Monday, October 24, 2011

Subtle Advertising By Beast Power

The Beast Power in Europe has designed new outdoor advertising that uses subliminal seduction to brainwash Germans into destroying the United States and imprisoning us. This is EVIL brethren!  This is further proof we are in the Last Days!  Why hasn't the Prophet revealed this hidden knowledge?  Why can you only find it here?

Subliminal Seduction was  big topic in Pasadena in the mid to late 70"s.  Satan was supposedly active in back masking, in liquor ads, in hidden ads screen shots in movies and other sundry places.  We were being trained to see evil everywhere. Satan was a subtle bogeyman manipulating the world  in order to steal our crowns.

Will Spanky Meredith and Six-Pack Flurry soon start using these methods on the their cult HQ to keep their rapidly dwindling flocks under control?

Just kidding lest there be some Armstrongite who is stupid enough to believe this!

Enjoy human creativity!  Check out some of the additional side links to over building projections.


Anonymous said...

pretty cool! So the guy going from room to room shooting was a Nazi killing off Americans? Ha!

NO2SIN said...

this is just further truth that teh world is going to hell! Satanic trash not fit to be watched!

The OriginalNO2SIN said...

Ever learning (high tech) but never coming to the spiritual knowledge of the Creator.
