Monday, March 14, 2016

Was Herbert Armstrong America's Greatest War Hero?

I received a document in the mail the other day about Herbert Armstrong.  I was not going to post it here, but its entertainment value is too great.   I am sure this will draw out a LOT of comments!  šŸ˜€

Here goes...though you may need a barf bag before you reach the end of it.

Even the best history books include a little bit of error here and there and, as long and detailed as they may be, they occasionally can gloss over some of the most significant aspects of specific historical events.  Strangely enough, this is the case for one of the most widely researched wars of our times, World War II.  It is difficult to believe but true that, to my knowledge, not a single historian has recognized the most compelling story of World War II.  This is an amazing story about one of the most patriotic, hard-working, dedicated, self-sacrificing individuals that has ever lived.  
Much has been written about the leadership of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Omar Bradley, Henry Arnold, Douglas Mac Arthur, Dwight Eisenhower, and George Patton. Much has been written about the great heroism of numerous individual soldiers and the important advantage the United States had with the efficient mass production of airplanes, tanks, guns, and battleships.  Much credit has been given to the Manhattan project.  At the same time, not a single history book has been written to tell the incredible story about the efforts of one visionary man who, in the end, achieved what no amount of tanks, planes or armies could have accomplished.  This visionary man almost single-handedly was responsible for helping the United States turn the tides of war and snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat. 
It is now time for America to hear "the rest of the story"... 
In 1940, America was totally unaware of the significance of World War II.  The nation was worried about Germany and the risk of entering a prolonged war when there was something much more certain and dangerous looming for the nation...Eternal judgment and punishment that was absolutely certain.
Fortunately there was one man who recognized this fact and he was a man that knew what to do about it.
Amazing Historical Fact No. 1:  World War II was a judgment on America and America would lose the war unless it repented!

·       Plain Truth, September/October 1941 page 7   "Our God is now about to punish… if our stiff-necked and rebellious people go on defying… trusting only in material and military defense… We shall be invaded, CONQUERED, uprooted from our homes and transplanted to other lands across the seas—ruled over as slaves."

·      CO-WORKERS BULLETIN, December 24th, 1941:  "...Remember this war is PROPHESIED! It is the LAST war! It is for a PURPOSE! God's JUDGMENTS are about to fall!

·       Plain Truth March/April 1942, p. 11:  “UNLESS America WAKES UP, repents, turns to God and puts her faith in Him, the punishment we already are suffering in greater and harder doses from week to week shall continue until there is invasion - and utter SLAVERY!"

Amazing Fact No. 2 - One man was willing to take on the responsibility of turning America around!

This man knew the nation had to be warned and he had the ability to build the support needed to fund this incredible effort to get this critical, patriotic message out to the entire nation. 
·       Co-Worker letter November 1942:   “God Almighty says in His prophecies we cannot win in this war UNLESS OUR PEOPLE REPENT AND TURN TO HIM.   
Co-workers, OUR contribution to the war-effort---OUR patriotic DUTY, if we would back up the boys in uniform and have their lives spared---is to SACRIFICE EVERYTHING and GET BEHIND THIS VITAL MESSAGE that it may go out with rapidly-multiplied POWER until this nation is AWAKENED, and TURNS TO GOD, and is SPARED! This war is a JUDGMENT SENT FROM GOD! Help me to warn this nation, that defeat need not come to our shores!”   
·       Co-Worker Letter August 24th 1942:  This war, for us, is a judgment sent from God.    ... THE DAY OF RECKONING IS HERE.

If we fail to WARN this nation, God says He will require the blood of the people at our hands. (Ezek. 33:1-6)
·       Co-Worker letter Feb. 16, 1943 To proclaim this life-and-death warning for our nation IS THE MOST IMPORTANT BUSINESS IN THIS WORLD TODAY.

It is more than just preaching the Gospel. THIS NATION MUST BE WARNED! The sure Word of prophecy says definitely the only way we can win this war is to REPENT as a nation, turn to God, seek Him and FIND Him, and put our trust in HIM! God has SENT this war upon us, as a JUDGMENT! The day of reckoning, for this nation, is HERE. This is of GOD! HE SAYS SO!

We all have witnessed who well THAT worked out.  However, this person continues with this:

Amazing Fact No. 3 - This amazing man got America to repent!

Although this mass repentance has not typically been documented, there can be no doubt that it happened since the United States of America did not suffer defeat nor did we lose 1/3 of our population, nor did we become slaves.

Amazing Fact No. 4 – America’s greatest war hero was too humble to take credit for his patriotic effort and his place in history remains untold!

Although only one man could recognize America's true problem in World War II, understand the only possible path to avoid certain defeat, and then to have the skills necessary to devise and successfully implement such an ambitious plan to assure victory for our nation, this man was too humble to take credit for doing so. This man was Herbert W. Armstrong!

And although HWA accomplished what no amount of tanks, planes or armies could do, he never spoke one word about his success in this area. 

How incredible humble he was!

Rod Meredith and His Version of Shariah Law

Rod Meredith wrote another letter of encouragement to his members.   It has an angry god who is still pissed off and sex.   He titled his article: The Answer.
He starts it off with a comment about the kingdom of God he wants to come.
War, crime, inequity and hate pervade our human society. Only the Kingdom of God will bring to earth the peace, prosperity and harmony that will allow humanity to flourish, but Christians can have a foretaste of the Kingdom by living God's way! 
What he writes is a regular  theme that most Christians believe.  However, there is his version which is proprietary and exclusive and the version of God's kingdom that is grace filled and inclusive that most Christians believe.  That is the big difference in Meredith's kingdom where a few chosen ones will be taken to some hell hole in Jordan where they will be trained to rule with rod's of iron on some distant planet with a sheriffs badge, and the kingdom of God that many Christians want to bring to earth in this present age one person at a time. as they seek to heal and restore those around them.

Meredith continues:
All over the world, millions are beginning to realize more than ever that the world around them—the entire human society—is coming apart and coming to a bitter end unless massive changes come about soon. For entire governments are being overthrown right and left throughout the Middle East, Africa and elsewhere. The terrorist group widely known as ISIS has overthrown several governments and undermined the stability of others. Their model of governance is essentially a dictatorship, which rules under Sharia Law—a legal system derived from a particular medieval understanding of the Muslim holy book, the Quran, and subsequent commentaries. In practice, as millions can attest from personal suffering, this is a harsh and bitter way of life that oppresses not only women but in fact the healthy family and every part of society.  
Meredith complains about Sharia Law, yet the kingdom he expects usher in will be just as legalistic and abusive.  For decades Herbert Armstrong,  Meredith, Flurry, Pack and most other ministers have promoted a kingdom where specially chosen Church of God members will be rulers, lawgivers, AND punishers!  Even  as a child I remember Meredith bellowing about how church members would be taught to rule with rod's of iron in order to whip the sinful heathens of the world into shape.

Meredith's god and the god of the church has always been this one big pissed off diety that can't wait to wipe humanity off the face of the earth.  The law that Meredith wants to dish out in this kingdom is no better than Shariah Law.

Unlike Meredith, Christians have always been blessed by the grace and joy they feel and seek to bring a foretaste of that  kingdom to earth, one person at a time.  These are the ones feeding the homeless, caring for the destitute, encouraging the disenfranchised, healing the sick, giving those around them a foretaste of  the kingdom to come.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Joe Sanchez: On the " and complete lack of transparency by the ministry. "

I received this today from Joe Sanchez.  He has a web site up that tries to take the leadership of the Churches of God to task for their behind the doors shenanigans where they "exonerate or condemn members" behind closed doors without the ekklesia having a say in the situations.  This has lead to situations like Rod Meredith giving all of his kids hall passes for adultery, drugs and other issues while kicking out regular members over the slightest infractions.

He writes:
Gentleman, this system that the Church of God has used for over 60 years, where in the leadership of the church has been able to either exonerate or condemn members of the Church in secret has accommodated an untold amount of evil and has systematically dissolved trust within the membership. 
He has written letters to COGWA and Living Church of God detailing his take on this situation.

So what led him to take on this issue?  It seems a lot to have to do with his mother.  According to Sanchez she was a serial adulterer who had countless affairs while maintaining a glowing reputation in the church for her good works.

My mother was killed in a car accident with my step father in November of 1989. At the time we were living in Eastern Oregon. She was a mother of 4, solid member of the church, attended regularly and served often in our congregation. There was only one small problem. She was a consistent and frequent adulterer. It wasn’t until later in life that I was able to piece all of the memories together to try and get a count. I estimate she had somewhere between 7-12 affairs that I could put a face to. No doubt there were many more. She was married 3 times and the last marriage took place just a couple months before the accident. And so the question I have is: how is it that someone who was so active in the church, was able to remain a member in good standing and live like she did? My mother definitely had her good qualities but turning a blind eye to her sins didn’t help her at all. I believe it destroyed her.
He also writes:
In the 40+ years I have been in the church of God I have seen multiple churches divide and split time after time- for the same reason. I have seen sexual predatorsgiven hall passes. I have seen good honest Christians, who are just trying to serve God, kicked to the curb like a piece of trash after decades of loyal service. I have seen decisions being made by the Ministry that greatly affected my family, done haphazardly that have affected me still to this day. 

Reading his site gives the impression that he is looking for the membership to have a say in situations like this.  I can see it now, member courts who decide who and how members get punished.  This  creates an entire new set of issues that open the doors for more abuse.  Many members are as vindictive and abusive as the leadership.  This is quit apparent in the PCG, LCG and RCG where members will turn in fellow members for the slightest received indiscretion all to ingratiate themselves with the minister/leader.

This is an issue that will never be corrected in a Church of God.

You can read his site here along with study papers and responses form COGWA:  To the Ekklesia