Thursday, April 28, 2016

UCG: Creepy New Jelly Video

If we thought the creepy Jelly videos could not get any worse, wait till you see this one!
As one person on Facebook noted; Jelly goes into orgasmic delight while stirring potatoes for the Sabbath meal.

What were you thinking UCG?
What were you thinking?

Lets not discuss the singing....Oy!

Why is Philadelphia Church of God Plagued by Lice and Parasites?

For some reason the Church of God has always had an issue with lice, scabies and other infections spreading through its ranks.  Lice, scabies and other infections would spread rapidly though the Ambassador campuses almost every single year.

It seems that phenomenon is carried over into the cult compound in Edmond, Oklahoma where the elite of the Philadelphia Church of God dwell in isolation.

Imagine building a multimillion dollar concert hall using the finest velvets seat coverings, courting the public for subscribers who pay big bucks for sitting in those luxurious seats, all without telling them that earlier in the day at Sabbath services lice infected students and members knowingly were sitting there.

PCG knew about it and even laughed about in on stage.

From a reader:

If only they'd clean Gods House and the John Amos Field house as well physically as they want us to clean. Seems every Fall just before the Feast there's a Lice outbreak! It was so bad one year that the whole orchestra section was infected, but Turgeon assured us that Lice won't get us in the balcony.  
There's also the problem of the students having parasites. Most church volunteers won't eat their lunch at the FH because too many of us have gotten so violently sick. Cleanliness is not a concern to the Kruegers though. It's common knowledge that the church makes the students do parasite cleanses because it's such a problem. One young man wouldn't shake our hands one Sabbath because he had ringworm. 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

COG False Prophet Does Not Like Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump

Leave it to a non-voting self-appointed Church of God leader to put forth his opinions on the current field of electoral candidates for president.  For some reason COG leaders have felt that they are the end-all when it comes to voicing opinions on governmental processes, even though none of them have wherewithal to get off their pampered gluteus maximus and cast a real vote because they are too godly.

Doubly-blessed and self-appointed Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel has this to say about Hillary Clinton:
Hillary Clinton proudly promotes sexual immorality that the Bible condemns–her speaking fees and the Clinton Foundation suggest at least a minimal love of money. She also despises those who hold to biblical marriage and the rights of the unborn. She promotes class warfare and other forms of covetousness. She claims Christianity, but certainly does not practice biblical Christianity.
Hillary promotes immorality while the leadership of the Church of God has been filled with pedophiles, serial adulterers, and stalkers.  That's apparently ok.  Its wrong for a presidential candidate to have personal views while it is ok for COG leaders to be sexual perverts.  Talk about a double standard!

As for her taking money for speaking fees, what about COG leaders demanding 30% in tithes and offerings so they can build monuments to their own vain glory.  Why is that not an issue?  COG ministers destroy families, marriages and lives as they promote class warfare in their own ranks with the privileged elite living in luxury while the membership suffer.

Prophet Thiel and the rest of the COG leaders claim Christianity but do not practice biblical Christianity.

The Doubly-blessed prophet then declares this about Donald Trump:
Donald Trump is an admitted adulterer who said he has never repented before God, and he approves of various behaviours that the Bible condemns–he is also a proud, boasting, lover of money.  He despises many. He promotes nationalistic covetousness. He claims Christianity, but certainly does not practice biblical Christianity.
Donald Trump admits he is an adulterer.  He admits it. Herbert Armstrong was a child molester.  His son Garner Ted was a serial adulterer.  Neither admitted it.

Other ministers in the Church of God are also adulterers, pedophiles, raging alcoholics, and more. Of which, none of them have ever repented because they STILL are doing it.

They spiritually abuse their members and get by with it while other COG leaders refuse to say anything because "they are our brothers."

Herbert Armstrong, Dave Pack, Bob Thiel, Gerald Flurry, Rod Meredith, Vic Kubik, David Hulme and others, were/are proud, boastful, arrogant and lovers of money.  That's not an issue though because "they are our brothers."

Prophet Thiel and the rest of the COG leaders claim Christianity but do not practice biblical Christianity.

Until Bob Elijah Elisha Amos Thiel and the rest of the non-practicing pseudo-christian leadership of the Church of God start voting; their opinions are worthless.