Saturday, April 29, 2017

Warning to LCG, PCG, UCG, COGWA: Take heed! Your Friends Will Be Butchered Like Hogs

Why is it that so many of the COG leadership have to wallow in fear-mongering? Where would the church be without famine, disease, pestilence, war and death?  Where would Rod Meredith be without his jack-booted Germans hanging COG members on meat hooks as they are confined in concentration camps, or so starved from famine they eat their own children?

Herbert Armstrong set that narrative decades ago as a tool of control over the membership. It worked so well that millions of dollars poured in every time he wrote a member letter claiming intense punishment stopped come.

Dave Pack has been working over time doing this as he talks about his god slaughtering three COG leaders and about a young man arising in the church to become the man of sin who would then slaughter all the COG members in the various splinter groups that have jumped ship to join with Dave.  Right now Almost-arrested Thiel is the youngest splinter group leader out there.  Will he become the man of sin and slaughter COG members?

Here is why Dave says what he does in order to "wake up" COG members so that they can escape  Thiel's wrath:
That’s why, brethren, I tell you before God…You need to understand me when I say this. You want to DO what Christ said to escape. If there are people, who are among us, who don’t believe these plain verses, then God be with them, because they’re going into the fire, and maybe we’ll see them later when they gain some wisdom, fear of God, and faith that when Christ said something, He meant it. Nobody has to preach these things. Let me just stop for a moment. Close your Bible. Set your notes aside. I just want to say something.
I’ve been thinking about this ever since I discovered this. I take no pleasure or joy of any kind in having to announce these horrible, horrible things. I could wish somebody else did. I look into the camera so I can talk to all of you people around the world…They told me which camera to look in, because I wanted to do this. Actually, I have a place in my notes. I don’t want to forget to say what I couldn’t have forgotten. The most horrific trial in the history of the world—an unrestrained devil, with unlimited power, is coming for God’s people…He comes and sits in God’s Church and attacks them—and God put him here, as surely as He unleashed the devil against Job.
I hate to have to say this. I hate to have to tell some of you, your friends are going to be butchered like hogs, but they’ll come back up soon…very soon. That’s the good news. And we haven’t talked about exactly how they fit into the resurrection of the dead and it’s very exciting. I would like to comfort you with those words. But they will not come up in the reckoning; but they do come up into a special status.
This video will be available, so I’ll just tell those in the splinters…I’ll name them. If you’re in the Living Church of God, PCG, UCG, COGwa, and others—take heed. You’re being warned. Brethren of God, now you know why Paul DIDN’T STOP for three years—with tears, warned everyone day and night. You got a better picture of why? Be warned. This man you seek…Maybe you think I’m wrong or it’s a joke, or you don’t fear God or look at the Bible. If you’re in those groups or the little groups—he is coming for your throat! And unless you escape, he’s going to get there and he’s going to rip your carotid out as he tries to catch your jugular on the way out! That’s the way it’s going to be. If that makes me a cult leader, so be it. I believe God…I believe God. 
Even though the thousands of COG members who join up with Dave will almost immediately be slaughtered, then will arise again to work with Dave and his crew as they usher in the First Dominion where his "jesus" returns for the first 1,000 years, and then comes again for a second 1,000 years in the millennium that Herbert talked about.

I am such an amazing hard working man that I have no need to associate with the unwashed masses outside of my compound

Can you imagine being ensconced in your cult compound for several months and never venturing outside it because you are such a superfantabulous man who works every single day for the "work?"

This is what Super Dave is claiming:

Now recall…Now we’re going to look at something. We’re just going to look at some more serious things. Just what exactly is it you’re going to escape? And why do you want to run every time you go back and read Habakkuk 2? No trotting, no walking, no strolling, certainly no sleeping. I mean, you run! And it’s why I try…I don’t go to bed much before midnight every night. I don’t like to do anything but my job. You know, since I moved on campus, now three months and three days ago…I turned 68 this last Wednesday…I’ve been off campus four times in a little over three months. Once was to go to the Feast. So I pretty much stay here. But I have a wonderful existence here.
You know what? If you had a chance to live in a Kingdom like environment, would you go “off campus?” No! So this is my life. It’s what I do. But I understand it’s easier for me. I’m older, my kids are grown up, I’ve got grandkids. I’ve lived certain things in life. I don’t need more. I’m trying to run every day, and I know that if I do, I’m setting an example for others, and I hope I’m setting such for all of you. And I hope some of you will want to set examples for others, as well. But I just would tell you, as we go into what I’m going to cover, it’s horrible! It’s not anything that I saw. But I want you to understand why there is a reference to blood and violence. 
I am certain he does have a wonderful existence there.  His minions wait upon him hand and foot as they step to the side of the hallway as he passes.  He lives in a church-owned home, maintained by church employees, and makes his subservient wife venture outside into the cruel world of the Giant Eagle to do the shopping.  He does not even have to leave the gated driveway of his compound as he walks across the campus to his office suite.  Life is soooooo tough being God's most important man in human history.

Church of God leaders live in their own little cocoons, separated from teh reality of society and out of touch with reality.