Thursday, December 23, 2010

New Splinter Group in Houston With Jim Severino

 Slick Severino has negotiated with the building owner that UCG has rented from, to hold his service at 10:30 a.m. - a couple of hours before UCG meets in the same room.

Dear Brethren,

I want you to know how very sad both Judy and I are in having to write this kind of letter. For the past several months I have agonized over bringing up any matters concerning our church problems because I knew how disheartening it was to hear and that it had the potential to disrupt our wonderful church environment and the joy we all have being together each week. Frankly, it was also personally stressful because I wanted very much to be what you needed me to be. We love all of you and I am committed to serving you as shepherd in the future just as I have for the past five years. Unfortunately, I will no longer be able to do so as an employee of the United Church of God. This morning I tendered my resignation.

I don’t need or want to rehearse what has led up to this point. More details about our decline are found in the Real Issues paper I mentioned in my last update. The Administration and Council have repeatedly reminded everyone of church authority while missing the greater spiritual principles Jesus spoke of in Mat.20:25. If you want people to yield to your leadership you must earn their confidence through service and love. Demanding it is what Christ warns us not to do. I must now say to you that I do have concern for the spiritual safety and wellbeing of any remaining with UCG.

What Does This Mean for Houston North?

I think most all of you are aware that I am not alone in my disappointment with UCG leadership. Dozens and dozens of pastors will be resigning shortly and a sizable number of Houston North and South members have said they are ready to move forward.

For now I would like to have us continue as close to normal as is possible. Beginning this Sabbath, there will be a weekly Sabbath service at our hall at 10:30 AM for any who would like to meet with me. This will be a 90 minute service and we will be off the premises by 1:00 PM so that those who choose to remain with UCG can continue as they have previously, without any awkwardness. We do not want to disrupt the regular routine of those desirous of attending in the afternoon nor in any way make things difficult. I will insure someone is available to help with sound this Sabbath. I also notified Ministerial Services of the need for them to provide a sermon speaker or message.

Everyone is welcomed to be with us in the morning that would do so in peace and it is in no way a declaration of permanent membership, loyalty or commitment. For the immediate future, those attending in the morning will simply be called the Church of God Houston or if from the south, Church of God Houston South. At this point we plan to continue all regular sports programs, the Teen Weekend, the Young Adult Weekend, Fun Show, etc. Everyone is welcomed to participate in these programs and socials and there will be no stipulation as to when you attend services. Many have already made commitments to them. We are all friends.


Technically there never was an official United Church of God, Huntsville congregation. Huntsville was established as a twice-a-month service to accommodate those who live further north. Thus, Huntsville will continue in the same location and time but the meeting will be serviced as a part of the Church of God Houston and not the United Church of God. This Sabbath Mr. John Perry will bring the sermon and church will be at the regular time of 11:00 AM. Please be informed that neither in the morning service at Broze Hall nor in Huntsville will any negative conversation about the United Church of God, its officers, or members be permitted. This is not only unnecessary at this point, it is also distasteful to God and not what the Sabbath is about.  We plan to joyfully gather in worship on God’s Sabbath day.

New Organization?

Over the months the UCG administration has publically claimed that many of us were planning a “split” or organizing a new Church association.  These claims are also false. Dozens of men are now being forced to resign and thousands of members around the world will leave as well. In going forward it would only be normal for there to be an effort to reorganize with those of like-mind and view.  That is something that can be considered as it develops. I would like us to have a congregational, town meeting when it is convenient to discuss a variety of topics concerning going forward.

Final Thoughts

Judy and I are both very sorry for the trauma this crisis has caused and apologize if we have fallen short in our service to you prior to, or during, this latest trial. We can all be completely confident that we are not alone. As we, more than ever, sharpen our focus on the holy calling we have been given, God will strengthen us and our bond together as a spiritual body will be even stronger. We look forward to being with you this Sabbath.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Just When You Think Armstrongism Couldn't Get Any Weirder: Birds Are EVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Demon Birds!

On Yahoo there are several groups that pretend that they are preserving all things HWA (pre-1986 of course).

There was this little gem today about birds.  Of course it had to bring in Harry Potter.

What amazed me was seeing a picture of a WAREHOUSE full of little stands (for a garden, perhaps) (just for Jerusalem!) where the idolaters would put bread crumbs or "cakes" for the Queen of Heaven, who, naturally, sent the birds to bring the offering to her. :)  Hm, how many of us have bird feeders?

Or, as Jesus put it, the birds nest in the tree. Birds are a symbol of evil throughout the Bible, from the dream Joseph interpreted to "the bird that carries tales to the King's ear" to the birds that snatch up the truth when the seed falls to the earth.

Of course, birds themselves are not evil--they are simply a part of God's creation and do what birds do. It is instructive to note that many evil people use owls, eagles, and other unclean birds as talismans (like Harry Potter and his mail-owl). ;It's as if they instinctively thumb their noses at God.

So, has anyone seen or read Harry Potter's Deathly Hallows? Does he combine into the powerful, evil wizard who keeps trying to kill him? You might read that as symbolic of God trying to win over Satan, similar to the Superman story.

David Antion on Apartian's Death and Ron Dart's Condition

12/12/10   Greetings from Pasadena,

By now most of you have received the news of the death of Dibar Apartian.  When I first knew Dibar he was a French teacher at Ambassador College but not yet baptized.  In a few years he was baptized and began to work on articles in the magazines translating them into French.  He became ordained an elder and later he and I were among four who were ordained “evangelists” in 1966.   He began a radio broadcast in French that was carried in Europe and in other French speaking countries.  

He and his wife Shirley (Nash) were social friends of ours playing Bridge and having dinner in each other’s home.  He was a temperate man who seldom ate desserts preferring to have fruit and cheese following his meals as is the custom in France.  He was always nice and pleasant to Molly and me.  Molly attended his French classes  for two years.

We received a discouraging update on Ronald Dart.  After his fall he evidently had intracranial hemorrhaging.  His time of rehabilitation has ended in the clinic but will continue at home.  It appears that the hemorrhaging has wiped up much of what he has learned in times past and he is having to learn letters and word all over again.  Larry Watkins wrote that he cannot read or write presently.

This has to be very discouraging for him and his wife, Allie.  Ron Dart had a very active mind and loved learning and was an able thinker on many subjects.  Many have prayed and are continuing to pray for him and Allie.  Please remember them in your prayers.

I hope you are well.  I shall be writing some things for our Guard the Temple area of the web site soon.
Sincerely, in Christ’s service,
David Antion

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

UCG Members: Informal Poll On UCG Crisis

Check out this informal poll on the current crisis in UCG.  Make you voice heard...not that UCG brass will care the least...but you will get an idea on how your other brethren are feeling about the situation unfolding:

UCG Members and readers of this blog – this is where you are able to get your voice heard in this unscientific, informal poll. This blog is researching your opinions on the UCG crisis. This is a neutral poll. There is no doctrinal or theological agenda with this poll, and Shadows of WCG is not interested – neither does Shadows care or will disclose – who posted what answer. (except if you leave a comment, of course.) Your answer is confidential (in other words, no one will know the identity of who posted what response, though the response is obviously visible to all.)  This informal poll will consist of a few questions. Your anonymity is encouraged. If you wish to further comment you are welcome to at the bottom of this poll. These questions are for public research about the ongoing crisis that is occurring within the United Church of God. One thing: If you choose to comment, in this thread, your comment must be factual. Civility is mandatory – and ad-hominem attacks toward any individual will not be tolerated and will be immediately deleted.

With that said, this is your time to get your voice heard. IF you request further polling questions, you may ask for it in a comment at the bottom of this poll. Your voice is important and deserves – demands – to be heard.