Thursday, August 25, 2016

Diabolical Cal Culpepper

Posted on Exit and Support:

What about Cal Culpepper's diabolical policy of forcing many PCG husbands to cast off their wives who have run afoul of the PCG Ministry? How is this inhumane and ungodly break up of legal marriages an example of that "beautiful truth, plainly evident within nature"? Ask Cassie Flory if it is a "godly mindset" to force a husband to abandon his wife at the request of a Regional Director with backing by a false apostle all the way out in Oklahoma? How can you define that as "protecting women, the weaker vessel"? How is that love
I think it would not be outrageous to say that in all honesty a right minded and spirit filled believer in Christ will truly see where the real "satanic message" is coming from. There is no "dignity and honor" for a wife in being told to pack your bags and get out, just because a PCG minister said so. 
How many young children will be affected by these forced dissolution of marriages in the PCG? What will be the long term physical and psychological effects on these kids who now have to not only face a divorce (which is traumatic enough), but also have to deal with having absolutely no contact with a suspended/disfellowshipped parent according to Gerald Flurry's standing policy. 
I am sure we all feel a righteous indignation at what is going on in the Philadelphia Church of God. We mourn and pray for the families of PCG victims. Our hearts are broken when we hear of the deaths of young children who are denied medical care and suffer horribly for it.
We know that God is on His throne and nothing escapes His notice and attention. Gerald Flurry and those Edmond HQ man-boys who support him will have to answer to God for their actions: 
One day the nightmare that is called Philadelphia Church of God will end. Christ will return and put down all false prophets and false religion. Our duty until then is to pray and support those who are being affected by the policies and outrages perpetrated by Gerald Flurry's PCG. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The Evil Zionist/Jesuit Conspiracy To Take Down The Church

For decades the rumor mill in the church has been filled with one conspiracy theory after another.  In the late 60's through the early 80's it was the Zionist conspiracy.  The evil Jews were trying their best to malign the true sabbath keepers because they themselves did not keep the sabbath properly and were embarrassed that COG members were doing it right.  Only those specifically in the Worldwide Church of God kept the sabbath as it was supposed to be kept.  This conspiracy theory was fed in part by the employment and elevation of Stan Rader to his lofty positions and Robert Kuhn.  At this time the book, The Protocols of Zion, was widely promoted by church members, particularly in Pasadena.  Many church members actually believed that the extermination of the Jews by Hitler was a good thing, mainly because they did not keep the sabbath and other holy days properly like they did.

Also widely circulating was the belief that the Catholic church  was out to destroy the one true remnant of believers.  They apparently had instructed the Jesuits to infiltrate the WCG and to systematically destroy it.  The Jesuits had personally recruited, through high level meetings and negotiations, all the top leaders of the church.  This included all Pastor Generals, Council of Elders, evangelists, pastors, department heads, local elders and most deacons.  While the Jesuits were busy doing this they were also infiltrating every governmental office in the United States.  The Jesuits were one busy group of guys!

Add to all of this the Masonic conspiracy to silence the truth.  HWA was supposed to be a Mason, as were Tkach,  most evangelists and high ranking pastors.   Why else would the church be so freely welcomed to hold services in Masonic Halls across the country? Also widely circulated was the belief that the Ambassador Auditorium was temple to Masonic mysticism.

All of these beliefs are still widely held by the extreme nut-jobs that have splintered off into various harlot daughters or claim they are non-aligned but part of the true "spiritual organism."

Case in point, from our buddy Timothy Kitchen, God's greatest gift to the preservation of the "truth."

Banned by HWA! Cry babying again! 
Here in a video we see Mike "The Weasel" Feazell's son Jeff Feazell following in his evil daddy's footsteps cry babying about the WWCG "STILL"!! You remember Mike Feazell, he was one of the main backstabbing dissenters with Joe Tkach JR. So effective and tight with the evil one (Joe JR) that he was called "Mike the Weasel". 
This time it's the Weasel's son, carrying on the charade of deception about the Church that they dedicated their lives to try to destroy! They utterly failed as they do not understand what GOD's Church is, as they destroyed only the church physical organization, that is not the "Church".  
This time in making a fake story using mediocre actors (why not the supposed "Real" people? they are still trying to destroy Mr. Armstrong's and the Church's reputation as it over shadows theirs, and, the more they try to destroy it, the more it shines as the Beacon for GOD that HE intended it to do.  
After 30 years, they seem still to feel the need to attack and belittle a man of GOD that dwarfed all of them in GOD's Truth, and in a Work that their puny little evil minds could not comprehend, let alone match! But, GOD's Truth that Work of Jesus Christ that Christ did through Herbert W. Armstrong, and the man himself Herbert W. Armstrong is so powerful and hated by Satan the Devil, and His Jesuit Minions including Tkach, Feasell, and their offspring, that, after 30 years Mr. Armstrong, that Work and Truth still overshadows them and exposes them as the evil workers of darkness that they are! 
It only proves (for like the billionth time!) that Mr. Armstrong was the Chosen Apostle & The Elijah Chosen by Christ!  
and Joe Tkach especially JR and his minions like Mike Feasell were/are just the Judas (Plural) picked to accomplish their evil and their day of reckoning is coming shortly by Christ Himself, so get ready boys, as you can't lie to GOD the Father, Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit as you lie to these people, and your day of reckoning will be at hand!
Then, these lying videos will be there to condemn you!
This time in making a fake story using mediocre actors (why not the supposed "Real" people? they are still trying to destroy Mr. Armstrong's and the Church's reputation as it over shadows theirs, and, the more they try to destroy it, the more it shines as the Beacon for GOD that HE intended it to do.  
After 30 years, they seem still to feel the need to attack and belittle a man of GOD that dwarfed all of them in GOD's Truth, and in a Work that their puny little evil minds could not comprehend, let alone match! But, GOD's Truth that Work of Jesus Christ that Christ did through Herbert W. Armstrong, and the man himself Herbert W. Armstrong is so powerful and hated by Satan the Devil, and His Jesuit Minions including Tkach, Feasell, and their offspring, that, after 30 years Mr. Armstrong, that Work and Truth still overshadows them and exposes them as the evil workers of darkness that they are! 
It only proves (for like the billionth time!) that Mr. Armstrong was the Chosen Apostle & The Elijah Chosen by Christ!  
and Joe Tkach especially JR and his minions like Mike Feasell were/are just the Judas (Plural) picked to accomplish their evil and their day of reckoning is coming shortly by Christ Himself, so get ready boys, as you can't lie to GOD the Father, Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit as you lie to these people, and your day of reckoning will be at hand!Then, these lying videos will be there to condemn you!  Timmy Kitchen

This is all too hilarious!  They take themselves so seriously.  All of this Jesuit conspiracy bullshit is just the tip of the iceberg that the Kitchens come up with. From claiming Dave Pack was demon possessed as a child and killed his baby sitter to the Jesuits taking over the church. Its all one big laughfest.  One thing that Armstrongism has going for it is that it is never boring!