Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Crackpot Cox: Billions Will Die Over Next 12 Months

Billions will die over the next 12 months in order for the creature god that Wade Cox has created can come and validate Wade in front of the world. Wade is as big a liar as Bob Thiel and James Malm.

The Chinese claim it was not reported to higher authorities until the end of the first week in January 2020.  Over the period it was allowed to mutate and develop. By the third week of January it had developed into a contagious virus, whilst it was, as yet, asymptomatic for up to two weeks.
It appears to have been developed through snakes and bats and was then developed to transfer from human to human.  The capacity of the Chinese to eat any unclean thing and in the most unsanitary conditions proved the ideal place for its release for maximum effect.
The reality is that nowhere on earth are the Food Laws (No. 015) so disregarded and the plagues that eventuate from there is the stuff of legend. 
The failure of the Chinese themselves to understand the dangers of these items and their inability to quarantine themselves for the safety of others is a tragedy that merely waits for the right vector.  Under the Sixth Commandment (No. 259) there is a responsibility to keep alive and they do not discharge this responsibility or indeed any of the Ten Commandments (Law of God (L1)). 
Aside from weaponising viruses for the prophesied War of the Fifth Trumpet, the world is looking for the excuse to launch the War of the Sixth Trumpet and this sequence is outlined in the paper Wars of the End Part I: Wars of Amalek (No. 141C).
The aim is to create the New World Order (NWO) which will be allowed to rule the world but only for 42 months as we see from Wars of the End Part II: 1260 Days of the Witnesses (No. 141D).Remember this sequence.
Over the next twelve months we will see it develop. Billions will commence to die and you must maintain your health and quarantine and maintain clean water and clean foods under God’s Law.
We are about to see the beginning of the Wars of the End.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General

Wade Cox Cult Using Football To Entice New Followers: Bob Thiel Is Not Happy!

Wade Cox announced that some of his African followers are using football as an enticement tool in getting new members.  Bob Thiel must be aghast!
I arrived well and i met the church. We assembled in Kenyoro Primary school where they meet for worship. The coordinator Samuel onsomu gave me a brief of their stators and i gave the stand of the church. So then in two months we are to go back and see them. He said that they are using football as a net to reach more youths and bring them to the word of God. This was their tool to get them out of drugs and substance and alcohol among other things. He and his members were impressed of the CCG doctrines which he said will get time to write to the CG. The members also said the Sabbath should include the school children and teachers where the head teacher was present. I saw it as a good base and a stable venue for the church. They asked for Bibles and other learning materials.
Given the fact that Cox has crowed for years that half of the African continent are already members of his cult, I am surprised that there is anyone left for him to appeal to.  Like Bob Thiel's African followers, they are looking for handouts.  Now that Cox has turned them down, we will see if Bob Thiel acquires them.  They do know how to play COG leaders for all they are worth!

Wade Cox: Current locust plague in Africa a result of Africans not tithing to him

Where would the Church of God be without its raving lunatics making stupid prophecies and utterances?
People seem to think that they can ignore the Laws of God and that God is going to do nothing about it. Sorry, God is about to destroy a large section of mankind now for its disobedience and reorganise it under the Host. One of the aspects in which God will intervene is the utter blasphemy with which His laws are disregarded by the indolent nations that seek to misuse God’s people and also those that do disobey God’s Laws.  We are about to see God inflict massive plagues on the earth in addition to the viruses we see coming out of China and spread by simple incompetence and disobedience.  Remember also that the numbers of the dead and sick are grossly understated. Also they will be used for population control purposes.
We are now about to see massive plagues come upon the earth.  The major plagues about to come upon us are the locust plagues over East and Central Africa from Ethiopia and Somalia into the Sudan and Kenya and on to Southern Africa. So also will we see the plagues from Turkey, into the Middle East and Iran and on north into Afghanistan and Pakistan. They will spread to adjacent lands. These plagues are coming as a direct punishment from God due to the failure to keep His Laws.  The end of God’s Word to us all in the OT says what is to happen and then the details are repeated in the Book of Revelation. We are about to be brought to our knees in repentance and a New Millennial Age is about to come upon us.
Some of us, especially in Africa, ask for funds yet many do not tithe. Your crops are consumed by floods and drought, by army worms and plague locusts, because you do not tithe, and yet you still ask for more from those who do tithe. There will be no funds given to those who do not tithe. They will be punished by God until they repent.  So also will the nations be faced with great earthquakes and tsunamis and volcanic eruptions and we will explain this further in Global Warming Part III: Historical Cycles Examined (No. 218C) to be issued shortly.
Cox is still playing the same dirty scratched record that Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Gerald Weston, and others are still spinning on their turntables.  Round and round it goes as it is stuck in the same groove about the desire to see humanity blotted off the earth for disobeying the creature these guys call god. Always angry and pissed off, that created creature is just itching to fry people in order to prove our COG prophets right.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Gerald Weston: Is His God Ever Happy About Anything?

As usual, the god of the Living Church of God continues to be pissed off about everything. It can't see the good in any LCG member's lives or the countries they live in.  All of the fake Christians in those countries can never understand that all of the calamities are their fault and rarely natural events.

Sadly, it is not only Weston's god that is eternally pissed off, but it is the same god that most ACOG's trot out as the thing that is always ready to kill 2/3rds of humanity. For a group of people that place so much emphasis upon a millennial kingdom to come, they sure cannot ever find anything to rejoice about.

Please remember in your prayers our brethren in disaster areas. I’m sure all of you are noticing the fires in Australia. We do not want to claim every earthquake, volcano, flood, and fire is a sign of the end time, but this fire season is remarkable and it is interesting to note that there seems to be no recognition of a connection between moral decisions the country has taken and what is now the worst bushfire season in known history. More than a billion animals have perished, along with human lives and property lost. Moral restraint is missing when God is rejected, and some fires apparently have been deliberately set by individuals lacking a moral compass. One must wonder how long God is going to put up with similar moral decay found in other Israelite countries. His patience with us must be wearing thin.—Gerald Weston

Closer to the Truth: Dr Robert Kuhn

Dr. Robert Kuhn
Early career

Kuhn first came to prominence in 1972 when "Why the Vast Difference between Animal Brain and Human Mind?" appeared in The Plain Truth magazine published by Ambassador College, an institution of the Worldwide Church of God (WCG). The WCG's Systematic Theology Project[6] was coordinated by Kuhn, but later banned by WCG Founder Herbert W. Armstrong. Kuhn severed his connection to the WCG and its affiliates (1978), including the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation (classical music concerts, featuring musicians including Vladimir Horowitz and Luciano Pavarotti), which Kuhn had created and managed.  

Closer to Truth is a television series on public television originally created, produced and hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn. The original series aired in 2000 for two seasons, followed by a second series aired in 2003 for a single season. The third series of the program, Closer to Truth: Cosmos. 
Consciousness. God, launched in 2008, with 19 full seasons to date. Closer to Truth airs on over 200 PBS and public television stations and has had over 200,000 station broadcasts.
The show is centered on on-camera conversations with leading scientists, philosophers, theologians, and scholars, covering a diverse range of topics or questions, from the cause, size and nature of the universe (or multiverse), to the mystery of consciousness and the notion of free will, to the existence and essence of God, to the mystery of existence (i.e., why there is anything at all). 
The Closer to Truth website features extensive conversations in addition to those that have been broadcast on TV (approximately 4,000 videos)] It is the world's largest archive of video interviews with leading experts in the philosophy of cosmology and physics, consciousness, and the philosophy of religion.
Robert Lawrence Kuhn is the creator, executive producer, writer and presenter of the series.[10] Peter Getzels is the co-creator, producer and director.

Sit down before fact like a little child, and be prepared to give up every preconceived notion, follow humbly wherever and to whatever abyss Nature leads or you shall learn nothing.” ― Thomas Henry Huxley