Monday, January 16, 2023

LCG: The Two Trees


After decades of hearing Herbert Armstrong harp on the "two trees," the Living Chruch of God continues to carry on that tradition. With its focus entirely upon blessings and cursing of the old covenant, it cannot comprehend why a new covenant follower of Christ does not need to worry about the two trees or any of the myths that Armstrongism has tied into its worship of the law over Jesus and the new covenant, a covenant that is better. 

The Lesson of Two Trees: The book of Genesis contains what many believe is a quaint little tale about two trees: the tree of life, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from. Yet they made a fateful choice to ignore God’s instructions, and they reaped the consequences (see Genesis 2:15–17; 3:1–23). However, this is more than a quaint little story. The two trees picture two ways of life—of obeying God’s laws or turning away and rejecting His instructions. This important theme runs through the Scriptures. The covenant God made with Israel promised blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience (Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28). David repeated this same message about blessings for the righteous and curses for the ungodly (Psalm 1). Jesus also focused on the need to choose between two different ways of life: a narrow way that leads to life and a broad way that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13–14). We need to learn a vital lesson from these two trees so we can make wise decisions.
Have a profitable Sabbath, Douglas S. Winnail

Winnail and LCG prefer to remain in slavery to the bondwoman instead of being free with the free woman:

Galatians 4:30-31 NIV

30 But what does Scripture say? “Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman’s son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman’s son.”[a] 31 Therefore, brothers and sisters, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman.

Why do they insist on being in bondage to the old covenant? All it does is bring constant condemnation because no one in the COG has ever been able to keep the entire law. In fact, the law was instituted so that sin might increase (Roman 5:20).

Paul compares being under the Law to being born of Hagar, the bondwoman. “She is in slavery with her children.” But those who are children of promise are free. He concludes, “It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery” (Gal. 4:25; 5:1).

The law was never able to forgive sins, but the new covenant does. This seems to irritate the hell out of COG leaders.

Dave Pack: Winter Unbelievers


Winter Unbelievers


In an utterly faithless act, The Restored Church of God held its annual Winter Social this past weekend. David C. Pack blessed the attendants with his supreme biblical understanding and impeccable oratory skills.


Members quickly shook off the Tevet 21/January 14 Day of the Lord debacle to enjoy chili and PingPong. Nothing warms the bones quite like robust biblical trickery from a prophetic sorcerer.


For a quick recap of “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 414)” on January 14, 2023, the two new goalposts are:


The Day of the Lord begins March 22 at 7:40 pm

Elijah rises before February 10


Anticipate these to move the closer we approach. That is just standard procedure.


This is the current plan of God, according to Dave. Interruptions excluded.


Part 414 – January 14, 2023

@ 52:09 So, we know four things. You know, we can say, "So far, so good." We know that He [Jesus Christ] comes in winter soon after the Mystery of God ends after New Year's halfway, midst roughly, halfway, whatever it is, halfway between two kinds of years on a Sabbath.


Prepared statements are never prepared enough.



What could make a Winter Social Weekend more complete than the topic of smiting?


We can all be grateful that David C. Pack does not decide who lives or who is thrown into the Lake of Fire. He may not be the one who gets to pull the lever, but he sure spends time talking about it.


@ 23:13 It’s leaders that cause people to err. So, the ministers of this world are gone forever in the Day of the Lord. We maybe never fully understood that.


@ 23:36 …and then they’re snuffed out in a fire forever along with another group called “the fearful, the unbelieving, and the abominable.”…Who are they? They’re not the ministers.


@ 24:07 Who are those? Brethren, they are obviously the saints.


The not-so-subliminal reminder is that if you leave RCG, you are "fearful or unbelieving or abominable," and it is the Lake of Fire for you.


@ 24:16 What happens in the Day of the Lord when the saints are judged? Some of ‘em say, “I was afraid. I buried my talent." They were fearful. They shoulda feared God; they feared men. They were unbelieving. Remember the appointment that a lot of saints get? They're called unbelieving hypocrites. So, who are the unbelievers? They’re the saints, also. They're fearful unbelievers. You know what abominable means? It's mistranslated. It should be "detestable idolaters." The saints, literally, fall into idolatry, the Man of Sin, no doubt…


Does he mean all the unbelievers who came to the RCG Headquarters Winter Social despite knowing the Day of the Lord was to begin at sunset Friday night? Like the unbelieving Headquarters staff that prepared for a weekend that was taught would not happen?


The mentality at Headquarters was always, "Do not change plans based on prophetic understanding." The staff knew to follow through with plans despite what was taught at the lectern. Without saying so, the ministry operates from an unbelieving standpoint.


However, this mindset does not filter down to the brethren. They have heard from the lectern NOT to make big plans or investments for the future. Otherwise, they were unbelieving.


Some dear friends held off investing in their businesses and making big life decisions that would commit resources to their own well-being.


I know a fifteen-year-old girl who stopped doing her favorite large art projects two years ago because "Mr. Pack said Jesus is coming soon. So why start?" That broke my heart. Thankfully, she is back to doing what she loves without worrying about the latest nonsense Dave proclaims.


The brethren are faithful. They scale down. They pull back. They hold off. They wait patiently.


That is NOT what the Headquarters enablers do. The hirelings know it is pointless to delay anything.


No one in the Headquarters ministry takes David C. Pack seriously. If it happens, great. If not, nothing was blown up because of minuscule timing whoopsie daisies.


Brad rolls his eyes. Ed nods and smiles while the gears turn in his head. Ken stares blankly, wondering what his wife will make for supper.


Imagine people who do not buy the product their own company sells. A Coca-Cola executive only drinks Dr. Pepper. A Pizza Hut cook takes his family to Shakey’s. A Wallgreens cashier has their prescription filled at CVS.


Nobody inside The Restored Church of God takes David C. Pack seriously. Hence, the Winter Social Weekend was a huge success, and much fun was had by all.


The concept of a wicked saint is a Dave invention. That is not found in the Bible. But he repeats it often enough for it to become a reality to the brethren. They probably forgot it was conjured by their Pope.


@ 25:26 All the shepherds die. The saints die. And they’re never coming back.


Now, who’s up for some s'mores and Pictionary?



A wicked saint is among dozens of fabrications manufactured by a warped mind that requires the Bible to have words added to and taken away from to sell it.


Elijah is the “Where’s Waldo” of The Restored Church of God. As it turns out, he is all over the place.


David C. Pack constructs his own reality and repeats the fallacy often enough to condition brethren into accepting it. They must have forgotten how they winced the first time he said it.


@ 1:01:57 Go over to Ezekiel…43. Now, for the first three chapters, Elijah's measuring the temple in what would be the First Kingdom. And he’s explaining to Ezekiel. Elijah’s mentioned, I don’t know, dozens of times in here.


That is a lie.


Elijah is not mentioned once in the entire book of Ezekiel, and Dave knows this. But, he assumes, presumes, supposes, surmises, guesses, thinks, interprets, and believes he is. That makes perfect sense since he is Elijah. Elijah should know where Elijah is mentioned in the Bible, after all.


The circular logic spins so fast it makes you want to vomit.


Someone speaking lies as so matter-of-fact should alert anyone paying attention that this is not a sound mind at the wheel. The Elijah-spotting is the Spirit of Error on steroids.


If I were the devil, I would want Elijah to be in the Bible more than Jesus Christ. That way, Dave could spend his time preaching about what he will do rather than what Our Savior will do.


Mission accomplished.



Abib 1 should sound very familiar to old-timers in RCG, not only because Dave pooh-poohed the idea as recently as Part 412.


Part 412 – December 27, 2022

@ 12:35 It’s not Abib 1. That’s in the spring. We gotta be something in the winter.


He was all about Abib in 2019. And 2020. And 2021. And 2022.


When it fails again in 2023, Dave will inject himself into Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread. Again. That is not a remarkable insight. All ex-RCGers anticipated this because they have a lot of experience.


Part 238 – March 14, 2020

@ 14:00 …it looks like that seven days ends on Abib 1. If that’s true, this is the last Sabbath. We won’t finish this service. Period…But a week after that, you passed Abib 1, and then you’ve got problems if you try to go another year…That’s what Ezekiel reveals.


Ah. Ezekiel has already toyed with Dave’s imagination. Abib is like the girlfriend you already broke up with. After some time, you get back together. But soon, remember why you broke up in the first place. Let more time pass, then give it another go. Break up again. Rinse and repeat.


Part 241 – March 27, 2020

@ 50:16 A Year of the Lord is Abib 1 to Abib 1, how can that be? “How can you tell me, Mr. Pack…that we’re past Abib 1, we’re not going to next Abib 1, and the Year of the Lord is Abib 1 to Abib 1?” It is possible, trust me.


Anyone who trusted him then was proven to be a dope. What does that say about folks who trust him now? Some attend RCG but do not trust Dave. Wisely so.


In 2020, Dave taught the Day of the Lord was one full year. The idea of ten days was not yet a twinkle in his eye. He keeps forgetting how often he has taught Abib 1. And he is counting on the brethren forgetting, too.


Part 241 – March 27, 2020

@ 20:23 …and do not fear the economy and do not fear the virus. We’re not going that long. And I’ll show you it was never, never gonna end Abib 1. I walked in yesterday morning…absolutely convinced that this…had to be Abib 1. By about 3:30…You couldn’t possibly convince me Christ is coming before sundown. There’s no way.


Trust David C. Pack at your own peril. His mind is a fickle mess. He broadcasts to everyone in RCG not to take him at his word or believe him past his next breath.


Part 241 – March 27, 2020

@ 1:16:11 Now, a loving God didn’t let us understand what we were into, or we'd have…understood we got to wait another whole year, and He didn't do that to us last year… But we’re not going to wait till next Abib.


If you read the original, you would be thankful for all the ellipses. I cut out the fat, so you do not have to eat it. He stated that 2021 was off the table. Until it wasn’t. See the pattern?



Another squinty point about Abib is that it fights one of Dave's cornerstones about winter. He mentions it but slides on past. Dave is an unbeliever in his own winter teaching. He has to wince, hold his breath, and turn his head sideways to still make it kind of work.


Part 414 – January 14, 2023

@ 1:10:24 So, Abib 1 is March 22. One day, by the way, after winter is over. Meaning flight would be in winter. March 21 in Jerusalem is the first day of spring. That's interesting. So, God is gonna start years almost dead-on within a day of spring?


It was all about winter. But when Abib is one day off, it is okay to slide it a tad. Bible prophecy always seems to have some built-in slop Dave can exploit when needed. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Winter. Almost winter. Near winter. Whatever.


A 30-day month. A 29-day month. About a month. Whatever.


In the midst is dead bang down the center. Near the center. Generally anywhere thereabouts. Whatever.


Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades. And bible prophecy date-setting, apparently.


Since Dave’s god is not one for exactness or precision, Abib being one tiny day off from winter is close enough. Thankfully, Elijah will save the day by appearing “before February 10.” But we will not get to learn about that until Part 415.



Some folks who traveled to the Winter Social did not believe Tevet 21 would happen. Some few hoped it would happen while they were there. Much disappointment was had by all.


The enabling hirelings at Headquarters do not take their Pester General seriously. With good reason.


This bonus quote aptly paints the picture.


Part 401 – October 22, 2022

@ 34:55 The month is Cheshvan. And that’s in the fall. And we’re never gonna move away from it.


There is a great irony at play inside The Restored Church of God.


An unbeliever of David C. Pack is a believer of the Bible.


An unbeliever of the Bible is a believer of David C. Pack.

Marc Cebrian

See: Winter Unbelievers

Can You Trust A COG To Help You With Mental Health and Addiction Issues?

From a UCG source:

Can you trust a COG to help you with mental health and addiction issues? How many ministers have ever had REAL training in counseling, addictions, and mental health issues? The chances are slim to none with most of them. With the inherent disdain in the COG world for "higher education" most ministers in any of the COG's have no degrees outside of Ambassador College, or hours spent pouring over books and booklets about church teachings.

Most ministers in any COG have never had official training on how to counsel or conduct a therapy session. The first issue they all have is that far too many COG leaders and ministers lack empathy. Empathy is a necessary ingredient in therapy, counseling, and work with mental health and addiction issues.

UCG Council of Elders writes:

Chairman Len Martin called the morning session to order at 9 a.m. Eastern and the meeting was opened with prayer. All 12 Council of Elders (Council) members were present. Scott Ashley was online via Zoom.

Chairman Martin introduced the first subject of the day concerning the Council review of the “Light of Hope” program. He then turned the floor over to Steve Myers to lead a presentation about the program. Mr. Myer’s explained the reasons why “Light of Hope” was introduced last January. He then discussed the program’s Goal, Vision, Mission, and Scope statements. Mr. Myers also clarified exactly what this program is all about and what it is not.

Mr. Myer’s added that the Light of Hope’s sole purpose is to support our members who struggle with mental health issues and addiction. He made it clear that this program is for UCGIA members only. It’s not a public program or open to other COG organizations. Light of Hope is not just providing counseling services, it’s a support system, as well as assisting the membership with locating and connecting with the available Christian-based mental health and addiction services in their local areas.

Mr. Myers ended his presentation with a question and answer session as well as taking feedback to improve the Disclaimer, Confidentiality, and Hold Harmless Statement. Dr. Roy Fouch, a member of the consultant volunteers for Light of Hope, joined Mr. Myers during this portion of the presentation.

When has confidentiality EVER been used in the COG? Ministers and ministers' wives routinely gossip about other members' problems. Toss in addictions and mental health issues and UCG is going to have major issues if they can't keep their mouths shut.

Chairman Martin then asked the Council if this new Light of Hope program needs a resolution or was the presentation and a simple acknowledgment that the Council has been made aware of this new program enough. It was determined that a resolution was needed and would be drafted and then presented at the Zoom council meeting sometime in January. It was also decided that the program can move forward without the resolution.