Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Four Horsemen Are Starting To Ride Faster

Did you know that the Four Horsemen have been riding for quit some time now?  Or should I say loping along. Well, you had better start worrying because LCG had declared the Four Horsemen are starting to ride FASTER!

Prophet Thiel is reporting that the floods in Thailand  may destroy a lot of  the rice harvest resulting in higher rice prices.  In the typical LCG alarmist thinking, there is a reason behind this.  God is unleashing his agents of destruction to humble the world.  The Four Horsemen have been told to gallop faster!

Thai floods may cause global rice shortage
26 October 2011.  Thailand’s flooding has wiped out as much as 14% of paddy fields, drastically reducing the export capacity of the world’s biggest rice exporter and potentially increasing global food prices.

Thai capital warned “massive” water on the way

By Pracha Hariraksapitak BANGKOK (Reuters) – Floods swamped a new area of Thailand’s capital on Wednesday as some shops rationed food and Bangkok’s governor warned of “massive water” on the way that could put many parts of the sprawling city in danger by the end of the week.
Thiel writes:
Jesus warned that “famines” would be part of the “beginning of sorrows” (Matthew 24:7-8). In the Book of Revelation, food price inflation is predicted with the ride of the third horseman (Revelation 6:6).

Evangelist Richard Ames wrote:
The third seal presents a rider on a black horse, representing the scarcity of food and the resulting famine…Cynics say there have always been wars, famines and pestilences. But, as time goes on, we will see the four horsemen of the apocalypse intensify their ride, with increasing global consequences. (Ames R. The Middle East in Prophecy. Living Church of God, 2006, p. 24)


DennisCDiehl said...

Why are God and Jesus always warning about stuff. Wonder if it ever crosses their minds to just show up, drain the water off, plug the volcano, unswirl the tornado, cool the heat, heat the cool, grow the crops and such.

Cut out the middle man like the prophets and the COG's using normal stuff that humans get in the way of at times to motivate us.

The prophets never actually figure out that the land they chose to live in was the land corridor between all of Africa, Europe and Asia, and took getting in the way way to personally. Other nations and armies were going to be coming through on a regular basis. If you play in the street or worse, live in the street, there is a good chance you will get run over. It's not your fault necessarily and certainly not the offending drivers. You're just in the way.

"Love me or I'll drown, burn, shake, starve, nuke, freeze and make you listen to sermons badly given and falsely so called" just isn't inspiring to me and would make me obey out of fear and insincerely.

How different "prophecy" and the Bible would be if it said, 'Abraham, get up and go to a land that I will show you",and it was Canada.

"Deity angry..Snow storms blanket Canada! Moose dying by the thousands.... Nation repents. Igloo Priests rejoice. Ice Temple rebuilt. The Four Moosemen of the Puckerlips return to North Pole never to be seen again. Every man now driving his own Zamboni and drinking LaBatts. The Moose and Grizzly bear lie down together and a little Penguin shall lead them"

At the end of the third period, Satan will be loosed for a little season, but then will be thrown alive into cold storage where the Creature and the False Announcer were cast..but that's getting ahead of the story.

Anonymous said...

There is always money to be made with fear. As long as you can keep scaring people with destruction and doom, someone will be sending in money to support you.

Anonymous said...

There is a famine -- a famine of sanity.

Anonymous said...

Thiel bringing up a Richard Ames quote from five years ago doesn't really help his case. How about some Plain Truth quotes from the sixties and seventies to really destroy your argument? You know, from Armstrong, Meredith and all the other false prophets.

Steve said...

I see we haven't gotten out of the first of the four horsemen scenario yet. That one's been galloping for thousands of years. Many are still coming in His name deceiving the many and collecting our "tithes and offerings".

Anonymous said...

The Four Horses have run so long that's why they are pale, skinny, flushed red, and black with sunburn.

Not to mention the riders who don't look so good either.

Allen C. Dexter said...

I can count on having crazy dreams, especially if I eat the wrong things just before bedtime.
What I see in those sometimes very vivid dreams would make interesting, but not very sane, reading.

Whoever wrote revelation must have had some doozies of nightmares and embellished them even more with his imagination.

Reality said...

Even more frightening than stallions running is nightmares - visions in the night of female running horses (mares):)

Byker Bob said...

I'd hope that these poor horses are finding quality nourishment in their travels. When I used to ride horses, I've had the unfortunate displeasure of riding behind one or two with horrible flatulence problems.

Fake Elvis sightings are taken seriously by some of his most rabid fans, too. And Shakespeare once wrote that the brave taste of death but once, while cowards die a thousand times. When these horses actually do show up, there will be no doubt about it, because it will be totally catastrophic, and not related to a little rice crop, a couple of earthquakes, or tornadoes. Boy, sometimes I wish I had some dire things to point to to advance my business endeavors. Problem is, I have too strong a conscience to indulge in such exploitation.