Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Newly Discovered Origin of Bob Thiel's Theological Education


Now we know why the world's foremost Bible scholar has a belief system that is so superficial and empty!

Should we be surprised? After all, his Ph.D. is from an Indian diploma mill with its extensive research library located in a trailer, a trailer he never set foot in for any research.

Worldwide the Unchosen Church Podcast Interviews Joseph Tkach Jr.


Worldwide the Unchosen Church Podcast: Listeners share their stories about their experience in the church

In this series finale, we hear from listeners about their own WCG experiences, what listeners took away from the series, and how listeners can share their own stories through

Worldwide: The Unchosen Church is hosted, written and produced by Dr. Tricia Jenkins; sound design and editing is done by Thirteen Media; and music is licensed by SoundStripe.

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