Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Apostle Says: Tribulation Could Start In Late 2012

Self appointed Apostle and prophecy nut Apostle Malm is spitting out more dates for the start of the tribulation and a potential upheaval in LCGlala Land leadership:

I am not making a set in stone prediction, however in my personal opinion it looks highly likely that the Abomination COULD be set up in Rome in the second half of 2012 [probably in Sep.] calling for a New Europe; and the tribulation to begin 75 days later.

When the abomination is set up, and the New Europe comes together, all the biblical signs are present and peace and safety is declared; UCG and the other major groups  will reject the biblical signs around the peace and safety declaration; probably be saying that no Temple has been built and no Daily Sacrifice started: in a misunderstanding of the stopping of the Daily in the midst of the Week of Dan 9.

LCG: It is possible that LCG will have a new leadership before the end of 2012.  They are likely to cling to the widely held pagan idea; which seem to be unique in LCG compared to the other COGs;  that the full 70th week of Daniel still needs to be fulfilled.  Therefore when the abomination is set up, many of them will be caught in the tribulation; believing the pagans rather than God’s word; that immediate destruction will come when peace and safety is declared. 


The Apostlator said...

You said, "Self appointed Apostle and prophecy nut Apostle Malm..."

He's NOT self-appointed.

You admitted yourself a few days ago:

"I started calling James Malm 'The Apostle' some time back. That is the impression he gives off to people as to what he thinks he is."

But let the truth stop you, it hasn't so far....

Ken said...

According to the other self-appointed apostle (and sole proprietor of HWA's legacy), Dave Pack, prophecy will have played out by 2013/2014. He stated sometime in 2003/2004 that the world only had 10 years left. Whether or not that was intended to include the 3 1/2 years of "great tribulation" really doesn't matter. How many times did HWA revise his timeline, drafted by "Christ's authority"? (Of course, we all know that "Christ was ready to return, but the church wasn't ready"...)

Anonymous said...

Labeling someone "The Apostle" is a tradition in the COG splinters because those who rise to the top of in their own minds capture such labels for themselves. Far more often than not, Splinter Saviors find a way to appoint themselves these titles to set themselves apart from just the standard opinions offered on Theology by the common rabble.

James Malm's declarations of just how everything is in the mind of God, Christ, Satan and all the Host of Heaven fits the mold. Or 'mold'if you like the fungal variety of moldy.

He is infected with the meme of prophecy so called and believes a book can divine the mind of a Deity and then he can pass his understanding on which actually does affect the lives of real people who can't think critically or need to be told by others how the world of God works.

Malm wants the best of both worlds. He wants to be perceived as "one who knows," but leaves himself enough disclaimers to be able to say, "I never said that..."
The need to be right ahead of others, which he is not, AND the ability to back out of that which turns out wrong is important to the ego.

Weinland and Thiel have made the classic mistake of putting a date on a book. Ron Weinland is doing a boring jig to both be and not be one of the Two Witnesses. Truly, truly one of the most boring speakers in the history of WCG and yet one embued with such power from on High. It's ridiculous. Weinland will end up wanting to be a minister the rest of his life and when he manifiests nothing outside of his humanity will say,

"Even the Apostle Paul was wrong..

"Even the early church thought time was short" (of course it was Paul telling them that lie)

"Well we all need to live as IF Christ were coming tomorrow anyway..."

"Praise God from whom all blessing flow, Praise him creatures here below...He has mercifully given us more time for the harvest..."

You'll never hear from any of them, ANY of them.

"Oops, I was mistaken..."

Perhaps these kinds of minds are reincarnated priest souls from the Inquisition...

So we self appoint James Malm as Apostle who really has taken the mantle to himself as "One Sent."

So let it be written, so let it be said....amen.


NO2HWA said...

If "The Apostlator" was paying attention, he would see that Apostle Malm has had a recent spat of article lately describing in detail the function of apostles.

He has taken great pains in the past few months detailing how biblical men who were "followers" of God had certain traits specific to them. These are all qualities he sees in himself.

Like Herb, who denied he was an apostle for many years, Malm has taken on this mantle in the eyes of many of his acolytes. He believes he has these qualities also.

I will continue to mock his false mantle till the day I shut this blog down. There is nothing godly about the man. The only fruit he bears is deceit and deception. He is a liar who seeks to keep more people in bondage to the law.

Anonymous said...

I will continue to mock his false mantle till the day I shut this blog down.

Oh, please, please, don't go!!!

NO2HWA, I understand that you may have to: The Armstrongist community is in serious, rapid decline, with much credit going to you (and quite a lot of other folks, but you are excellent, I don't know how you do it). One day, there will be nothing to write about, because they will be gone and so will the fun of mocking them, when they no longer exist.

There may be pockets of them here and there, but no one is coming from the outside and people are leaving. This is an inexorable journey into obscurity.

And, yes, it probably too early to have a raffle on the end date -- that would be too much like the Armstrongists.

However, when they are gone, there will be so much peace without their incessant mental noise.

James said...

Once Armstrongism is rightfully labelled at a mental illness in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" I will be satisfied.

The amount of societal problems and costs that have come out of these groups is mind bending.

The COG's have among them, Terry Ratzmann as one of Americas mass murderers to their credit.

"No one doubts that Terry Ratzmann bears the ultimate
responsibility for the carnage that occurred that day. It was he who
made the conscious decision to deliver death to the congregation instead
of the final prayer that he was assigned to recite. But in the mind of
the very depressed Terry Ratzmann, it was the church leaders who were
obstacles to his happiness as well as being the source of his problems.
We know that because Ratzmann chose to target those individuals as well
as their families. In essence, if Terry Ratzmann was going to be
deprived of a happy life, so were they.

NO2HWA said...

I don't have any intention of shutting down. Neville Stevens and Wiener Dude Weinland have not been able to kill me yet, so I have to stick around and watch their cult's dissolve into nothingness.

NO2HWA said...

Here is more proof Apostle Malm thinks he has an important mission. He has a specific goal and destination in mind along with specific dates. He is no insignificant little weirdo that needs to be ignored. He is a super-sized, arrogant, egotistical and self-righteous fool who preaches a message of hopelessness.

"I know exactly what I am doing and I am working to a definite schedule to turn as many as possible to God before the tribulation begins. The precise timing of that is in the Father’s hands; all I know is that it is at the door. Decision time will come at the discretion of the Master Builder and he will make his ways absolutely clear to the brethren at the appropriate time. James"

Anonymous said...

The Great Tribulation for the ACoGs begins today!

Vaughn said...

The acquiescence to biblical titles, in my experience with WCG, PCG and RCG, takes the same form: "some (unnamed) members came up to me and said we think, after much prayer, you fulfill the roll of (blank - fill in biblical title here.) I had to admit they had a point. While I hesitate to take such a title I was led by God to see that I have, in fact, fulfilled such a role."

Hah! and we believed it!

More likely, but unsaid is: "I, in my egocentric, narcissistic, world of self importance, think you would send me more money if I was a (fill in title here.)"

Anonymous said...

The ad in The Journal has been taken down. It lasted only 14 hours for the paid ad.

It just goes to show the total lack of any integrity of any Armstrongist organization.

Norm said...

I am dismayed at this development, Douglas.

I was composing a comment earlier today saying I was glad to see it there, but my electric went out for a minute, and it disappeared.

At the risk of speaking before I know the facts, my first guess is it was because of complaints.
Many cult members will go to great lengths to erase/suppress anything and everything that explains away their cherished beliefs.

Perhaps some threatened to pull their ads and/or cancel their subscriptions.

I noticed one "ad" by Brian Convery which was like 12 pages long, and that various ads there are basically sermonettes.

Perhaps almost anything anti-Tkach is ok there, but something which dispels the more adhered-to myths of the Armstrong remnants and spin-offs (especially if science-based), is not.

I hope Dixon will reconsider.

Norm said...

That's spot-on, Vaughn.

Steve said...

The journal has always been a sabbatarian, feast-keeping, tithe-paying, clean meat-eating, british-israelism, true church, COG rag.

Byker Bob said...

If there were any remote possibility of wedging open the door to some peoples' minds, it would be the dispelling of some of the many false extra-biblical theories that HWA made an integral part of his so-called "restored truths". The primary, and most accessible of these, of course, would be British Israelism.

These people have just proven that they are not seekers of the truth, or they would be glad to subject their theories to test or debate.
The funny thing is, it's not as if giving up British Israelism, or Simon Magus conspiracies, or the supposed church eras, or mistaken histories involving the Waldenses, or the notion that Germans are Assyrians, or Hisloppian theories regarding the omnipresence of paganism would automatically kill off their sabbath, or feasts. I think that deep down, they realize that if they acknowledge that all of these cultic theories are poorly researched, and provably false, they'd realize that HWA's Bible research was equally shoddy. So, they slam the door.