Friday, April 26, 2024

Debbie Down Syndrome In The Church Of God: Two Views On These Troubling Times


For many decades, we have had it ground in our psyche that the Church of God had/has a better way of believing and doing things. We had the answer to everything and knew that there was a world coming that would bring peace and harmony for at least 800-900 years, and then it was all going to fall apart again. Evil and damnation would be unleashed again.  What a cruel god! 

Yet, despite having a grand vision of millennial peace as our goal, the Church of God has always found the bad in the world and emphasized it in everything they preached and wrote about. Everything is evil and they can't wait for their god to come and smite all the evildoers and make the world into what they think it should look like.

This is how Gerald Weston starts every weekly update to his members. Something bad is always happening. Evil is lurking in the air ready to devour the loyal church members. This was his update on the 18th. He can't even find joy in Passover!

Passover and Unleavened Bread are now upon us. How many more Passovers will we have before Christ returns? The events of the last four years are sobering—a pandemic with all the disruption it brought, inflation, violent crime and demonstrations in our streets, weather upsets of historical and “of biblical proportions” in various places around the world, illegal immigration, wars in Europe and the Middle East. However, there is a positive to all that we see happening. “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:28). Some among us are going through severe trials and we cannot minimize how difficult that is for those individuals affected, including family members, but we must never take our eyes off the big picture. God called us and gave His Son on our behalf, and Jesus willingly suffered for us that we might be healed and that through His indwelling Spirit we might have eternal life. May we never forget Paul’s inspired words: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). I wish all of you a profitable and joyous Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread!—Gerald Weston

Compare Gerald Weston's negativity to an article below from Ralph Woodrow. You remember Woodrow, don't you? He wrote the fourth supplemental "sacred scriptures" that most COG members believed fervently in, until the horror of horrors, he refuted it all. 

In the Church of God hierarchy of official doctrine setting works, we had the Bible, US and BC In ProphecyMystery of the Ages, Hislop's  The Two Babylons, and finally Woodrow's Babylon Mystery Religion. Woodrow's works were so popular in Armstrongism that he even started quoting some of our teachings to back up his works.

Then, in a shocking twist of fate for Armstrongism, he refuted his Babylon Mystery Religion book in 1997, right amid the time period the Worldwide Church of God was refuting many of their long-held erroneous teachings.

The Babylon Connection? shows that the claims about Babylonian origins often lack connection, 
takes a closer look at the oft-quoted The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop, 
and provides some much needed clarification on this subject. 
Was Nimrod a deformed, ugly black man, married to Semiramis, 
a beautiful white woman with blue eyes and blond hair? 
Was Semiramis the originator of Soprano singing and priestly celibacy? 
Was she the mother of Tammuz? 
Is the cross a symbol of Tammuz? 
Are round communion wafers sun-symbols? 
Are candles, black clergy garments, the letters I.H.S., the fish symbol, halos, 
and church steeples of pagan origin? 
Does the Pope wear a crown with 666 on it? 
Was the papal mitre copied from the fishhead of Dagon? 
Does the Book of Revelation describe the Roman Catholic Church as "Mystery Babylon"?

This sudden change of belief sent many in COGland into a frenzy. It was further proof that Satan was hellbent on destroying the church. 

Fast forward to today when I was surprised to see he has teamed up with Greg Albrecht and serves on the Board of Directors for Plain Truth Ministries. Some will see this as further proof that Satan is at work in the church...c'est la vie.

The latest online Plan Truth has an article by him, titled, Is Everything In The World Getting Worse And Worse?

There are some who tell us in all seriousness that “everything in the world is getting worse and worse!” It seems popular, even in some pulpits, to talk about how bad everything is getting—“and getting worse all the time!” But the evidence is overwhelming that MANY things are better than they have ever been, especially in countries that enjoy the blessings of civilization. 
This is not to say there is not a lot of evil in the world. Many things are not as they should be. Nevertheless, progress has been made in the right direction. In harmony with Philippians 4:8, “... think on things of good report”—let’s consider some of the GOOD things God has blessed us with and for which we should be thankful.

Woodrow goes on to discuss advances in travel and technology and how there is progress in the right direction. 

He then states:

Was the world or this country better in the days of child labor? Was it better in the days of slavery? Was it better when travel was in covered wagons? Was it better when women could not vote or own property? Was it better when lights burned coal oil? Conditions may not be as they should, but on the whole, many have better food, better clothing, better housing, better health care, better education, better working conditions, better pay and better transportation than in the past. 
Today there are organizations to encourage clean, wholesome activities for boys and girls; organizations to aid the blind, the handicapped, the underprivileged, the elderly; organizations to prevent cruelty to animals and provide shelter. Progress is being made in Alzheimer’s research. Such things speak of kindness and progress in the right direction. 
Despite all the “good things” the Lord has allowed us to enjoy in this day, there are those who suppose things are getting worse all the time. While the Bible does say that “evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived” (2 Timothy 3:13), this may simply refer to the fact that one sin leads to another sin; one lie leads to another lie; those who head in the wrong direction get further and further away from Jesus and the gospel. 
“But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18). Where sin abounds, grace shall much more abound (Romans 5:20). Let people of faith everywhere look on the bright side, thankful for the progress that has been made! Is there evil in the world? Yes! No doubt about it. But while “everything” is not as it should be, we are BLESSED in many ways! 

Woodrow certainly has a better outlook on life than do so many of the miserable professional complainers making up the leadership of the Church of God today. It is no wonder so many in the Church of God today are depressed. Their very own leaders are the cause of this!

When will the church be people of faith? Having a grounded faith so joyful they revel in the joy that grace brings and are thankful for all the beautiful and good things in this world? 

The Earth Is Flat! So Says the "Obedient" Church of "god"


We have known for decades that Church of God members easily fall for most conspiracy theories and off-the-wall teachings by lunatic self-appointed ministers and other false teachers.

One thing that has always surprised me is how many COG folk believe the earth is flat.  The Obedient Church of God is one of those crazy groups.

Re: Why there are no photos of the edge of the earth.

BTW God says there are 4 angels AT the 4 “CORNERS” of the earthThen I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth,... Revelations 7:1

You cannot have “CORNERS” on a ball!

Therefore the earth is flat.


Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2017 11:30 PM




space photos ?

*** All the space photos of the earth that you see are fake. They will not even let the Hubble Telecsope ever to point toward the earth. They won’t even try, and make the phony excuse that the earth is spinning too fast. But they say that they can make phony pictures of the 1000 mile per hour spinning earth from a space ship right beside the Hubble.


And they never point the Hubble Telescope to point back to the earth, because they hide the flat earth from the public every way they can. They could simply turn down the magnification of the Hubble digitally to photograph the earth, and still take microsecond shots of the earth because they claim it is spinning, but they refuse to, so they can hide the FACT that the earth is flat.



    how come we never got to see the earth on edge?

You are FORBIDDEN to go to the edge.


They forbid you to go to the edge.

And because the balloon is near the Northern center of the earth, "NOT" outside of the flat earth. You are NOT allowed to fly in a plane or a balloon to the edge of the earth, or you will be shot down and put in prison if you are still alive.

And even if you wanted to go to Antarctica and cross over to the edge of the earth, they do not allow anyone to travel throughout across Antarctica.

You will be locked up if you try to travel to the edge past the little settlements on the Coasts of Antarctica.


They NEVER allow you to fly past the beginning Coasts of Antarctica

They NEVER allow you to fly to the OUTSIDE EDGE, PAST THE COASTS of Antarctica.

There is NO Flight allowed to fly over Antarctic. 

You can only fly along the Coasts of Antarctica and never into or past the interior.


They do not let you to fly over Antarctica just like they do not allow the Hubble telescope to ever point at the moon to see the US flag that was NEVER placed on the moon because they never went to the moon. Stanley Kubrick made all the PHONY moon landing films.


All pictures of a round earth are fake.

One thing we all seem to forget is that Armstrongism has produced some of the greatest minds on earth today! The amazing intellect of some COG members is astounding!





Thursday, April 25, 2024

Obedient Church of God: You Ministers Have Made Yourselves Vomit Material And Other Craziness


It has been some time since I have heard anything from the Obedient Church of God. They almost make Bob Thiel look normal.

There is nothing normal about this group, in fact, they are crazier than Thiel, Pack, Flurry, and Weinland combined!

Notice their calendar for April 2024 above and look at April 23. Apparently, you were supposed to eat Bread, lamb, horseradish and drink wine 10 minutes before sundown on that day. After all, the Israelites hastily left Egypt in 10 minutes and so shouldn't you!

For the next several days, you must examine "your year's dedication". All that is good if you survive the attack on the U.S. and Canada that might be happening.

The problem exists that this only works IF you start keeping these days on the CORRECT day! Only the Obedient Church of God knows teh correct day. Eat your heart out Bob Thiel! Everyone knows more than you do. Ha! Ha!

They have an absolute conniption over the International Dateline. They claim COG ministers who use the IDL to calculate make members work on the Sabbath, particularly in Australia and New Zealand.

They do go on to make a rather accurate statement about today's Church of God ministry and leaders.

That pretty much sums up the current ministry and leadership of the COG. God has vomited them out.

They have a stern warning to all disobedient Church of God ministers and leaders:

Basics To “Do”:

Christianity 101

If “YOU” want to Be a Christian

you “MUST”

walk in the footsteps of Jesus/Yeshua

To do this you “MUST” LIVE


= Live as Jesus and all the Disciples, and Paul did,

that Jesus/Yeshua set the Example of

How To Live

The following check list is of Christianity Basics of

what Jesus did

= Christian Checklist “Simplified” for you Do and Do not

1.) Do use Crescent Moons to get God’s “TIME” of Worship right, as the starting point. 

2.) Then set/start the New Year Abib 1 on the CORRECT day which is at the 1st Crescent 

3.) Count to the 15th to celebrate Passover, (not the same as The Last Supper).

4.) Have 1 minute of silence “after” you take the Bread, and after you take the Wine.

5.) Eat the Passover main meal “in Haste”= not a leisurely dinner.

6.) Eat the Passover main meal standing, with a walking stick/staff, and traveling clothes on. 

7.) Do not leave the Passover Seder until daybreak. Stay up, “Watch and Pray”.

8.) Burn any leftover food from the Passover elements, and Passover Supper.

9.) Start the Pentecost count from the 1st Holy Day inside the 7 days of Unleavened Bread. 10.) Count the 49 days +1 .

11.) Use the visible Crescent Moon to start each month.

12.) Only sight the Crescent Moon with the naked eye.

13.) Only sight the Crescent Moon from Jerusalem.

14.) Set “ALL” your Holy Day counts using only the Crescent Moon.

15.) Celebrate “ALL” the 7 Feasts of The Lord.

16.) Dwell temporarily outside your home for 7 days during The Feast of Tabernacles/Huts

17.) Recognize that there are 3 Pilgrimage Feasts per year. Go to Headquarters (if able) on Passover/Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, & Tabernacles.

18.) Know the approximate time of Christ return is 5777/2017-2018.

19.) Stand up when you sing Hymns to God.

20.) Face the North Heavens, or to Jerusalem (if possible) when singing praises to God. 21.) Wear your best clothes, shoes shined, bathed and clean undergarments before God.

The Gate/Road is Straight and Narrow, and there be “few” that find it . Mat 7:14