Sunday, May 31, 2020

NASA Launch Commentator Former Ambassador University Student

If you watched the amazing launch of the SpaceX Crew Dragon rocket this past Saturday and watched it on the NASA channel you may have seen Derrol Nail giving interviews.

He was a 1993 AU student in Big Sandy.

Read more about this amazing guy here: 

Derrol Nail, Merritt Island, FL, Resident and Local Reporter Covering the Space Coast...and Beyond
Being born and raised in Cocoa Beach, how did you end up all the way in Merritt Island?
Ha! Well, it’s been a pretty circuitous route. I attended colleges in California and Texas before finishing all the way back here at the University of Florida. When I began my career, I started off in Panama City, Florida, but then went back out to California for a while before once again returning to Florida. When I signed on with Fox 35 in Orlando, they wanted to start a bureau on the Space Coast, so I moved back to Brevard. I settled on North Merritt Island because I bought the house my aunt once lived in. It ended up being a special move for me because I have a lot of family and friends here. My parents, two sisters, aunt and uncle, and cousin and niece all live nearby here in Brevard County. Ironically, my grandparents, Arthur and Thelma Ogle, are buried at St. Luke’s Episcopal Cemetary, which is less than a mile from my home.
What do you do for a living?
I’m a broadcast TV reporter for Fox 35 out of Orlando. I’m assigned to report on everything newsworthy along the Space Coast, but on occasion I’m assigned to areas around Central Florida and beyond.

What has been the biggest story that you have covered?
It’s really hard to pick just one. Recently, I covered then-presidential candidates Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaigns in Florida, and I rode out Hurricane Matthew on the coast after it was evacuated. But covering the Pulse Night club massacre has been the biggest story I’ve done recently. I convinced my bosses that day to send me down to St. Lucie County where the shooter and his family were living. As it turned out, I was the first and only reporter to interview the father of the shooter on live TV that night. I felt like that was important because the family and loved ones of the 49 people who were killed, as well as the injured, wanted to know why this horrible mass murder happened. And though answers were few that day, I convinced the shooter’s father he needed to tell the Central Florida audience what he knew about his son and his evil plan.

Cosmology and Science at Play With the Faith Restricted Literalist Dr Thiel

Dr Bob seems to think that if you don't know everything, you can't know anything. Not an uncommon belief and apologetic view among Evangelical Literalists.  

Cosmologists and Physicists understand, can explain or suspect answers coming to much more than Scientist Bob seems to be able to give them credit for or even ever heard of.

...not to mention explaining his disbelief at a First Grade Level

"Scientist huh? More like Faith restricted I'd say

I don't get this guy"

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Adult Sabbath School: The Highway to YHVH?

This explains a LOT!  

The discovery was made using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry testing on an Iron Age Judahite shrine at Tel Arad, in Israel’s Negev desert. The cannabis altar was in the inner sanctum of the temple, known as the cella, or holy of holies.
“We know from all around the Ancient Near East and around the world that many cultures used hallucinogenic materials and ingredients in order to get into some kind of religious ecstasy,” Eran Arie, curator of Iron Age and Persian Periods archaeology in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem told CNN. “We never thought about Judah taking part in these cultic practices. The fact that we found cannabis in an official cult place of Judah says something new.”

According to a new paper published in the journal  Tel Aviv , ancient esoteric worshippers at a Judahite temple at the fortress mound in Tel Arad in Israel “likely smoked cannabis during cultic ceremonies.” This statement comes after a team of Israeli scientists performed chemical analysis on residues found on two Iron Age altars dating back more than 2,700 years at the entrance to the shrine; both were found to contain cannabis and frankincense.
The frankincense had come from the resin of the Boswellia sacra , a small tree found in Oman, Yemen, and Somalia, and according to a Daily Mail report, the presence of cannabis resin suggests “a deliberate psychoactive substance” was made and burned to “stimulate ecstasy as part of esoteric ceremonies.”

Did you know you CAN predict the tribulation?

For decades COG wannabe leaders have made every imaginable interpretation of Scripture that there can be made, and yet that never stops them from continuing on dreaming up new things.

Our OTHER favorite COG prophet has now dreamed up a new take on end-time predictions. In order to prove he is legitimate he has to be able to twist things so that he appears to know what is really going on.

James Malm claims that people who quote Matthew 24:36 are using this scripture because they are spiritually lazy. And here we go again with another self-appointed know-it-all that thinks he and he alone knows what is correct.
Many people will quote Matthew 24:36 and use it to claim that we cannot know when the great tribulation will begin, this is then used as an excuse for spiritual laziness and a reason not to bother studying the prophets.  Lets analyze this quote from our Lord. 
Matthew 24:36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.  24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 
Notice how he craftily rewords the scripture to present himself as the harbinger of truth. Deluded though, as it is.
The very first thing to notice is that this quote has absolutely nothing to do with the tribulation and refers specifically to the coming of Christ.  Jesus does not say that no one can know when the tribulation will begin; he does say that no one at that time knew the day that he would return to rule the earth. 
Then his subtle deception below as he carries on trying to legitimize his right to make predictions.
The second point is that he did not say that no one will ever know, he said that no one knew at that specific time.  Remember that he was still in the flesh, he had not yet died and been resurrected.  We are told in Revelation five that after his resurrection Jesus Christ the Lamb of God was found worthy and was allowed to unseal and open the books.  
The Chief Pharisee is wanting you to believe that since Jesus unsealed how things will be happening that this opens the door for Malm to say what he does, because his creature "jesus" speaks to and through him.

Malm now wants you to believe that his end times are here and that his god has now channeled through him all that we need to know about the end times.
The third point is that the prophets were sealed from the understanding of men by God until the very end time (Dan 12:9) and then they would be unsealed and revealed when there was a need to know at the very latter day just before the tribulation is to begin (Dan 12:10).  Therefore no man could understand the latter day prophets until God revealed them to to Jesus Christ who would then reveal them to God’s true servants when there was a real need to know.  Part of the purpose of this concealing and revealing of the meanings of the prophets was to clearly reveal just who God’s true servants are in this critical period when the tribulation is about to begin. 
Malm believes he is that one true servant at this critical time in church history. Oh hell no!  We know that is not true and that he is NOT a prophet or even a messenger of God's word.
These things of God were sealed and kept hidden until the Appointed Time of their revealing at the very last days; which is why there has been almost no understanding of the Biblical Festivals, Biblical Calendar and the end time prophecies until now.  
What is so very sad is that most of today’s Spiritual Ekklesia rejects the expansion of knowledge and understanding that God has promised to reveal in this end time.
No one knows more about the Bible and prophecy that the Chief Pharisee and bastardizer of the law.

Malm doesn't stop there, but carries on with this:
Then the Lamb of God who overcame all sin and was resurrected at the end of the third day to rise up as the Wave Offering to be accepted for us, was found worthy to unseal the book. 
He was accepted as the Redeemer of the sincerely repentant and the restored spirit High Priest [Melchizedek] of God the Father who’s job was and is, to reconcile people to God.  He was found worthy to unseal and open up an understanding of the books: Because his sacrifice made the prophecies of the Word of God SURE!  
If Jesus Christ had not been successful, there would have been no need to understand the prophecies because they would all have failed!
His creature Jesus could have apparently screwed up and been unsuccessful and we would never have to need Malm to become a martyr for the world and our one true teacher.
Daniel 12:9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. 
Brethren, that time has come!
The Fourth Answer is that Daniel was told by the angel Gabriel in the 2300 Day prophecy of Daniel 8 that Messiah would come to cleanse the temple mount and build the Ezekiel temple 2,300 years after the empire of Alexander was divided into four parts.  If the starting date to the count is accurate this clearly sets the coming of Christ in 2024 A.D. which means that the tribulation would begin in the winter of 2020-2021.  
Of course the date would depend on an accurate starting date and God has now provided a way to confirm that date with the double prophecy of Ezekiel 4.
Then the Chief Pharisee lets us know that what his god has revealed to him how the crap will hit the fan within the next year. 2021 is sure going to be a hell hole! Not that 2020 hasn't been.
Israel: Britain [Ephraim] and America [Manasseh]- The first English settlement on the American seaboard was at Jamestown when 104 men with no women landed and tried to make a go of it.  This was not part of any major English immigration but a small group seeking a place of refuge for themselves.
The second “colony” was started at Plymouth by less than 120 Pilgrims and that was  by a very small group and not a genuine English effort to colonize America.  Other efforts were primarily initial operations to determine the viability of establishing more substantial colonies.
It was on April 8, 1630 that the haphazard sporadic attempts to form communities in America was replaced by a serious effort at colonizing America beginning with the Winthrop Fleet. Eleven ships set sail carrying over 800 English colonists led by John Winthrop, to settle as the Massachusetts Bay Colony; beginning the first great wave of immigration from England and the widespread settlement of America.  
By the autumn of 1630 they had founded the settlements of Boston, Cambridge, Roxbury, Dorchester, Watertown, Medford, and Charlestown.  Over the next ten years to 1640 there was a flood of tens of thousands of Puritan immigrants to the new colonies. General immigration to America and the rise of Britain and America to dominance began in 1630. 
The Jewish State- A peace treaty between Egypt and the Jewish state was signed on ‎26 March 1979, and became effective ‎January 1980.  Then the Jewish state came under US guarantee’s a few months later meaning that the  forty years ended in late 2020 completing the 40 years protection of Judea, and the tribulation would have to begin sometime between late 2020 and before another Biblical year is completed in spring 2021.
 Where would we be without these official know-it-alls of the church?
Israel: Britain [Ephraim] and America [Manasseh]- In 1630 the Atlantic seaboard of America was opened up to general immigration beginning a massive wave of immigration and the rise of America and Britain over the next 390 years up until late 2020, when God will withdraw his blessings and allow us to fall because of our wickedness.

The Jewish State- A peace treaty between Egypt and the Jewish state was signed on ‎26 March 1979, and became effective ‎January 1980. Then the Jewish state came under US guarantee’s a few months later meaning that the forty years ended in late 2020 completing the 40 years protection of Judea, and the tribulation would have to begin sometime between late 2020 and before another Biblical year is completed in spring 2021.
Malm then goes on  to make more predictions and as usual covers his royal zealot butt by :

Please note that while the Daniel’s 2,300 Day Prophecy and the two Ezekiel 4 prophecies provide a very strong indication that the final 42 month tribulation will begin this coming winter, which is between November 2020 and March 2021 nevertheless I intend to exercise caution and I will not declare anything firm until I see the miracle worker set up in the Vatican; Still they do not provide the exact day and hour of Christ’s personal coming.  
It is true that the Kingdom of God will start with the outpouring of God’s Spirit on all flesh on a Feast of Pentecost, but Christ could come with God’s resurrected faithful, days before that to put down all evil and then wait until Pentecost to pour out God’s Spirit. Therefore the precise day and hour of Christ’s coming will not be known until it happens.
Great will be the day when these false prophets and certified liars of the Church of God cease to exist and brethren can no longer be conned by their devilish words.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Elijah Says Prayer, PROPER Fasting and Zinc May Save You From COVID-19

Our favorite self-appointed savior to Africa and the world has weighed in today by correcting Living Church of God's latest blurb on its TW News & Prophecy E-Zine.

LCG wrote:
The new coronavirus has rapidly infected millions around the globe. Most efforts to control the spread of the virus have focused on handwashing, disinfecting surfaces, wearing masks, social distancing, and providing medical care. In the minds of many, the only hope for halting the virus is finding an effective medicine until a vaccine is developed. However, many simple, effective, and inexpensive protective steps one can take are seldom mentioned.
A recent study demonstrated that ultraviolet rays of sunlight “rapidly inactivated” the coronavirus on multiple test surfaces (Newsweek, May 22, 2020). Another study suggested a strong correlation between COVID-19 mortality rates and severe vitamin D deficiency (Medical Xpress, May 8, 2020)—a condition associated with lack of sufficient time outdoors and exposure to sunlight (ScienceDaily, March 9, 2020). Dietary sources of vitamin D include eggs, milk, cheese, and fish. Vitamin C is also a vital nutrient that aids in protecting against infections, especially in physically active individuals (“Vitamin C and Infections,” Nutrients, April 2017). It can be obtained naturally from citrus, cantaloupe, berries, mangoes, papaya, broccoli, and potatoes. And moderate physical exercise, especially outdoors, can strengthen the immune system and aid the body in fighting infections.
While it is important to prevent transmission of the coronavirus, let’s not forget that vital nutrients like vitamins C and D, exposure to sunlight and fresh air, and regular physical exercise also play key roles in strengthening one’s immune system and reducing the risk of infection.
The Chief Overseer wishes that LCG had given more homeopathic remedies for its members to take and felt the need to correct them by telling them what else they should be doing.
LCG is correct about this (though it would have been good to also have mentioned zinc). I been have making nutrient-related posts at the COGwriter website for months
While it would have been better if LCG did this earlier, it is good that finally they are telling people that there are proper steps to be taken, as opposed to only focusing on avoidance. 
Prayer and proper fasting should also be considered...
What the hell is "proper fasting"? The Thielite version? Herbert Armstrong's? Rod Meredith's? James Malm's?

In the mythical deluded world of Bob Thiel everyone is wrong except for him.  No COG knows the Bible, world history, the Catholic church, and prophecy better than he. No one in the church is more informed about nutritional health than he is.