Monday, October 15, 2018

Feast of Tabernacles Butt-numbing Sermons

The Dr. watching Fatima with some Mayan fairies 
fly around him during his sermon

Anyone who has ever attended a large Feast of Tabernacles site will have to acknowledge that at times there were "some" interesting sermons.  But since the mother church imploded and hundreds of harlots daughter churches hit the scene, the large Feast sites have ALL disappeared and are nothing more than memories.

That brings us to 2018 and to the saddest Church of God to ever exist, the improperly named "continuing" Church of God. The prophet Bob Thiel has released two of his sermons on youtube.  Instead of being on one single topic, guru Bob jumps around to scores of different topics in his 1:30 long butt-numbers.

Here are the topic of two of his "sermons:

October 9, 2018
  • When Lucifer and the angels were on the Earth, before their fall, did they have any hand in creating the dinosaurs and the prehistorical world?
  • What are your thoughts on aliens (from outer space)? Are they demons?
  • Might Adam and Eve’s skin tone, etc. have been a mix of races?
  • Since we know that the Kingdom of God will continue to expand, will procreation continue somewhere?
  • What is Exodus 20:5 teaching?
  • What is the ‘general assembly’ in Hebrews 12:23?
  • When are people made perfect?
  • When will Elijah come?
  • How will we know the final Elijah?
  • How about swearing by God’s name and Deuteronomy 6:13?
  • Can you explain 1 John 3:9?
  • Can you explain 1 John 5:7?
  • Will the bottomless pit of Revelation 20:3 be in the location of Rome during the millennium?
  • What do you think about curse words?
  • How does entropy prove God’s existence?
  • How many archangels are there?
  • Does asking for a 2nd or 3rd anointing show a lack of faith?
  • Is Satan destroyed after the millennium?
  • God a severe God in the Old Testament, but a merciful God in the New Testament?
October 11, 2018 
In this sermon, Dr. Thiel answers questions that have been submitted to the Church of God on many topics, such as: Is cremation acceptable for Christians? Can you wear garments of mixed fabrics? Does Romans 14:5-6 eliminate Holy Days? How should Christians dress? Is it right to have pictures of Jesus? Does Matthew 27:5 contradict Acts 1:18-19? What happened to Garner Ted Armstrong? Can you use a heart symbol? Should you trust ‘The Urantia Book’? What about dinosaurs and the age of the world? What are the origins of Native Americans, often called Indians? Can you use Proctor and Gamble products? Does 1 Kings 8:9 contradict Hebrews 9:4? Who is the ‘elect lady’ of 2 John 1? Was Abraham a Jew? What is a Hebrew? What was Ambassador Foundation for? Is ‘Amen’ pagan? Dr. Thiel goes through scriptures, facts, COG documents, and historical information to provide answers.

Just like every other splinter group leader out there, Thiel does not have an original thought in his head.  He has to rely upon old Worldwide Church of God Reprint Articles and booklets to fill his mind with.  Can you imagine Herbert Armstrong walking boldly on stage and speaking about hundreds of different topics during one of his sermons?  It never happened!  Instead, we had one topic that was preached incessantly, The Two Trees, week after week, month after month, year after year. With Thiel, he kind of slithers behind the podium and then starts wildly gesturing as he covers hundreds of topics in his hour and a half sermons.

For someone who claims to be the modst important end time prophet the church has ever seen; it needs to be asked, "Did Bob Thiel flunk Spokesman Club?" Has the church ever had such a poor speaker?

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Bob Thiel - The Supposed Modern Day Prophet

For those who can't sit through the original. 
Aside from the awful presentation style, this shorter video calls out three points in his message that render his church effectively dead.

UPDATED: Ghastly Days Linus! Guess Who Is The Latest To Start A Broadcast...

UPDATE: After a brutal smackdown over his latest self-serving adventure, ala Bob Thiel, the COG's greatest Pharisee and bastardizer of the law, has taken down his video. As usual, he let the readers here get under his prickly self-righteous skin.

14 Oct:   I have deleted the YouTube Intro.  I have a new Intro I am happy with and at this point will leave any further posting until the pilot video is ready.  I am having a great time learning and practicing with my video editing software and I may take a little time from other projects to do a pilot program sooner than expected. 

It is not as if the Church of God needs ANOTHER bumbling idiot putting his message on YouTube as a warning to the church and the world, but there is.  Another bellowing, shouting, wildly gesturing and bible thumping prophet has stepped up to the plate. Spitting and snarling, the law will be shoved down peoples throats as if it was a requirement for New Covenant Christians.  It is almost a guarantee that Jesus will not be mentioned much, but you will sure hear Moses, Moses, Moses, Leviticus and Deuteronomy!  It is enough to make you barf without even listening to him.

TheShiningLight-   The process of updating the Bible Studies through the entire Bible is taking longer than expected, mainly because I had not realized just how much they needed improvement.  As of now I expect to have the entire Bible updated except Daniel/Revelation and the Twelve Prophets by Pentecost 2019.  
I plan to do these Prophetic Books by Tabernacles 2019, which will complete the updating of our studies through the entire Bible as a solid foundation for beginning the next phase of the work which will be public broadcasting.  
I had wanted to do YouTube sermons or programs some time ago but was moved to realize that the Bible Studies, as well as the appearance and format of the site, needed to be updated to a much higher standard as a foundation for the programs.   Besides needing a quality site and Biblically solid studies to refer to in the programs, I have also learned a tremendous amount through updating the studies and am much better prepared.  
With the bulk of the studies completed by next Pentecost a pilot broadcast is likely for next summer.  
I have posted a possible intro at our YouTube channel and invite your suggestions.  If it is bad please tell me, and please send in any suggestions to or make a comment here.  The idea is to have the Intro set the mood for a solid no nonsense program and then transition to a title page of 3-4 seconds, followed by the actual program. 

deleted after public humiliation...snark...