From Benjamin Grant Mitchell's site:
A novel based on a TRUE STORY

When prophecies for the End Time repeatedly failed, the Mitchell family moved to church headquarters in Pasadena, California, discovering rumours of sexual and financial corruption were well founded. Despite having no savings or home to return to (the cult paid rent and minimal wages), and knowing his family would be isolated from friends and extended family, Minister Mitchell resigned. On the way back to Australia, Benjamin turned ten in Hawaii, and although the cult banned celebrating birthdays, it was a notable milestone for the Mitchell’s, who began life for the first time free of the influence of a deluded megalomaniac.
THE LAST GREAT DAY is based on actual events including ex-members and friends of church leaders reporting child abuse at the highest ranks. It is set during the most tumultuous period of the cult’s existence, culminating when hundreds of thousands of members from around the world learned (via a 60 Minutes USA exposĂ©), the Californian government was investigating the church for fraud. This turned out to be the beginning of the end — not of the world, as Armstrong had falsely predicted for years — but for his cult.
More information here: Benjamin Grant Mitchell
OH DEAR GOD! This story is My Story too. Why am I surpised?
That is all I can muster right now. I have been writing all day and am exhausted.
I also am working on a similar book, probably not nearly as eloquent as yours but something I need to share.
Stop by my fledgling blog and give me any input you would care to should you find time in your busy schedule. Feel no obligation. I am linked at Banned as the True Doctrine of Christ Foundation.
My heart goes out to you!
Michael D. Maynard
The True Doctrine of Christ Foundation
Hi Michael.
Good luck with your book. I know how writing can be both cathartic and inspirational; exhausting and energizing.
Just like life: full of dichotomies!
my heart grieves when i see your story..
i also grew up in armstrongism, (was born into it and then left when i was thrown out of home at 16)
i lived through hell, years of torment both emotionally, and physically.. my child abuse was nothing short of satanic..
its people like us that understand..
thanks for your courage
timothy klein
Thanks timothy for your honesty. I am willing to share your story here if you if you want. People to this day deny that this kind of stuff ever went on in the church. Contact me at "" if you are interested.
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