The Church of God always looked at the feast as a foretaste of the Kingdom of God. A time of eternal bliss, joy, peace, and members being rulers over planets and all of humanity. Remembering that, can you imagine attending a feast site where all you hear is Moses, the law and focusing on the book of Malachi?
This is exactly what the Pharisaical, grace hating, Jesus ignoring, Zealot James Malm wants you to do. Eight days of legalistic bullshit. Zealot Malm shoves Jesus back into the destroyed temple and sews the curtain back up in order to ignore anything Jesus ever tried to accomplish or teach.
Pharisee Malm has reached the pinnacle of zealot-idolatry that places him right up there with the other professional liars and false prophets of Armstrongism - Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel and Ron Weinland.
The theme of the 2018 Feast of Tabernacles will be the book of Deuteronomy which is commanded by God via Moses to be studied every seventh year. This is especially important at this time because of the drift away from zeal to live by every Word of God, by so many in the Ekklesia in this latter day.Deuteronomy 31:9And Moses wrote this law, and delivered it unto the priests the sons of Levi, which bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and unto all the elders of Israel.
31:10 And Moses commanded them, saying, At the end of every seven years, in the solemnity of the year of release, in the feast of tabernacles,31:11 When all Israel is come to appear before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall choose, thou shalt read this law before all Israel in their hearing.At the 2018 Fast of Tabernacles we will obey God, Moses and Malachi, and especially focus on the Law of God.Malachi 4:4Remember ye the law of Moses my servant, which I commanded unto him in Horeb for all Israel, with the statutes and judgments.
Take the new poll on the right side of this page to determine the biggest lying false prophet of the church today.
I only went to one f.o.t. site in Biloxi, Mississippi in 1987. When I got back home I had gotten fired from my job while I was at the feast. I was unemployed for almost 6 months. Fuck those Hebrew feast days!
Malm has never been high on my COGs of interest, but it appears he has a similar interpretation of a command to that of Bob Thiel. But in Bob’s case, giving a sermon on Deuteronomy while in LCG, seven years before he started CCOG was another “sign”.
) is read after the FOT and the last portion on the weekly Sabbath during the FOT.
that the Gentiles can hear the Torah read each week in the Synagogue. And if you weren’t rich enough to own your own Torah scroll, this may have been your only chance to learn the Law.
The reference in Deuteronomy 31 is that the Law is to be read, not that there are to be long boring sermons on Deuteronomy. From the Second Temple period, a practice was started where the whole of the Torah (Pentateuch) is read each year, a “Torah portion” each week. The first portion (Genesis 1:1-6:8
There is a reference in Acts 15:21
Baa! Sorry, in my haste I neglected to mention a key point:
31:11 When all Israel is come to appear before the Lord thy God in the place which he shall choose, thou shalt read this law before all Israel in their hearing.
This is not about “Spiritual Israel” or “BI Israel” coming to a feast site chosen by a COG leader – at one time, the single R(adio)CG feast site was considered “the place which God has chosen” or “placed His Name”. The verse means the people of Israel coming to the one tabernacle, wherever it was located, and then the Temple in Jerusalem. So today this is a command that could be classified as “can’t be literally obeyed”.
Note again, “read this law” not “give a series of sermons”.
Why doesn't the new poll include Gerald Weston? His lies are more subtle than the other false prophets, but if "biggest" means "the most people harmed by those lies", LCG is more than twice the size of the second-biggest group on that list (Flurry's PCG), which would make Weston a strong contender.
God said, Be fruitful and multiply. Who was He talking to?
Jesus said, give away all of your money and follow me. Who was He talking to?
God said to stone those who break the Sabbath. Who was He talking to?
God said to read the Book of Deut. every seven years? Who was He talking to?
Understanding Scripture gets a bit easier if we simply made the distinction between a description of what was done, and a prescription as to what should be done and to whom is He talking to.
If you are on a bus with others and a young mother says to her 6 year old, "sit down and be quiet", are YOU supposed to sit down and be quiet? Why can't members of the Churches of God understand that not everything said in Scripture is a commandment for all people for all time?
Those attending Malm's feast site are too old to do anything other than sit around and listen to Malm's babbling so there's no need for any activities. And most of them suffer memory loss so they won't realize that Malm told them the same things last year.
If Malm has anyone under the age of 30 I feel sorry for them. They are surrounded by the geriatric ward of misfit COG people who worship the law and Malm's words as if they are God spoken. He is a certified liar. His prophecies are 100% wrong and his timeline of prophetic events will never happen. He is as theologically ignorant as Bob Thiel. They deserve each other. Two imbeciles that think God speaks to them. Malm and his side kick who used to be into Wicca make quite a pair. I know her ex-husband and boy does she have tales to tell about her!
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