Friday, April 13, 2012

"I don't even care if you are listening anymore. If you refuse to obey God from now on, YOUR LIFE IS OVER."

One of my favorite crackpots in Armstrongism is based in Costa Rica.  His name is M John Allen and he runs the worlds best ministry called Destiny Worldwide and Destiny Central.  He feels he is a prophet called by God in this end time to warn the TRUE COG members scattered around the world.

Today he had a dire warning on Yahoo to all who refuse to listen to him:

But most of you REFUSE to listen or pay attention.....

so, if you won't listen and support this work, then God is going to leave
you with NOTHING. That is the ONLY reason He has spared this nation, but
the time for that is almost up.

Just look at these 4 FEET OF HAIL that has just fallen on Texas:\

I don't even care if you are listening anymore. If you refuse to obey God
from now on, YOUR LIFE IS OVER.

And I don't care if you don't like to hear this. Just go ahead and ignore
me and see what that gets you.

After spitting and snarling at the people who refuse to listen to him, he ends with this lovely little love note:

For those of you who ARE listening, I wish you all a fantastic last day of
ULB tomorrow.


John recently recovered from a severe case of gangrene that nearly killed him.  He claims to have conquered it at home.  Clearly, the endless bouts of high fever did something to his mind.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if when Toba, in Indonesia blew 74,000 years ago and almost took out what humanity on the planet there was, they said, "You can sure tell it's almost time for Watumba to return?"

Anonymous said...

John recently recovered from a severe case of gangrene that nearly killed him. He claims to have conquered it at home. Clearly, the endless bouts of high fever did something to his mind.

Oh, well, maybe the gangrene will have better luck next time. There is not much point in his body staying around when his mind is obviously gone.

Andrew said...

This is quite a fantastic and amazing temper tantrum. This is classic.

"That is the ONLY reason He has spared this nation..."
To which nation is he referring? Costa Rica?

"But most of you REFUSE to listen or pay attention..."
If someone hates you, that is infinitely better than if they don't care. Strong emotions of any kind indicate attachment and concern. If you can't get someone's attention, that is much harder to deal with.

"And I don't care if you don't like to hear this."
It's always a good policy when talking to a detached and indifferent audience to begin by browbeating, judging, and insulting them. This attracts people like bicycles attract fish.

"Just go ahead and ignore me and see what that gets you."
Issuing an ultimatum is a dead give-away that a person feels powerless, which means that they're always just bluffing. You should never give in to an ultimatum. Give in and they won't respect you. Walk away and they'll fold every time.

"If you refuse to obey God from now on, YOUR LIFE IS OVER."
What is so special about right now, that only from now on my life is over if I don't obey this guy's orders (which god told him to pass along to me)? Before I could safely ignore this and my life wasn't over, but now it is all of a sudden? Well, this is a difficult decision then. I'll have to think about it. Okay, I thought about it and I decided I can't go on hearsay. God needs to tell me himself.

"For those of you who ARE listening, I wish you all a fantastic last day of ULB tomorrow."
I always address my missives to audiences who aren't reading, and wait until the very end to address the one or two people who might be reading. Finally, there are to be absolutely no brown M&M's on the craft services table.