his PROOF that the end times is rapidly pounding down upon us.

I think all of us know that things are speeding up in the world – events are happening, that they are exciting. And many of the news analysts – famous news analysts – admit that there are more vast changes in this society than have ever taken place in hundreds of years; just one thing after the other. So it certainly shows that the end of this age is near, it really does, and that's exciting to me after been preaching these things for about 63 years to see them speed up to the degree they are.

Every decade brings about new and exciting discoveries.  This is nothing new.  It most certainly is NOT a forewarning of the end of the world.  It really doesn't!

He immediately jumps into his other trademark scare tactic...Big bad meanie Satan is on the warpath...again...through this blog and dissident members. Satan and the world HATE the LCG and is making life horrific for its members.

But brethren, as the end approaches we know that Satan's going to attack. God shows us the people of God are going to have a great deal of persecution, and also we're going to have Satan attack us. God describes a massive attack by Satan in Revelation chapter 12, where he fights God, he's cast back down to the earth, and he's going to cause trouble – the people on Earth are going to suffer as never before – we're not having that yet. But we need to be close to God, and we need to be ready for that kind of thing and understand what's ahead and really learn to put our full trust in Christ as the living head of God's Church and our living head. And the one that we walk with, talk with, personally know and have faith and trust in him and in his leadership.

Since when has the Church of God "walked and talked" with Jesus Christ?  How can the Living Church of God know anything about Jesus Christ when the church refuses to discuss him?  The law trumps Jesus Christ every time.

The first two paragraphs quoted above are the very first words out of Meredith's mouth in a sermon he preached on August 1, 2015.  Does Meredith have the capability of ever preaching anything positive and uplifting?  It's death and damnation from the get go in every single canned sermon he repeats anymore.  He apparently is incapable of coming up with new material.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Garner Ted Armstrong Auction

It's been several years since Garner Ted Armstrong died.  Now you have a chance to own many of Ted's personal belongings.  How about a mounted deer or antelope head that was killed on your tithe money's dime.  Ted would go on yearly hunting trips all paid for by tithe payers.

The ultimate knife in the back is that the auction is being held on a Saturday.

Check out the auction here.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Living Church of God Council of Elders Meeting: Will They Repent?

Several people have contacted me from the Living Church of God referencing the Council of Elders meeting that will be held this week.  Many feel that this blog will once again be the topic of conversation.  We have struck a raw nerve with LCG and Rod Meredith.  Will any of these men actually take into consideration the desires of LCG members about how they are being mistreated? 

How can they sit there knowing how vocal and hurt LCG members have been in expressing their pain here on this blog?  The mere fact that LCG members have to turn to a blog run by a "dissident" to have their voices heard shows how tired members are of the way they are being treated. They know they have no voice in their own church...a church that was supposed to be the epitome of love and care.

Many of the men sitting on the Council KNOW that things are wrong yet do not have the wherewithal to speak up and say the church has been wrong.

Will these men take into consideration these items that LCG members have expressed concern over?

  • Why is the ministry of the church so soulless? 
  • Why is kindness, justice, mercy, and humility completely lacking in those who think they are ministers of God?
  • RCM never was known for being kind, humble, just or merciful.  This is truly a sad commentary when his own members know this to be a fact!
  • ...disregard for the people began much earlier really with ministry lording over the people, using them for free labor , taking the chief seats at the feasts and the choice accommodations.
  •  The "helpers of your joy" were few and far between
  • I was "used" (speaking, leadership roles, etc.) by the ministry, as long as I toed their line, which eventually became impossible to someone who could see the hypocrisy and double standard that was in place. Sadly, the mirror never seemed to reflect the double standard by which they operated, allowing so many of them to take on the naked emperor's role, all the while never seeing their own naked and blatantly wrong condition.
  • ...where has the mercy, humility, etc. been all these years, from our Korah like leadership?  
  • Can you show us, from the Bible, how Matthew 18 does not apply to the ministry?
One LCG member wrote what the Living Church of God should be doing for its members, though the men doing this are few and far to be seen: 
The true sign of the church is the love they have one for another, bearing one anothers burdens, visiting, aiding, helping.

We have always had some of those people amongst us, thank God for them!

Will these men AND Rod Meredith publicly repent in front of their congregations, and church as a whole, for the mistreatment and abuse they are piling on members?

Will they have any accountability to anyone in the church?

Do they even care about true reconciliation?

Does power and law trump grace?

Living Church of God: Bob League and Rod McNair "Cast Me To Satan"

Comment by an exLCG member:
Bob League and Rod McNair "cast me to Satan" in 2014. They asked me to headquarters, sat me down in League's office and told me that it was their "duty as God's true ministers to cast me to Satan".

To this day, they have never given me any explanation or reason for why they did what they did. I have racked my mind searching for a reason that would justify their actions, but have found none.

I begged, cried, pleaded, prayed, wrote letter after letter beseeching them just to talk. They ignored it all and never saw me again after that fateful night. I was dead to them which wasn't such a stretch because in my heart I felt dead myself. That was the point after all. They wanted me to die and a huge part of me did die as a result of what they did to me.

In one fail swoop they took from me nearly every single person that I loved. Nearly every single friend that I had ever had in my adult life.

To put salt in the wound, they spread lies about me to tarnish my name and to ensure that they kept LCG members away from me.

I cried every day. Didn't want to even get out of bed. The profound sadness and despair that occurs when you lose everyone you loved without a single goodbye is literally the worse thing I have ever battled in my life. It feels like everything has been taken away from you and you've been left out in the cold to die a slow, painful death completely alone. Isolated, tarnished and alone.

Never knowing why made it even worse.

I still think about it every day. I ask God "why me"? I always tried to be a good Christian. How could God allow me to be falsely accused and 'cast to Satan'? How could God allow me to hurt so badly for no obvious reason?

After over a year of prayer, begging God for understanding, I have finally come to a place where I can see that none of those people every really loved me in the first place. None of them were ever really my friends at all. How can you just cut someone that you have spent countless hours with over the years out of your life without even speaking to them on the word of your minister? What kind of a person does that?

It has been a hard, slow road but I get a little more numb with each passing day. I pray for the day that LCG no longer occupies space in my head but at least the acute, daily sobbing phase of this loss seems to have passed.

It's so easy for people to say, "be glad you are out of that toxic environment, count it as a blessing" but I am flesh and blood. I really loved those people and thought we would love each other for the rest of my life. I never thought our relationships were disposable. It's a hard reality with which to come to grips.

I feel I will never be able to trust any group of people ever again, never give my heart over fully ever again. I don't think I would survive this kind of loss a second time. To avoid it, I have learned that I shouldn't give more than I can afford to lose.

If you are in LCG and reading this now, you are not immune. You may think you are safe, that your friends are real. But they aren't. If Meredith ordered them to shun you, they would.

The whole thing is fake. Real men of God would never do such a thing. Christ would never do such a thing. Shepherds keep the flock safe. I wasn't safe and neither are you.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Today Is The Start Of The Great Tribulation

From the False Prophet Ronald Weinland: Don't Drink the Flavor Aid Served by False Prophets

This post is timed for publication at the minute for sundown in Jerusalem at the start of False Prophet Ronald Weinland’s latest 1260-day period.

This well be the fourth Great Tribulation I’ve experienced.  The first Great Tribulation was the one that began in 1972 leading up to the time that Christ didn’t return on Trumpets of 1975 per the prophesy Herbert Armstrong cleverly had surrogates put out so he could deny it.

The second Great Tribulation began in April of 2008, when Ronald Weinland prophesied “nukular” explosions in US port cities by the following July, but this Great Tribulation didn’t last very long.  Weinland abandoned that timeline just two months later — but without his stopping his preaching in violation of his “If by Pentecost” promise made on March 29, 2008.  Instead, he announced another timeline.

The third Great Tribulation began in December of 2008, with Weinland and the Mrs. traveling to Jerusalem a second time on the tithe-payers’ dime to “begin their jobs as the Two Witnesses”.  But even though Weinland didn’t abandon this timeline, Christ did not return on May 27, 2012. Too bad for Ron because a couple of weeks later he was convicted on 5 counts of criminal tax evasion.

So now we have the start of the fourth Great Tribulation, with an extra 50 days padded in there to make Ron’s date counting come out.   This time Ron isn’t in Jerusalem as he is still an involuntary guest of the Bureau of Prisons residing at the minimum security prison camp in Terre Haute, Indiana.  But maybe he’ll breathe fire on the guards until they release him to take off his lime green jumpsuit and put on his $1500 suit of sackcloth in order to confront world leaders, turn water into blood, and strike the earth with plagues.

Somehow I think this is not the last Great Tribulation I will experience despite my advancing years.