Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Impossible Possibilities by Scott Steel


Impossible Possibilities

By Scott Steel




While listening to “The Greatest Untold Story!” Parts 423 and 424 by David C. Pack, I was initially surprised by the content. The mystery became bigger and more vast than expected. I certainly didn’t think he would entertain such an abrupt about-face from his previously established doctrinal truth that comprised the “final” Mystery of God.


Since I departed from The Restored Church of God in 2016, I have occasionally followed the ramblings of Dave Pack. As a now-outsider looking in, it has sometimes been comical while at other times concerning. But all of the time, it has been a self-defeating mess.


One word repeated too often has caught my attention more than any other throughout the years. This word should catch everyone's attention, no matter what context it is used in.




It is the most frequently used qualifier that enhances the immovable nature of the current teaching. By stating it over and over, Dave Pack tells his audience there is no other logical option of belief.


Impossible to be…

Impossible not to be…


Dave Pack has used “impossible” countless times in sermons and in his Brethren/Co-worker letters. “It is impossible for this present evil world to continue any longer.” That is his favorite expression to paint the bleak intensity of worsening world conditions that can’t go on another year. Herbert W. Armstrong of The Worldwide Church of God was well-versed in this technique. Today, we call that fear-mongering.


The “jaw-dropped” Headquarters ministers have adopted “impossible” numerous times in their Prophecy Updates for the RCG membership. This purposely blocks all non-conforming thoughts from the idea that the desired conclusion has any chance of not being correct.


Dave Pack has really been on a roll these past few years in defining the context of his greatest story. It is impossible for the prophetic picture to change. It is impossible for any option other than what is taught today. The subject matter is conclusive, and no further discussion is required.



This past Saturday, February 25, 2023, Dave Pack gave Part 423, which was laced with “threads” to establish the completely new Mystery of God.


He continually pushes aside potential detractors from within the membership by reinforcing his points of fact 19 times using “impossible.” That number does not include all the occurrences, which means there are more.


Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 24:33 Now, if that's true if those eleven days are true (they are), it’s impossible, it’s impossible, brethren, to not know when the Day of the Lord is. It’s impossible. It’s Iyar 1.


Who would dare argue with a triply-impossible fact like that?

Dave Pack indicates with bravado how "impossible to argue with" his new understanding is. His proof and metrics are inarguable, and the brethren better not try.


That was the theme of both messages on Saturday. Parts 423 and 424. The sequence of the events and their placement within the 2023 calendar are impossible to dispute, and all his points are inarguable.



If his biblical knowledge is so spot-on and impossible to disagree with, why does Dave Pack present such a powerful position while also revealing a defensive posture?


I mean, it’s like robbing a bank. Imagine this:


Give me all the money. I have a gun and will kill you. I want all unmarked twenty-dollar bills in a cotton bag. I have a gun and will kill you. Don't say a thing to anyone. Just smile. I have a gun and will kill you. It is impossible that I don’t have a gun. It’s inarguable that I won't kill you. Give me all the money.


Assertive and bold. But also insecure at the same time.


Why would God’s final revelation to His only Good and Faithful Servant be presented in such a threatened manner? If it were all inspired truth, what could possibly challenge God’s blessing of knowledge to His people through His chosen vessel and end-time prophet?


Maybe Dave Pack’s fragile display stems from the facts of history that, time and time again, get in the way of his "impossible to misunderstand” mistakes. Maybe it is because he just took a few months-weeks-days' worth of impossibilities and inarguable proofs and chucked them over the hill into the scrap pile that he rushes “in the midst of” to hold the Flag of Certainty Now while standing offensively defensive.


The picture was clear before but proven wrong. The new picture is even more clear than before. Until it is proven wrong seven days later.



What really surprised me the most, and I didn't see coming from Parts 423 and 424, was the number of big changes, not only to the timeline but also to the supportive metrics of the Mystery of God.


I counted at least 14 changes to what was just recently etched in granite as confirmation of factual evidence. Dave Pack took 790+ minutes of carved-in-stone teaching of the prophetic Mystery of God, laid it on a table in a dark back room, then took a sledgehammer and smashed it into pieces.


Once Dave Pack emerged from the killing floor, he cobbled together new months, days, beginnings, endings, dusks, dawns, who, what, where, how many, and then offered how impossible not to happen it all was. I mean, it’s just inarguable now.


As each day on the calendar comes and goes, Dave’s strong-arm assurances fall victim to the real possibility that his narrative is flawed. He has never understood the speed, intensity, and timing of real prophetic fulfillment. The beautifully framed RCG picture reveals a background of confusion. But, if you look closely, you can see it as just one big giant fraud. 


If Dave Pack is going to live or die with impossibilities, he had better be aware that possibilities are his and his god’s mortal enemy.


If Dave Pack continues to argue with the inarguable Dave Pack, the result is, and has always been, a house divided against itself. The calendar and simple math will define whether Dave Pack's "impossible not to happen” stands or falls.


It would be wise to prepare now for that real possibility.

Dave Pack Is So Sure Of Himself That He Will Die On His Holy Hill In Wadsworth


Two Curses


David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God delivered a double feature on February 25, 2023, when he gave "The Greatest Unending Story!" Parts 423 and 424.


The He-Is-The-Man discovery in Daniel 12:12 that the 1335 is connected to Iyar 1 (April 22), followed by a final “plain” message(s) on the Sabbath triggered the micron short delay watch period for the First Kingdom to Israel when Jesus Christ will return briefly to oversee the rebuilding of the Temple Altar so sacrifices can resume, but before returning to Heaven, He will raise Elijah as an invisible ruler to proclaim global announcements until a resurrected Nebuchadnezzar is revealed as the Man of Sin who stops the sacrifices and sets up the Abomination of Desolation in Jerusalem.


That is a mouthful. But that is what they teach now. It could start maybe this week. Possibly next week. Keep watching because no man knows the day and the hour of the arrival of the Kingdom of Dave.


Christ’s Kingdom, you can know. The Father’s Kingdom, you can know. But Dave’s Kingdom is a secret.


The weekend highlights from Parts 423 and 424 have been updated.


·      The 1335 of Daniel 12 started on February 24

·      The Kingdom of Dave “could be” this week

·      The Temple Altar “could be” built this week

·      “All hell breaks loose” on March 19

·      The Tribulation begins on March 23

·      The Man of Sin is revealed on March 23

·      The Great Tribulation starts on April 11

·      All of Israel goes into captivity on April 11

·      The Day of the Lord/return of Jesus Christ is on April 22


The clock ticks toward Iyar 1 as the new apex for all prophetic timing. Abib 1 has been brushed aside as the bridesmaid and no longer the bride.


Please do not panic. If the Kingdom of Dave does not begin by late next week, the rest of the timing elements fall like dominos. I sense Part 425 in our near future.



This reminder from last week will place this week in the proper perspective.


Flashback Part 422 – February 18, 2023

@ 33:45 This is just the way I’m gonna be ‘cause there’s no more Series. No more sermons where I’m gonna come and tell ya anything differently than I do now. I cannot say these things tonight and then undo them.


David C. Pack says everything you need to hear to determine whether he is true or not, whether he is of God or not.


During Part 423 on Saturday, he did not beat around the bush, bothering with just minor adjustments. No. This time, he leaped into hardcore Christian Bale Mode on his previous teachings. You know, from seven days ago.


Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 11:26 Many things are about to change. And, as I say, they will be clarifying, fascinating, terrifying, and comforting…So, let’s open with this question: Could the Kingdom to Israel be longer than WE thought?


This is another “The answer is always YES” Dave question. He ate 52 minutes during Part 421 with “16 Proofs” the Kingdom of Dave was precisely one month. He even presented it with a Twist rendering his points primarily useless.


But that was a whole week ago, so toss your old notebook into the growing dumpster fire.


@ 11:50 But, could they be longer than WE thought? Could it? The number of days. Could it be more than thirty days? The whole period.


This means Dave found the authority to change “one month” after all.


Flashback Part 421 – February 18, 2023

@ 1:10:12 And I found no authority to add to it…But I found no authority. You cannot add to seven years or a thousand years. You cannot add to one month. It was just that simple.


Dave explains there is a 3 ½ day period before the one month. Using sleight of hand and verbal gymnastics, he avoids stating, "one month is now 33 ½ days,” but that is what he teaches.


Much like the 1335 clock reset or Elijah ruling the First Kingdom to Israel means it is the Kingdom of Dave, he says it without saying it. He is either hiding the facts or in denial.


The following quote makes the point clear.


Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 28:57 Realize the Kingdom to Israel isn’t losing days now, but rather, has been lengthened.


Dave believes this enough to prove he does not fear God. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.


@ 29:41 So, I wanna state one last time, unequivocally, and I’ll just absolutely die on this ground. This is the hill I die on. It is impossible that Abib does not close with the Day of the Lord. Impossible. It’s unbiblical.


David C. Pack pronounces a curse on himself.


He must believe we are not held accountable for the words that come out of our mouths when we stand before God on the day of judgment.


He said this ONE WEEK AGO.


Flashback Part 421 – February 18, 2023

@ 59:41 But it cannot change the duration of the month. I will die before I believe otherwise.


David C. Pack already pronounced a curse on himself.

One week later, he betrays what he swore upon.


He will die before he believes the Kingdom to Israel is not exactly one month. Seven days later, he changed it to at least 33 ½ days.


The blind hubris of invoking his own life while speaking under God’s authority is astounding. I fear for the man.


Thankfully for us all, God is patient and long-suffering.



There are two aspects of God rarely covered in sermons but are self-evident in life.


God has a sense of humor.


God is a fan of irony.


David C. Pack should be praying on his knees with tears that these two qualities of God do not come together any time soon. Especially on April 21 at 8:12 PM ET.


He will not do that. But I will.


Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Have mercy upon David Crowl Pack, for he knows not what he does. Grant him repentance for his pride and blasphemy so that he might receive mercy. Let Your will be done. I ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.


I do not hate David C. Pack. I do not long for the death of David C. Pack. I hope he repents.


But, these are dark times for The Restored Church of God. These are dark times for David C. Pack.


When a man invokes a curse upon himself and then breaks it in front of the whole church, you know things are bad.

Marc Cebrian

See: Two Curses

Monday, February 27, 2023

I am the "he" of scripture...




David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God re-descrambled his timing elements from last week during “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 423)” on February 25, 2023. If you have not yet listened to Parts 420, 421, and 422, do not bother.


That knowledge has been superseded by updated, absolutely-for-sure-now-never-to-be-changed, more accurate knowledge.


·      The Kingdom of Dave begins TBD

·       “All hell breaks loose” on March 19

·      The Man of Sin is revealed on March 23

·      The Day of the Lord and the return of Jesus Christ is April 22


David C. Pack gets away with what he says because the brethren do not listen to him. Since they cannot hear what he is saying, they cannot understand which spirit drives him.


Flashback Part 421 – February 18, 2023

@ 1:25:10 And you've heard my words. I’m not a liar. I’d say, “Brethren, I don’t have anything else.” Then, here would come a sermon, a sermon, a sermon, a sermon…


Flashback Part 422 – February 18, 2023

@ 35:33 I’m not a hypocrite. I can’t stand up here and undo what I said in the last message.


My personal belief is that God allows self-condemning words to come out of David C. Pack’s mouth to prove who and what he is to the brethren of The Restored Church of God.


Once the man does his first miracle, the test is over, and the door slams shut. The On-The-Fencers will be blown over onto the wrong side. And some who got out will clamor to climb back in.


The people who believe him today without miracles will have zero hope of escape after he starts.



Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 00:19 Well, we’re still right on time. In fact, more than you ever might have imagined.


The Restored Church of God is caught in a reality loop of the worst kind. Sadly, no Emily Blunt is making it worthwhile.


Flashback Part 414 – January 14, 2023

@ 08:13 We’re still on time. Believe me, more than you could ever know. Everything's still fine. Absolutely. Absolutely. More than I could have ever believed, God could tell us in this most-exciting sermon conclusion.


Flashback Part 418 – February 9, 2023

@ 00:18 But we're still fine, brethren. Everything is still on track. I love to open saying that, knowing that it's true…



David C. Pack is the only one in the church not aware cycles are repeating. And have been for years. He suffers from specific and acute amnesia, affecting what he has already said.



I grew up on the Masters of the Universe cartoon series that began in 1981. I followed the adventures of Prince Adam, who held up his sword and called upon Castle Grayskull to transform into He-Man.

He shouted his catchphrase, “I have the power!”

David C. Pack holds up the Bible and calls upon his god so that he can transform into an angel of light. His adventures are found all throughout the Bible, and in the coming days, he will rule the First Kingdom to Israel as an invisible Elijah the Prophet.

The concepts from Mattel and The Restored Church of God have one thing in common: They are both pure make-believe.


A prominent fantasy in RCG is the continual imperceptible appearance and disappearance of the 1335 of Daniel 12. It started, and we did not know it. It stopped, and we did not know it. For years now. Again.


As of Part 422 last week, the 1335 was ongoing without a hitch, right on track.


Listen to how a devious person resets the 1335 clock. The oily verbal contortions are cunning and cowardly, but he still manages to poke the members in the eye with a snide insult.

Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 39:32 We’ve got this thing called the 1335. It does not count back from Abib 1. It is now obvious when it says, “Blessed is he that waits and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.” You’ve got to count back from Iyar.


His mental disorders use a third-person perspective and passive voice to separate himself from his own faulty teachings that the 1335 backed into Abib. He is disembodied from his own statements. "We've got," "It," "You've got to," all means he does not accept responsibility for anything he is saying on this topic. Or the fact that he taught it for weeks. Keep that in mind.


Oh, and everything corners off Iyar now instead of Abib. Try to keep up.


@ 39:51 You’ve got to [count from Iyar]. It’s impossible not to. So, that was yesterday morning at 10:30. 


This is a perfect illustration of why intangible prophecy fulfillments are bunk. They happen when a man says they do. They move when a man says they do.


The people in The Restored Church of God do not believe their Bible. They believe a man.


If I were a false prophet, a false apostle, a biblical fraud, a sorcerer, a magician, a charlatan, and a liar, I would declare the 1335 reset precisely like this.


@ 40:00 So, flag that in your thinking. 


This should all be a huge red flag for members of RCG and would be an excellent point for their Exit Letters. If anyone would like confidential assistance, please write exrcgwebsite@gmail.com.


@ 40:03 It just so happens that was yesterday morning at 10:30. And it became a much bigger and important signal to me, personally, since I was the only one correctly waiting for it.


Important to him personally. It is all about him. Another narcissistic tendency.


Who cares about you personally, Dave? You are not the one who needs comfort right now. All the folks in RCG have to face the embarrassment of resetting the 1335 for the umpteenth time. I can only imagine the looks from spouses in the kitchen when it slips out the 1335 started last Friday again, not back in January.


Dave insults everyone in RCG with “I was the only one correctly” because HE was the one who taught it was already ongoing. He sounds like the victim here bitching how everyone else was waiting incorrectly.


Take note no email or Member Services Pathetic Update made this announcement days earlier. Dave left the brethren to stew in their own foolish ignorance while he basked in the glory for himself.


Does anyone think assertions about his mental illnesses are hollow attacks based on vitriol? If you do, then you need to read his words more carefully. Better yet, watch his clips to get the complete experience.


@ 40:17 Let me just tell you something fascinating. The little flock gets the kingdom. WE all know that. But, I was the only one who knew to wait for that day because I discovered on Tuesday what was still ahead by three days for Friday. Now, I want everybody on their own, I want you to read the verse by yourself and try to figure out an enormously powerful point in that verse…What did WE miss? [Arrogant sniff] What did WE miss?


“I want everyone to read the verse and figure out where I am in your Bible.”

“I want everyone on their own to find how important I am to God.”


The “enormously powerful point” is self-serving because it is about Dave. Wow.


Look where my doodies are, mommy!

They’re in the toilet, not in my pants.

Aren’t you sooooo proud of me?


Pathetic insecurity manifests in raw form at the lectern in the Main Hall at Headquarters.


And just because he could not help himself, Dave had to nudge them towards the answer he wanted them to see before he said it to make it even MORE true. This is just embarrassing.


@ 41:00 I’ll give you this clue: I’m the only one (and I wouldn’t have unless God showed me) I’m the only one who knew when it was. Does anything jump out of the verse at you now? Now, plenty of people are gonna be blessed soon enough. But here's what it says, "Blessed is HE.” Here it is in the Hebrew: masculine singular.


That is more than a clue. That is the full answer with a cherry on top.


Come on, Dave. Just say, “I will be like the Most High,” and get it over with.


@ 41:35 “Blessed is HE.” It does not say “they.” “Blessed is HE who waits” and adheres. 


Arrogant vanity has never been so personified. Kanye West is the Dalai Lama compared to Dave.


A surrogate date and now this. David C. Pack is “he” in the Bible. Have fun slotting his name whenever you read that from now. If he can get away with this once, it will come up again later.



Those poor stupid people thought the 1335 blessing would apply to a whole group at the end. How dumb do the members of RCG feel now? Even the All-Believing Zealots are getting a run for their money. 


The spirit that drives David C. Pack is all that is unholy, unrighteous, filthy, and evil. He makes a mockery of God. He makes a mockery of God's Church. He makes a mockery of everyone’s faith.


David C. Pack is Some Great One


Those who choose to remain in The Restored Church of God earn their wages. You get what you pay for. And you get David C. Pack in spades.


@ 42:01 And it was never for anybody but one man who would know…


@ 42:47 But, the point is, Who was that verse written to? Well, I’ma just tell you it one last time…


This is not the last time. Expect him to pin people in his path and bring it up ad nauseam until he undoes this teaching. For the sake of the folks in Wadsworth, pray it be sooner than later.


@ 42:53 I’m the only one who knew about it. And I ran it by three or four ministers, so you could say a few others did because I told them, and their jaws all hit the floor because it is impossible to make “he” anything other than masculine singular.


Dave probably pissed himself with excitement running this by them. And to then be greeted with shocked approval. Those enablers should be ashamed of their disservice to God's people. Wretched, miserable, poor, blind, naked, and lukewarm hirelings who care not for the sheep but feed off of them.


None of them possessed the courage to present the uncomfortable fact “he” is in the Old Testament 7360 times. I am being silly because only Dave knows where Dave appears in the Bible. He has the authority to identify himself.


In other words, David C. Pack self-identifies as “he” in the Scriptures. Ahem.


So, there are 7359 more “he” possibilities in the Old Testament for Dave to twist. If you think he will not try it, think again. This is a serious discovery too versatile to go to waste.



After the meal, Dave revisited the 1335, but not in the way he had planned. He said the message would be 90 minutes, but it was only 55. He also did not go into greater detail about the 1335 being all about HIM.


Maybe the enabling semi-circle at the back of the hall advised, "Mr. Pack, you've said enough." Or someone whispered in his ear because he mumbled a post-meal lip-service reversal.


Part 424 – February 25, 2023

@ 41:29 I believe if he’s blessed, you are. But the important thing is he needed to know what that date meant….Then, there’s a final message making everything plain, clearing up all the Mystery of God. Preparing the way for everybody to understand before God comes suddenly to His temple.


From the right side of his mouth, the blessing ONLY applies to the masculine singular pronoun, also known as David C. Pack.


From the left side of his mouth, the blessing includes the RCG brethren.


Which is it?


Does the 1335 blessing apply like it did last week, or does it apply like it did before the meal? It cannot be "only for one man” but also “for everyone.” Even politicians know that.


Hear the words of David C. Pack. Listen to what he says.


The two hemispheres of Dave’s brain cannot walk together in agreement. He is a living contradiction at odds with himself. There is a war thundering between his ears. His words reflect an emerging personality breaking free from repressed captivity.


This is beyond just mental disorders manifesting. Take heed and pay attention, people of The Restored Church of God. You are getting what you pay for.


Even a dog knows to back way after you beat it enough.



Like in every Colombo episode, I have just one more question.


Has anyone looked up the word “he” in Daniel 12:12?


Now that Dave has had his fun, the clouds roll in to trample his rainbow.


The Old Testament is recorded in Hebrew. In the King James Bible, some English words fill the gaps by conjugating the verbs so they can be understood. The translators used italics to note when key words were absent in the original language.


“He” in Daniel 12:12 is not italicized. The deceptions is more blatant than that.


In Hebrew, "he" is H1931 in Strong’s Concordance. It is found 1716 times of those 7360 times.


A small detail Dave missed is that H1931 is NOT in Daniel 12:12. In fact, NOTHING is there in the Hebrew.


Daniel 12:12

Blessed H835  is he that waiteth, H2442  and cometh H5060  to the thousand H505  three H7969  hundred H3967  and five H2568  and thirty H7970  days. H3117


The word “he” is part of the conjugation of the word “waits” and is not a separate masculine singular pronoun, as Dave implied. Either he did not look it up or did but ignored the evidence.


He needed the verse to be about him, so facts-be-damned, it is about him. Insert feet stomping here.


Only those in The Restored Church of God who fact-checked Dave afterward would know this. Well, and those reading this now.


Perhaps someone brought this to his attention at the meal, keeping him from milking it for more adoration. He repeated he would cover it more but then never did.


Daniel 12:12 did not have a coded message from God embedded for David C. Pack to discover so he would know when the 1335 was triggered. That is all a lie. “The 1335 started on Friday at 10:30” is a lie.


David C. Pack lied to the brethren of The Restored Church of God. He created a doctrine based purely on hot air and perverse imagination, as he is oft to do.


The next time David C. Pack holds up the Bible and shouts, “I have the power,” remind him He-Man was a cartoon character designed for children.


eSword just exposed that David C. Pack is no He-Man after all. Even Orko is laughing at him.


Marc Cebrian

See: He-Man