Living Church of God members are being encourage to forsake all, families, friends and money. Naturally this does not apply to the ministry or LCG HQ folk. Can you imagine Lil'Jimmy forsaking all? Gerald Weston? Or Rod McNair?
I feel sorry for LCG members, nothing they can do ever seems to please Rod Meredith.
Stop Playing Church!The time for “half-hearted” Christians who “play Church” is over! We must truly seek firstthe Kingdom of God and His righteousness. And we must want to be in God’s Kingdom so much that we can “taste” it. Therefore, we must be willing to totally surrender the self, lose (if need be) part or all of our families, friendships and physical possessions, and literally “forsake all” to gain eternal life in the glorified Family of God. As Jesus said, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” (Matthew 16:24–26).
Let us daily give our lives to God as living sacrifices. And let us so walk with Him and with Christ in living faith that at the end of our physical lives—whenever or however that may be—we may say what the Apostle Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:7–8: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
LCG members should, by Biblical command in II Timothy 3, forsake all... LCG activities.
They all seem to be from the same mold, don't they? Flurry, Pack, Meredith. They've just got to find a wedge to break up friendships and families. And, they even manage to sort of make it appear as righteousness. What a bunch of pompous jerks. Who would even want to be a part of their version of the Kingdom for ever, and ever, and ever? Anyone with the IQ of a couple of banana peels knows that you would never want to be part of any of their places of "safety".
"surrender the self?" 'forsake all?'. Ha, ha ha. This assumes that people were originally taught to honor the self to begin with, and to respect their own property, rights and hopes and dreams. But this has never been the case. A book on child rearing points out that if you teach your child to share, without teaching ownership first, you are in effect teaching your child to be a slave. Proper sharing rests on the foundation of ownership. Rod and friends are using this deceptive ploy. There is a taboo in self love whilst at the same timing attacking it. They are teaching people to be slaves on Rods plantation. Again, peoples relationship to others, including the work, is a trading relationship, mutual consent for MUTUAL gain. A win-win, there are no slaves. Why isn't Rod practising what he preaches? When is he going to donate his house to the work?
Meredith "plays church". I have personally been a victim of his unfair judgment and tyranny. It's hard to read crap like this once you know his true character. I am literally afraid for him. He thinks he's going to have a high position in the Kingdom while I'm not even convinced that he's going to make it there! Thankfully, I am not the Judge. I pray for him.
If you think of what Christian character encompasses, Meredith is sorely lacking. He is vain, greedy, unfair, unforgiving and above all he is a pathological LIAR.
Only a man with no self awareness could write the things in this article. The hypocrisy is nauseating.
I think by Biblical command also, that many brethren in a lot of these other splinter groups, should start doing that. PCG, COGTE, etc...
There was a engineer in my former workplace that l got to know well. Eventually it became apparent that he was a full blown psychopath. The reason l mention this is Rods body language, his facial mannerisms, that wild eyed look, is identical to my engineer. Does that mean Rod is a psychopath? In my mind, it raises s strong suspicion.
Back in 1995 my wife and I went to lunch with Rod. I was interested in Global at the time. I was looking for a church that was going set the example of how we should live our lives. Rod assured me he had changed. He told me he had been too hard in the past. He told me he had a council that would even get rid of him if he didn't agree with them. I attended a few times and saw nothing had changed. When his top ministers did disagree with him well all hell broke loose. He then started LCG. He made sure this time no council had any power over him. So the saga continues. He is the head guy. Everyone takes their orders from him. World events are speeding up. Persecution is near we only have 3 to 5 years left. Christ is waiting on us to finish "the work" then Christ can return. We need to forsake all give our money to him so Living can shake this world with a powerful message. Nothing has changed since I first heard this 50 years ago only the names have changed.
Attempts to discredit? More like slam dunks since Thiel is an easy target.
No prophets or apostles in the end time.
No prophets since what they say would be scripture and scripture is closed for our time.
No apostles because apostles had to be witnesses to the death and resurrection of Christ as the NT says when a replacement was found for Judas.
So Thiel, Weinwhatever, Flurry, Pack etc. are all fake pretenders out for your money.
Anonymous 8:16AM are you a licensed psychiatrist or just someone who likes to diagnose people on your own without benefit of knowledge or experience?
If Rod is finally beginning to mention Christ after 60 years, it must mean that he knows that he is about to kick the bucket. Deathbed repentance means squat to God. He is after good strong habits and convictions. Rods lip service won't cut it with God. What next, a week before he dies, he will mention trade???
Anon 8:16 AM writes, "Rods body language, his facial mannerisms, that wild eyed look, is identical to my engineer. Does that mean Rod is a psychopath?"
Just aftermaths of strokes...
Create a wedge between family members so that the lcg can get the inheritance.
January 13, 2016 at 11:03 AM
Christ said, beware of the Pharisees and expounded on it. Yet Christ was no 'licensed psychiatrist.' Or would you have us believe that only licensed psychiatrists can pass moral judgment on Rod or anyone or anything else. According to you, the little people are too dumb and ignorant to know or do anything. Only the big people experts like church elders or ministers can make decisions. You remind me of my church experiences. I use to get dirty looks from ministers for the "crime" of thinking. Only ministers have a right to think, and any decision make by a member is robbing the ministry. I have a right and responsibility to assess people in my mind. Christ said 'you shall know them by their fruits.' Yes, we are commanded to play psychiatrist in that sense. Accusing me of illegally acting as a psychiatrists is a straw man argument. Again, you condemn me me and others for passing moral judgment. That people suspend moral judgment is not a right.
Bill, we don't you and your kind come out of the shadows and state up front what you believe? Why not give sermons, and write church articles, stating that only the big people are allowed to think. Why, if the little people like ordinary church members think for themselves, they might come to the wrong conclusions. If only the big people think, with all others blindly believing, we would have unity and heaven on earth. In fact God gave you your opportunity. It's called the Dark Ages. You had your opportunity and blew it. I have had ministers play 'licensed psychiatrist' with me, with some bible window dressing thrown in. Or trying to remove the speck from peoples eye, as the bible expresses it, never mind that it is a personal, private responsibility. Others have had the same experience. High school failures playing psychiatrist, an eight year post high school course.
You are accusing the wrong people of illegally playing psychiatrist.
Bill, The church has held 'healing programs' for people who have been scared for life by ministers. The ministers did this by having 'things people don't like about you' so called counseling sessions. Ministers who left school at age 16 playing licensed psychiatrist. People who attended these healing programs complained of more of the same, more bullying, more accusations. These programs reminds me of the X files saying of 'hold your friends close and your enemies closer.' The church wants to keep a close eye on potential enemies.
Oops, I almost forgot. During the feast of unleavened bread, we are commanded to examine ourselves. Yes, we are to play "licensed psychiatrist" for one whole week.
Bill, Every human attitude expresses itself as a unique combination of tone of voice and body language. This is of Gods doing. Why do you think he did that? Yet you imply people should ignore this. Why are you asking people to ignore the evidence in front of them.? If you are living by Gods laws, why do you fear people appraising you? Go complain to God about what he created.
To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding;
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
For wisdom is better than rubies; and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.
rebuked his desciples for not playing Sherlock Holmes:
Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?
We are commanded to aquire wisdom. For instance:
Proverbs 1:2
Proverbs 4:7
Proverbs 8:11
What value does wisdom have if we are not to apply it and play psychiatrist? Not only that, Christ in Matthew 16:9
Matthew 16:9
How can church members discern the false doctrines and wolves in sheeps clothing amongst them, unless they play Sherlock Holmes and play psychiatrist?
I can hear all the wolves in sheeps clothing weeping and gnashing their teeth when they read these posts.
Bill, "are you a licensed psychiatrist" would work at church services since it would be said in a very abusive or murderous tone. That's from the voice of experience. But you can't bully and intimidate with words only. I bet you would like to get your hands on me. The voice of church experience again.
Once again Meredith trying to create an artificial sense of crisis among his followers to mobilize them to do what Meredith wants.
It's for Meredith's benefit bot that of the membership.
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