Friday, August 19, 2016

Devious Bob Thiel tries to pull one over on the government

The world's greatest double-blessed apostle, the world's foremost Mayan authority and modern day embodiment of Elisha, Elijah and Amos, has produced a new video.  This video is just like all the others he produces.  It is filmed in the same room of his home that all of his other church videos are done.  Sunlight bleeds though cheap curtains while not a crooked bookcase is to be found.

What sets this video apart from all the others?  Not much, but he thinks there is a lot.  He feels that since he si talking about hte electiosn that he cannot use his chruch funds for that purpose.  DOing so would set him up for legal action from the government for trying to influence the election.  No one is deceived by Thiel's claims, other than himself.  It is the same typical bullshit he preaches week in and week out.  So what if he is not voting for either Hillary or Donald.  He is still using his house, his film equipment, his money to fund this video.  Just another COG liar.

He makes these following claims:
Published on Aug 14, 2016Some have claimed that it is their Christian duty to vote for one of the major US presidential candidates in 2016. Dr. Thiel gives ten of his personal reasons why he will not vote for Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump. He discusses their positions on many matters and supplies scriptural reasons for his position. Dr. Thiel also challenges the claim that Jeremiah 29:7 is an instruction to vote. If you claim to be a Christian, you should check out his ten reasons. 
A written article of related interest is titled "Ten reasons I will not vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump" URL: 
Note: This video contains Dr. Bob Thiel's biblically-based personal opinions. This video was not funded by the Continuing Church of God and no tax-exempt funds were used to prepare it.
He uses church film equipment, his house that he deducts as his parsonage, his utilities that he deducts from his parsonage expense.  He uses his son or other church member to help record the sermon.  Then uses church computers to post it to the internet, and then posts it on his church Youtube page.

So why lie and claim personal opinion and that this is not a church related video? All of his videos are personal opinion.  There is nothihng biblical that he preaches.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Film Being Made On Decision of COG Family To Use Medicine To Save Child

"The Future of Man" Short Film Project from Feazible Productions on Vimeo.

An anti-medicine cult controls every aspect of Josie's life. When she's forced to break one of its core tenets in order to save her young son, she risks public humiliation and permanent isolation from her family.

From the web site: The Future of Man
I was raised in the Worldwide Church of God, a Pasadena, California-based religious cult, founded by the evangelist Herbert W. Armstrong, that prohibited its members from using modern medicine. 
When I contracted a near-fatal pneumonia infection at the age of six, my father, a high-ranking minister, and my mother made a bold choice to defy the church's strict rules and take me to a hospital, where I was given antibiotics and saved.
It can be hard for someone who has never been in a brainwashing cult to understand why someone in the situation like the one my parents were in can't just pack up and leave.
Organizations like the WCG, while venerating the family unit publicly, actually weaponize familial relationships by teaching (and forcing) members to ostracize relatives who leave or are disfellowshipped. My parents' familial, social, spiritual, and professional lives were all inexorably tied to the church.
When I was sallow, colorless, and becoming weaker by hour, they must have certainly struggled with a brutal internal conflict. On one hand, there was clearly something seriously wrong with me and their parental insticts would compel them to use any means necessary to fix it. On the other, taking me to the hospital could very likely cause not only terrible devastation to all of our personal lives, but a permanent "F" on a test from God.
My goal for this short is to capture and dramatize that conflict.

UPDATED: It's All "Their" Fault...Until Malm, Thiel and Meredith are on the receiving end and then it is a "Test" from their god.

For many years now the American religious scene has been filled with one outrageous comment after another by men who claim to have an inside track with their god.  

Every time there is a hurricane, flood, tornado, earthquake or some other natural disaster the god-haunted men start running off at the mouth about how their god is punishing the country for the sins of all the gay people out there.  From James Dobson to Pat Robertson, Tony Perkins, to Bob Thiel, James Malm and Rod Meredith, the list goes on.

Robertson has claimed that the 1994 Northridge earthquake here in LA was the result of the gays.  

Hurricane Bonnie was the result of Disney World allowing "Gay Days" at the resort.  Leading up in the days ahead of the hurricane Robertson claimed it was heading directly to Florida because of Disney.  It bypassed Florida and hit Hampton Roads, the area that Pat Robertson is based. 

 Joni Jacobs claimed that the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" was the root cause of the Japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 that killed close to 16,000 people. Japan suffered and tens of thousands died because of President Obama.

Then there was Jerry Falwell who made this statement after the World Trade Center attacks in 2001.
 "I really believe that the pagans and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularized America. I point the finger in their face and say, 'you helped this happen.'"

Then there was Michael Margave who claimed Hurricane Katrina happened to New Orleans because of the gays.  Jumping on that band wagon was one of the biggest theological liars in the country, John Haggee.  He claimed that Katrina happened because of a gay pride parade in New Orleans the prior week.  

In 2012 Pam Olsen claimed that the US was being hit by horrendous tornadoes, earthquakes floods an fires because of marriage equality.

Susanne Atanus claimed that gays are causing autism and dementia in children and older adults.  

Rick Santorum blamed the 2008 economic collapse on the gays.

Then there are the Armstrongite "ministers" who claim they have a direct line with their god and can cast about all kinds of accusations and speculations.  Even though every single one of these men have been proven to be liars, there are still find a few out there that get turned on by their predictions.   

For decades Rod Meredith has been on an anti-gay rampage.  Something set him off early in life that leads him to continually run off at the mouth in every single letter, article and broadcast   Maybe part of that reason is because his idol, Herbert Armstrong, mentioned decades ago that he found Meredith to be rather effeminate at times.  Having to work over time to buff up his body he started boxing and has never let any of us ever forget he was a 'golden gloves" champ.  Over compensate much?  He is filled with so much hate that it is unbelievable at times and makes him look extremely foolish.

Then there is Bob Thiel and James Malm,  These two run off at the mouth anytime they can about the gays causing one disaster after another.  Their eyes glaze over at the thought of their god punishing gays in the lake of fire or thrown into a concentration camp somewhere the Midwest or Canada.

These "men" had better be careful as to what they wish for.  Case in point...


Tony Perkins who has been a voracious antigay spokesman, who has said that his God sends floods to punish people, just had his home flooded out in the Alabama.   Now that he is on the receiving end it is a "test."  When it is not happening to them it is a punishment from their god to the wicked.  But once they are part of the disaster, it is a test from God to make their faith stronger.

Saying that the flooding in Louisiana was of “Biblical proportions,” Perkins described to guest host Ken Klukowski how he and his family had to take a canoe to escape from their home. Perkins added that he, his wife and their five children will have to live in a camper for six months while their house is being rebuilt. The duo also discussed the idea that god brings trials and tribulations to the faithful to make their faith stronger. That is not an uncommon idea, and many Christians will point to the Biblical story of Job as evidence that sometimes god does rotten stuff to (allegedly) good people. But the notion, advanced by Perkins and others in the past, that natural disasters are punishment for evil-doers, never enters into the conversation.
Is that what Thiel will say when an earthquake devastates his home in Arroyo Grande, CA at some time in the future?  Is it punishment from his god or a test to see how faithful he is?   What about Rod Meredith?  What will he say when a hurricane or some other disaster causes havoc in Charlotte?  Is it a punishment from God at how they mistreat members or is it a test from their god to see how loyal and faithful they are?

This is why no one pays any attention to these delusional men any more.  Decades of outright lies, false prophecies and idiotic bible interpretaions being made against others while their own lives and churches are cesspools of depravity, make their comments invalid.  None of these clowns will ever have a forceful message or a message of warning to the world at large.  Even their god mocks them!

If I were these men I would learn to keep my mouth shut because their track record has already been 100% wrong.  Scapegoats are always needed in order for the self-righteous to feel superior.

UPDATE: Tony Perkins responds to claims:

BATON ROUGE, LA – Family Research Council President Tony Perkins released the following statement today responding to the fallacious internet reports regarding causes of natural disasters.
“Deceptive claims are being circulated on the internet that put words in my mouth about God’s role in natural disasters and what causes them.  Those claims are inaccurate.  What I have said, which I repeated yesterday in a sermon at Greenwell Springs Baptist Church, is that I don’t know what was behind this flood or any other natural disaster. However, as a follower of Jesus Christ, I believe the Bible which makes clear that God is sovereign over the elements of nature and can and does use them for His purposes.
“He also allows those same elements to be used as a means of testing our faith and devotion to Him. Is this a test of our faith or a chastisement from God?   I don’t have that answer.  Regardless of what’s behind natural disasters, our response should be the same – we are to be on our faces before God, giving thanks in everything, and placing ourselves in total dependence on Him. We know that in walking in obedience to Him, God will never leave nor forsake those who search for Him and walk with Him. As we cry out to God, we must also reach out to our fellow citizens who are hurting and need help.  We can do this with hope and confidence because God’s Word also tells us that ‘in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.’
“The flood has brought together this community as never before as we are learning to depend more on each other and on God. We are thankful for the volunteers and resources that are beginning to arrive from across the country which are so vital to the relief effort as we look toward rebuilding.  We are very grateful for Samaritan’s Purse which arrived at our church within 48 hours of my call for assistance to begin helping the members of this community.  Please join us in prayer that God would use the Church to minister to this community in a powerful way,” concluded Perkins.


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