Friday, February 1, 2019

UCG 20+ years on and it still is struggling to find its focus as ministers

It has been 20 some years since UCG declared itself the new and improved "Worldwide Chruch of God". It actually had a good chance to do something great by correcting abusive errors and bad treatment of members. But where are those changes? The same men who abused members and kicked them out of the church when they disagreed with the changes were coming down the pipeline simply jumped ship for a continuing paycheck and continued on being the jerks so many of them were.

So here we are in 2019 and the United Church of God is not so united. It files to attracted new members, like most of the other COG's. They still cannot adjust their message to 2019 minds and still rely on old models and preaching from 30-40 years ago. Just how many times so members need to hear the same canned sermon?

These are some of the topics being examined by the boys in Cincinnati in their conference:
What impedes us from being “joined and knit together?” Are there things that we can do now to change that?
Do you feel valued for what you personally “supply?” Are you given opportunities to contribute the skills you have to offer?
COG members were always considered "commodities" for what they could supply and contribute towards the church.  Never once were members ever considered equals and children of God. Rarely were members talents out to good works.  The church had a great way of devaluing talents and many times deliberately berated members at what they were good at and often forced them to give it up, including jobs and education tracks.
What is currently in place that helps you work most effectively? Is there anything that could be improved upon or added?
Are we growing in love as a home office staff, within our church, and within our community at large? What specific things can you point to? What barriers do we face?
Are there things we do that are inconsistent with our Vision statement?
Is the home office team conveying the vision of the Church to all our members effectively and does the message we send encourage and enable them to fulfill it?
Are we conveying God’s vision for humanity in a loving, genuine, and compelling way?
Do we have a culture that is welcoming and loving to new believers?
How do we as individuals fulfill the vision of the Church?”

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Two Witless Witnesses Will Be Here Within 2 Years

Are you ready for the two witless witnesses to arise within the next 2 years?  They are coming this soon, claims the Chief Pharisee and bastardizer of the law, James Malm.  As he begins the new year he is "doubling down" on his own silly interpretations of what he wants the law to be.  The more miserable he can make people the better he feels. He claims his "work" is now of vital importance as it prepares for the two witless witnesses to come forth and take his teachings and force them upon the entire world.  I doubt very much if Ron and Laura Weinland care too much about his legalistic rantings.

In addition I am doubling down on the amount of material being posted with a focus on reviving today’s Spiritual Ekklesia in anticipation of the revealing of God’s two servants.   
Very soon now, within a year or two, God’s two  servants will be revealed and they will pour the Holy Spirit out of themselves and into the lamps of the seven churches.  
How?  By teaching all people and especially the Spiritual Ekklesia; to turn to, to learn, to love and to live by every Word of the Almighty Father God, and his Christ!
God’s two witnesses will arrive at the darkest hour of the Spiritual Ekklesia, when our pride in our own false traditions has come to the full and we have the highest opinion of ourselves, not seeing ourselves as God sees us.  
Then those who are humble before God and have prepared themselves and filled themselves with the Holy Oil of God Spirit through learning, loving and living by every Word of God, will go to God’s refuge for further learning.  
Those who will NOT turn to learn, to love and to live by every Word of God now, will be cast into the furnace of affliction, and in their affliction very many will be turned to a wholehearted zeal for godliness.   
Then when our LORD comes a great spiritual revival will spread out across all the earth. 

Adult Sabbath School: Bronze Age NIGHTFLIX or How You Decide What a Cherub Looks Like

As Above, So Below
The saying means that man is an unfinished world that only partially mirrors the neighboring cosmoses. Man, therefore needs to look upward that he may learn to look downward - beginning with himself.

Ezekiel 10:14 
"Each of the winged creatures had four faces: the face of a bull, the face of a human, the face of a lion, and the face of an eagle."
Ezekiel was looking at the night sky to come up with the answer to what does a Cherub look like?

1. The face of Bull or Taurus where the Sun is in SPRING (Equinox) 

Taurus is a large and prominent constellation in the northern hemisphere's winter sky. It is one of the oldest constellations, dating back to at least the Early Bronze Age when it marked the location of the Sun during the spring equinox

2. The face of Man or Aquarius the Waterman three months earlier where the Sun is in WINTER; (Solstice)

3  The Face of a Lion or Leo where the Sun is 6 months later in SUMMER (Solstice)

4  The Face of and Eagle or Aquila where the Sun is three months later in FALL (Equinox)

Cherubs are constructed of the position of the sun at the Spring Equinox where the days and nights are equal.
Face of a Bull

Winter Solstice where the days are the shortest
Face of a Man

Summer Solstice where the days are the longest 
Face of a Lion

Fall Equinox where the days and nights are equal
Face of Eagle

This is how you build a Cherub
Or it's just a big coincidence...
.Ezekiel also told his story of the Fall of Lucifer in Ezekiel 14:12 

 "How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! For you said to yourself, 'I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God's stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north."

by observing the apparent fall of Venus, the Bright and Morning Star, known throughout history as "The Light Bringer (Bring up the  Sun) or Lucifer falling below the horizon to earth as an inner planet. It's what inner planets do. 

Lucifer, The Light Bringer and Son of the Morning Star, cast down to Earth

But that's another lesson...