Saturday, August 20, 2022

Dave Pack: Big Bad Meanie People Are Picking On Me!

Wicked Comments With Cake


The video clip of David C. Pack warning the members of The Restored Church of God of how poopy-faced some of the former members can be was quite popular this past week.


The plight Dave is going through touched the heartstrings of some because people love a good underdog story.


Part 387 – August 15, 2022

@ 39:23 I mean, we’ve got people so wicked trying, besieging us…People who were once with us are more wicked almost than the devil.

Whoever they may be, they must be prideful, self-righteous, lying, thieving, deceiving, blaspheming, and murderous. But that still is not good enough because Dave has higher standards.

How does one become “more wicked almost” than anything? I do not get it. You are either “more” or you are not. If you are “more almost” would that not mean are “equally” wicked? Perhaps Dave was sparing these people their feelings. Or he was being sensitive to the devil. I am not sure which at this point.

Perhaps if Satan heard some heavy breathing just over his shoulder, he would know how close some human is to overtaking his position as the big cheese. He might then step up his A-game and really start to cause some problems inside RCG.

The comment was vague, so the “people” he was referring to are yet to be identified. If this is you, come forward and show yourself. The curiosity is killing me. Please write me at and I will do what seems right in my own eyes.

I have a theory as to what kind of things “wicked people” may be up to. Humor me for a moment as I pull these out of the air. You know, wild guesses.
  • Invoke God’s name as a testimony to the truth of a matter, but then walk it back later.
  • Fabricate a financial doctrine by using the Bible fraudulently.
  • Collect funds for a specific event to then spend it on something else.
  • Collect funds for “doing the work” to then buy property instead.
  • Tell everyone your primary goal is to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God as Jesus Christ instructed, but then stop actively doing that.
  • Bring in another Jesus and another gospel.
  • Make promises you later break.
  • Say you will “never again” do something, but do it again.
  • Blame others for your failings.
  • See yourself all throughout the Bible using “because I say so” as proof.
  • Discourage people from “proving all things” in their Bible.
  • Is a prophet, is not a prophet, is a prophet, is not a prophet.
  • Skip part of Sabbath services by sneaking out the back door through the kitchen.
  • Skip Holy Day A.M. services entirely.
  • Set a date for the return of Jesus Christ to have it proven to be false by history.
  • Change the meaning of words in the Bible to fit the current theory.
  • Mark those you oppose by declaring God will kill them soon.
  • Tell mourning parents and spouses that they will see their dead loved ones soon, but then nothing happens.

That is enough for now. If I did any of those things while claiming to be a minister, I would be quaking in my boots right now.

For those just joining us, this is not the first time in the past few months that David C. Pack went on a “meanie people” tirade.

As a refresher, Dave was almost beyond pissy after his Pentecost failure and made comments that were originally posted in the article, David C. Pack Admits RCG Is A Hazardous Work Environment.

Part 372 – June 6, 2022

@ 44:55 The most vicious, evil wicked-hearted men I have ever dealt with, I’ve dealt with in this church. Literally.

@ 45:37 And they’re the most murderous, lying, thieving people, in many cases, that have come into our ministry.

@ 46:35 It’s a curious anomaly that you see the ministers who’re supposed to be teaching the truth abusing, lying, stealing, things that would just curl your hair ten times over if I told you.

@ 47:11 I’ve learned to sit in that room up there, we talk about doctrine and know that I might be sitting across from or next to a minister who’s gonna try to destroy this church within an hour.

@ 51:29 You just do not understand our enemies, they want to murder the church. You don’t understand that. These are the these are deeply satanic men.

@ 1:39:26 The worst possible people keep leaving and poisoning the well out there.



A line from earlier this week will become my new mantra.


Part 387 

@ 06:07 A simple passing of time forced this conclusion.


The more time that passes with another failed date for the return of Jesus Christ which Dave hammered, the more people inside The Restored Church of God will wake up. Although, “wake up” is not accurate. They know what is going on, but they do not know what to do about it. Nobody has a great answer for, “Where do I go when I leave RCG?” – If I knew, I would be there.


I know of not one person who has left who thinks NOW they have it right. Many have a place that “is good for us” if they have not already chucked it all and gone back to pork and Christmas. Sorry, Kevin. Love you, man.


Things do not look good from this side of the fence. Full disclosure. People inside RCG know what is going on is wrong, but they see no alternative. I have no pearl of wisdom or box of secrets to sell.


The idea of attending where the truth “used” to be is better than being where it is not at all. That is the thinking. It is a scary idea to be walking away from a structure that has the “look and feel” of God’s Church but the salt has lost its savor.


David C. Pack tells you everything you need to hear

to make a judgment call if he is true or not.


The people inside RCG know what he is doing. The people inside RCG know what their Bible says.


Prayer. Fasting. Bible study. They all told me I needed to leave. Whether I was “vomited out” or I left of my own accord remains to be seen. Full disclosure.


Herbert W. Armstrong came up with the analogy of arsenic in a cake and David C. Pack used to repeat that concept. Not so much these days, curiously.


How much poisoned cake those still inside The Restored Church of God can tolerate is on a case-by-case basis.


But everyone there can agree. The cake is poisoned.

Mark Cebrian

See: Wicked Comments With Cake

Blasphemous Crackpot Self-Appointed Prophet Tells Another Whopper!

Are reader here commented on another thread about the greatest COG prophet the church has ever seen since Jesus walked this earth:

Zippo said...
And in today's sermon, Bob gave a "who knows" speculation that some of his writings may go into the Bible. GTA and others suggested before that the book of Acts may be expanded to include all COG history.

The Great Bwana is in for a shock when he finds out there is no way in gehenna fire that will ever happen! The Church of God has always held a belief that the acts of COG members and ministers would be added to the Book of Acts because it supposedly has no ending as other books tend to have.

That is such a presumptuous claim that it is almost blasphemous. Herbert and Garner Ted both claimed this and it was taught at HQ. The main problem with all of this is that Armstrongism considers itself and its followers as the only true Christians who would qualify to be added to the book. Christians over the last 2,000 years that were not "COG" members are totally cut out of the picture. Their lives and ministry are worthless compared to the glorious words and lives of COG self-appointed prophets and apostles.

Who in their right mind in a glorious millennium would want to sit and read the words of Bob Thiel? Dying in the tribulation would have been a better fate for them than that!

The Little Flock - The Perfect PR Tool For Ineffectual COG's


A reader here commented the other day about how the COG as a whole looks at themselves as "the little flock" and uses that belief to justify their non-growth and ineffectual presentations.

Seth wrote: 
So, here's a concept to make sense of this a little bit. In LCG, as in many ACOGs, the doctrine of the Little Flock is taught. This concept is logically humorous, but I once believed it too. In a nutshell these things are simultaneously true; 
1. The church is SUPPOSED to be small, so if only a few respond, that's proof that God is working. 
2. If a lot of people come, that's because God is blessing it. 
3. If other churches get bigger, it's proof that they (the big church) is not of God because the church is Supposed to be a small one. 
4. If your church grows, it's proof that God is blessing it. 
5. If people leave your church it's because God is 'sifting' the church, and they had never been true members. 
6. If people join your church from other churches, it's because God was working with them all along. 
It's a quite handy PR tool.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Germany! Germany!! Germany!!! LCG's Other Obsession

Two of the biggest boogeymen in the Church of God movement have been Satan and Germany. Many times those both are uttered in the same sentence. 

Who can forget Rod Meredith standing in the pulpit with his red face, veins popping out on his forehead as he yelled in the most butch manner possible about children being taken as slaves to Germany or sent to concentration camps to be hung on meathooks if members did not mend their ways? 

All of this was the by-product of Herbert Armstrong's obsession with Adolf Hitler, Germany, and his erroneous biblical interpretations. The entire belief system of the church has revolved around Germany rising from the ashes of World War II to rule the world as they destroy the United States, England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and other so-called "Israelitish" nations.

Thanks to Rod Meredith's endless obsession with Germany, the Living Church of God today still carries on that apocalyptic fetish.

A reader sent the following to me yesterday:

Germany! Germany! Germany!
Everything gets focused around Germany.

Apparently, from the reports of “massive” crowds showing up at LCG presentations, prophecy is just not giving them the pull of the old WCG days. 
Or maybe, it is because they lack a charismatic spokesman like GTA in his heyday.

This was in response to the following article up on the mailing the other day:

What an orgasmic prophetic fantasy! Drought, wildfires, heat waves, water scarcity, the beast of Revelation, and GERMANY! All that is missing is the Catholic Church.

The reference above to LCG's recent Presentations shows how poorly this message is falling on the public's ears. Gone are the day of Herbert Armstrong pounding the pulpit or Garner Ted's charismatic preaching. LCG has no charismatic men able to present emotionally stirring presentations.

Recent LCG numbers for presentation demonstrate this fact:

Last week, we held six Tomorrow’s World Presentations—three initial presentations, in Trois- Rivières, Quebec, Canada; Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia; and Columbus, Ohio; and three follow-ups, in Little Rock, Arkansas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Peoria, Illinois. These presentations had a combined total of 106 guests.

If LCG leaders actually started preaching about that dude they keep shoving into the background they might not be so scared of things they see looming on the horizon.


Satan Kept Over 3.7 Million People From Attending LCG Presentations Last Week!

LCG has supposedly been sending out their most dynamic men to do presentations pontificating on the dire situation the United States and other Israelitish nations are in. Satan is pissed and ready to wreak havoc on the world through the Catholic Church, the Beast, and Germany. Evil Germans are ready to take citizens captive or fry them in ovens in soon-to-be concentration camps scattered around the country. 

Sadly, or maybe, fortunately, that message is falling on deaf ears as Satan works his magic and keeps millions from attending LCG's presentations.

Last week, we held six Tomorrow’s World Presentations—three initial presentations, in Trois- Rivières, Quebec, Canada; Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia; and Columbus, Ohio; and three follow-ups, in Little Rock, Arkansas; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and Peoria, Illinois. These presentations had a combined total of 106 guests. This week we have five presentations: four initial presentations in St. Louis, Missouri; Cookeville, Tennessee; Blue Ridge, Georgia; and Springfield, Illinois; and one follow-up in Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia. Thank you all for your continued prayers for these presentations.

Here are the latest population stats for these cities dating from 2017 - 2021. 

Trois- Rivières, Quebec. 137,188 
Newcastle, New South Wales 322,278

Columbus Ohio metro 2,138,926

Little Rock, Arkansas; 202,591

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 592,649

Peoria, Illinois. 402,391

The total potential audience that LCG had the potential to impact was over 3,796,023 soulsand yet they could only get 106 guests COMBINED to attend these lectures, of which probably 1/2 - 3/4 were LCG members padding the audiences.

A reader and former LCG member recently said this about the presentations:

Back when I was there, it was almost all LCG members.
Doubt if it is any different today. 
The work of God goes forth in the most powerful manner than ever before!