For several years now we have sat by and watched a self-appointed false prophet make one idiotic prophecy after another as he interprets Scripture according to how he wants to see it happen. His interpretations are all a figment of his imagination and have nothing to do with truth at all. He has made one prediction after another that has failed and then he has to reset his dates. Over and over this has happened. One lie after another.
The first set of quotes below is a prediction he made quite a while ago and as you can see it is an epic failure. Therefore he has reset his dates, yet again. Now we are looking at 2022. I can smell the bullshit all the way down here in LA.! Thanks, James Malm! If nothing more, you are always entertaining!
At a day for a year this 2300 days is 2300 years in fulfillment.
Provided the Calendar data is correct, the highly probable year of the coming of Christ and the cleansing of the sanctuary is:
Coming forward 2300 years from 280 B.C. and adding 1 for year zero, arrives at spring 2021 A.D., when the sanctuary shall be cleansed by the coming of Jesus Christ; IF the date beginning the count is correct.
Now subtracting 42 months (1260 days) shows that this final beast emperor will occupy Jerusalem, beginning in the winter of 2017 – 2018; If the date beginning the count is correct.
Given the historical difficulties of the Greek struggles it is possible that this date might be in error by a year or two, but one thing is certain; IT IS VERY CLOSE INDEED!
This man of sin will then go to the Holy Place [Temple Mount] 75 days after being set up in the Vatican and the great tribulation of Matthew 24:15will begin.
Along with this is the coming defeat of radical Islam and a move towards a Mideast peace deal (1 Thess 5:3).
These events are right in line with a date of late 2017 for the start of the tribulation; followed by the coming of Messiah 42 months later; in 2021 AD! Or within a very few years thereafter!
Brethren, the writing is on the wall!
Update July 2017 It is now clear that the tribulation will not begin before late 2018 with Messiah coming in spring 2022. Even that might take another year or two longer. What is clear is that these things are now very close indeed.
Seek to live by every Word of God with a zealous enthusiastic whole heart: watch and wait for the signs! 2300 day propehcy
My Prediction which I DARE YOU personally to prove me demonstrably wrong!
The Tribulation will start sometime in the next Googleplex (1 to the 100th power x 1 to the 100th power) number of years.
(Give or take a couple of years)! ;-)
The tribulation for me ended in 1975 when Herbert Armstrong's original math-based theories were proven to be wrong, and I left Armstrongism, seeking better knowledge, answers, and solutions. It amazes me that 42 years later, people are still applying Armstrong's theories and attempting to correct his math to determine the end times. Some people have been born, lived, and died during that 42 years, and the surrounding world has gained much knowledge and experienced incredible technology.
Armstrong prophecy is a very foolish thing to center one's life upon. Empirical evidence has proven all of these theories and timelines to be false.
Yet Malm is the one who keeps insisting that his understanding of the calendar is the right one. This doesn't add up.
"Highly probable", "might be in error by a year or two" - sounds like our favorite Prophet of Probable Predictions.
Heard a sermon today cogwa that we are not suppose to criticize and I get that and it makes sense. What I thought was interesting is that the speaker mentioned not to criticize the leadership. I personally don't see the benefit in criticizing someone. However, I am concerned if they are implying in their way not to question what they are doing. it just me? bring that up?
Is it just me?
Guess it's been a while since Malm has read Ezekiel 13...
The word of the Lord came to me saying, Son of man, in seven weeks times seven, James Malm will revise his prophecy again. This prophecy is sure. The thing is established by God, and God will bring it to pass.
James Malm's Update July 2017 said: "...It is now clear that the tribulation will not begin before late 2018 with Messiah coming in spring 2022. Even that might take another year or two longer. What is clear is that these things are now very close indeed..."
Duh! "Things are now very close indeed"? Duh! We're another day closer to something(s).
"It is now clear"? Duh, again! It is About as clear as mud...just like all of James Malm's previous predictions!
And what is one of the big events coming? Oh, the "Messiah coming in spring 2022!"
That will never happen b/c God is not into providing any Mickey Mouse Millennium with Jesus Christ reigning on earth for 1,000 years!
Besides, Mickey Mouse is already here! In fact, there are lots of Mickey Mouse's worldwide!
James Malm better find some way to inform Jesus Christ about this MM Millennium b/c He and God the Father have other things to accomplish before Jesus Christ ever returns to reign on earth for any period of time. The lies just keep on coming from James Malm and the xcogs!
And time will tell...
Sheesh! I've been getting service calls from all of the ACOGs the past couple weeks. It seems that the reset buttons are all worn out on their prophecy machines! I keep trying to tell them it's those panic slams that do the damage, but nobody seems to listen. Also, these units are the Armstrong Model II's, highly inaccurate, and in bad need of upgrade or replacement. I'd withhold service, but they all pay me top dollar and pay on time. And believe me, I charge them exhorbitant hourly service charges, because I know about all those freebie tithes they get!
Byker Bob said, "The tribulation for me ended in 1975 when Herbert Armstrong's original math-based theories were proven to be wrong, and I left Armstrongism, seeking better knowledge, answers, and solutions."
MY COMMENT - And you will remember Byker the silence in the Church when January 1972 came and went was deafening for about a month until HWA's letter in February about the true significance of the second 19-year time cycle in January was (drum roll please)......ADVERTISING IN READERS DIGEST! Then people started to talk amongst themselves and this was one of a number of issues that lead to the Rebellion of 1974 and the first largest splinter in the Worldwide Church of God (Divorce & Re-marriage, Pentacost kept on the wrong day, and GTA's immorality along with the failed 1972 prophecy).
I have posted this before and I will say it again....I left the Church in 1976. I still watched the TV broadcasts periodically after GTA was finally excommunicated for the final time and HWA radio and television broadcasting at his advanced age. I heard him say on the TV World Tomorrow broadcast in the early 1980's that "IF you do not see these things come to pass in the next 15 years, you will know I was a false messenger and the truth was not with me!"
To quote Garner Ted Armstrong, "When the premise is wrong, everything that follows is also wrong". Herbert Armstrong admitted time would determine if he was a false messenger. More than fifteen years have passed since he uttered those words in the 1980s on the World Tomorrow broadcast. Therefore, ALL Splinters from the Worldwide Church of God are also a false messanger and are also wrong!
Why don't people in these Splinter Churches believe Mr. Armstrong?
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