This article is sure to cause Bob Thiel some major butt hurt! African nations are getting fed up with the lying false prophets from America that come there to spread their lies. this will lead Thiel and other COG false prophets to claim persecution, which it is not. Liars need to be held accountable.
They rob and steal from the people. They speak lies and utter vain prophecies and visions, leading people astray. They draw people to themselves, claiming to have a special relationship with God, but they lie and deceive the people.They claim to know everything about you but they lie, and know nothing! They sleep with married women and break the hearts of single women. They destroy homes and families. They destroy marriages, businesses and destinies. They are mere diviners and sorcerers and are no prophets of God at all. The Lord says,” I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken to them yet they prophesied.” Jeremiah 23:21. They prophesy lies in God’s name, but God did not send them, command them nor speak to them. They prophesy lying vision, worthless divination and the deceit of their own minds. Jeremiah 14:14
. They are all over the place and they spring up everyday like mushrooms.They claim to be “men of God,” “apostles,” “pastors,” “prophets,” “bishops,” “archbishops,” and what-nots, but they lie ! They are ordinary criminals parading as “men of God” and deceiving the gullible who don’t know their Bible and have no discernment.
The problem of false prophets and pastors is not peculiar to Africa alone, but is all over the world. Many false prophets and pastors have infiltrated the church of Jesus Christ and are causing a great deal of havoc, destroying souls, families, marriages, businesses, and worse of all, faith in God. But their day of reckoning is coming and has come. Many of them will be exposed and are being exposed, and unless they repent they would surely face swift destruction. Jeremiah 23:12; 2 Peter 2:3
Anyone who studies the Bible would see that the emergence of many false prophets and pastors in the world today is nothing strange but a fulfillment of prophecy. It is one of the signs of the end-times. Jesus said,” For there shall arise false Christs or false messiahs, and false prophets and shall show great signs and wonders and shall deceive many.” Matthew 7:15-23; 24:5
, 11
, 24
. The apostles also warned of the coming of many false apostles, prophets, pastors and antichrists. 2 Cor 11:13-15
; 1 John 4:1
; 2:18
; 2 Peter 2:1
These things must be fulfilled because the word of God is true and must surely come to pass. So when we see all these false prophets and pastors and so-called men of God, we should see them as the charlatans that they are and have no regard or respect for them. Certainly, there are true men of God, but most of those out there are just riff raffs and God does not even talk to them nor has He sent them. They are in the ministry for the money, for fame, for possessions and for cheap sex, using the name of the Lord to lure and deceive gullible women, whether they be married or single.
Many of these rogues who claim to be “prophets”, “pastors” and “men of God” are not even Christians and don’t even know the Bible, but they prey on the ignorance and gullibility of so many people who are desperately trying to find God. Many of them are ordinary sorcerers and wizards who use divination to “prophesy,” just like Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8:9-13. Simon was a common magician, an unbeliever, who was not even saved, but the ignorant people saw him as “The Great Power of God,” because they were enchanted by his sorceries. Just because someone performs miracles, signs and wonders does not make them genuine. Miracles alone do not validate a ministry, because Satan is also able to work miracles. Nor does the lack of miracles mean that one is authentic. Certainly, God works miracles, but miracles glorify God and point us to Jesus Christ, and not to anyone who wants to draw people to themselves and lead them astray. Those are ministers of Satan, who masquerade as ministers of righteousness, to rob people of their money, to destroy souls and destinies, to break homes and families. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
. They are all over the place, and they use lies, deceit, manipulation, fabrication, divination, false prophecies, threats, intimidation and all kinds of gimmicks to lure people after themselves and destroy them.
The menace of false prophets and pastors in Africa
Bob’s sermon Africa, its biblical past, present and future revealed a few things.
One is that Bob found his hand can be used as a map of Africa as well as a map of Asia Minor. (Actually, it's more Asia Minor shaped.)
He gave 3000 as the number of CCOG members in Africa, and that the ratio of African members to “western” members is about 30:1. I’ll assume that “western” is Europe and the Western Hemisphere, leaving only the Asian membership unaccounted.
Bob also revealed three dreams by African members.
I believe he said in this sermon that people won’t believe him because they don’t want to know the truth. Okay, I know people who prefer not to know some things that are true, because some things conflict with their worldview or simply with their own peace of mind. I won’t believe anyone who uses BI, Church Eras, Place of Safety and other fabrications, passing them off as truth.
One observation about these charlatans is that they don't magnify Gods laws. They don't for instance teach about knowing your rights, or how to deal with difficult people. They don't want potential victims to be in possession of such knowledge.
Listening to what these so called religious teachers don't say, is as instructive as what they do say.
Men like Pack, Flurry, Thiel etc are exploiting poor Africans in a fashion reminiscent of the colonialist Europeans. Enough is enough!
religion has been big business in Africa for a long time....the local hucksters simply don't want foreign competition to reduce their take.
And the victims pay their wolf-ministers wages. How perverse is that? Where else do you get that? With governments perhaps, but at least everyone knows that the politicians are crooks.
Unfortunately, the poor and uneducated are always more subject to exploitation. It's still difficult for some of us to admit we once fit into this category, but Armstrongism has always been primarily a self-professed bottom-feeder ("dumb sheep", "not many wise of the world").
The African people who reside in some of the undeveloped and impoverished nations do not have what we call "disposable" income per se. Yet Armstrongism will still force three tithes out of them, while giving back virtually nothing of tangible value to improve members' life conditions. The splinter leaders in this case become the savages, because they will probably also demand proper respectful sabbath wear, impose personal grooming standards on the members, and instill them with fear of the Lake of Fire if they ever disobey "God's ministers".
Armstrongism, and other exploitative religions should be banned in Africa!
Bob Thiel is too big of a self-righteous narcissist to imagine any of this pertains to him. Afterall, he is God's chosen and some of his cult followers have lied that they dreamed about him. Mass hysteria in order to impress the leader is at play here.
Thiel, Pack, Kenya hands of hope, all exploit the poor for their own purposes.
It's a shame but there you have it.
Those who knew Thiel in LCG saw his big huge head and the ego that wouldn't quit.
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