Friday, September 3, 2021

Doug Winnail On Fall Holy Days


It's almost Feast of Tabernacles time in COGland and members are eager to head off to numerous superspreader events around the country or world.

What if LCG actually kept the Feast of Booth's as it should be kept, as the Jewish people do. The COG anglicized American version of the Feast no more resembles what should be happening than it does 1st century Christianity practices. 

If you are going to turn it into a Christianized week-long block party then wouldn't it be great if at every single service LCG members got to hear about Jesus? Imagine that! Instead, they will be subjected to one butt-numbing sermon after another on keeping the law or sermons on some Old Testament hero. God forbid of Jesus was mentioned.

Fall Holy Days: In the weeks ahead, we will be reminded of the culminating events in God’s Great Plan of Salvation for all human beings. These Holy Days reveal how God will put an end to deception and suffering by sending Jesus Christ to banish Satan and set up the Kingdom of God on earth, where the saints will reign for one thousand years and eventually all who have ever lived will have a chance to learn the true purpose and way of life (see Revelation 20). Although Satan has blinded the world to the meaning of the Holy Days, we need to remember that Jesus told His disciples, “blessed are your eyes for they see... because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given” (Matthew 13:16, 11). As we observe the coming Holy Days, let’s rejoice and be deeply grateful for the incredible privilege we have been given to understand these “great and precious promises” (2 Peter 1:2-4).
Have a profitable Sabbath and Fall Holy Day season, Douglas S. Winnail

LCG Demands That Parents Keep Their Little Hellions Under Control At The Feast

It is hard to imagine that this is still something that the Charlotte Boys still think they need to control, but apparently, parents are so inept in taking care of their children that the Charlotte Boys still need to lay down the law, just like they do when they tell women how to dress at the Feast. Wouldn't it be great for just one year to not have any mansplaining going on?


Children and the Feast

Blessing of the Little Children: It is the practice of the Living Church of God to have the Blessing of the Little Children at the Feast. This practice follows the example of Jesus Christ (Matthew 19:13; Mark 10:13). When parents of small children came to Him and asked Him to bless their children, He did not forbid them. If you have small children (“babes in arms” whom you can pick up for this special blessing), listen for announcements from your Festival Site Coordinator to find out which day the Blessing of the Little Children will take place. If you have any questions, please contact your Festival Coordinator.

Caring For—and Watching—Our Children at the Feast: Parents, please remember that children are not permitted to run or engage in horseplay before, during, or after services at the Feast. Children playing on the stage or near speakers and microphones can damage expensive equipment. Children darting in and out among fellowshipping brethren can be a trip hazard. For the elderly, this can be dangerous, even life-threatening.

Children Must Be Supervised: Parents should always be vigilant when it comes to their children at the Feast. Parents have full responsibility for their children at the Feast of Tabernacles, including at services. Although precautions are taken and there are activities for children, the Church meeting or event is not a childcare facility. The Church does not take responsibility for the care of children at Church meetings or events. Their absolute safety cannot be guaranteed. The ultimate responsibility for the care of children always remains with parents or guardians. Please ensure that the conduct of your children and young people is adequately supervised throughout their attendance, and that your children are fully under your control. Parents should be aware of where their children (including their teens) are, and not allow small children to wander around unsupervised.


Children Sitting with Parents: Experience has shown that children and teenagers pay better attention and therefore learn more from the messages when sitting with a parent than when sitting elsewhere with a group of other young people. Therefore, it is the policy of the Church to have children and teens sit with their parents during services. An exception may be where an individual child or teen may sit with a friend’s parents and family. Obviously, a teen attending whose parents are not also in attendance would be exempt.

LCG Preparing For A Feast Like No Other. Will They Take The Interests Of Others To Heart For Once?

Greetings from Charlotte, 
Numerous countries around the world are locking down as a result of the rapid spread of the Delta and other COVID variants, making Festival planning very difficult as governments and venues impose restrictions. Mr. Rob Tyler wrote, “Much of the region is now quite affected by lockdowns and restrictions. It’s a real mess in many countries.” Mr. Paul Shumway wrote regarding Trinidad, “We were praying and expecting the government in Trinidad to lift restrictions before the Feast to allow live Church meetings for our 160 members. Unfortunately, this has not happened. Most of the members stayed in ‘temporary’ housing last year and are planning to do the same this year. Surprisingly, I heard more comments from Trinidad last year that it was ‘the best Feast ever’ than I’ve heard in a long while!” He went on to report that in Barbados there is a 25-person limit for churches and a 90-minute limit to services. “One of the biggest challenges is dealing with the uncertainty. The landscape is constantly changing and in a number of cases, it is impossible to make definite plans. This does encourage remaining flexible and looking more to God for His guidance and direction. A real faith builder!” This is once again a very challenging year for our Festival planners, especially those in our international areas. Those of us who are able to attend in person should be thankful when we consider the lockdowns many of our brethren around the world face. As we approach these special days, let us take time to review and meditate on Philippians 2:3–8.—Gerald Weston

Philippians 2:3–8 

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others. 5 Let the same mind be in you that wasa in Christ Jesus,

6 who, though he was in the form of God,

did not regard equality with God

as something to be exploited,

7 but emptied himself,

taking the form of a slave,

being born in human likeness.

And being found in human form,

8 he humbled himself

and became obedient to the point of death—

even death on a cross.

If LCG and other COG's actually took this verse to heart then they would cancel this year's Feast of Tabernacles. God certainly is not going to be upset if they do. Instead of looking after their own interests (huge amounts of offering money rolling in at the Feast), isn't it about time they looked after their members? With LCG's aging membership which is comprised of people highly susceptible to the ravages of the pandemic, wouldn't this year be the ideal time to let go and be merciful to their followers? God isn't going to put a black mark in some mysterious book because they canceled the Feast this year.