Saturday, September 15, 2018

Are you "rubberwristed" and take dainty little walks and wear glasses? GHASTLY!

We like to mock Rod Meredith and his sick obsession with sex, but his spiritual daddy was just as sex-obsessed as he was. What is with the sick obsession COG leaders have with sex? So many of them were living immoral lives while they were lecturing members on sex.

Herb and crew wanted the perfect specimens of manhood filling up the college and church. Even people with glasses did not make the cut in the ideal white world of the chosen people.

COG magazine quotes courtesy of SHT

While the members suffered with 30+ % Tithe, HWA Brags Ministers Highest Paid In The World

HWA: The Bulletin

This is why Rod Meredith, Gerald Flurry, Gerald Weston, the entire UCG ministry and all the other splinter groups made sure their incomes were intact before they jumped ship to start new splinter groups. Faith and doctrine was never the main issue; the almighty dollar was the god they followed.

graphic: SHT

Friday, September 14, 2018

The Church of God Teaching On Racial Mutants: As Taught At Imperial Schools, Pasadena

Social Studies Department
Imperial Schools
Pasadena, California

Roy Schultz

(Comment by NO2HWA:   This is what the Church of God thought was appropriate to teach the youth at Imperial Schools. This is also what was believed as revealed "truth" to the church which supported some of its racial segregation tendencies.  Racial intermarriages were highly frowned upon since it diluted the pure bloodline of Israel.  White's are pictured as "moral" human beings while non-whites were the bedrock of immorality. Intermixing of races causes  people to go "completely BERSERK, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!"  The sad thing that today in 2018, many COG members still believe this.)

contributed by SHT