Working so hard
Just being
Exposing the underbelly of Armstrongism in all of its wacky glory! Nothing you read here is made up. What you read here is the up to date face of Herbert W Armstrong's legacy. It's the gritty and dirty behind the scenes look at Armstrongism as you have never seen it before! With all the new crazy self-appointed Chief Overseers, Apostles, Prophets, Pharisees, legalists, and outright liars leading various Churches of God today, it is important to hold these agents of deception accountable.
Western Culture in religion and living is obsessed with DOING. Eastern Culture has more a grip on BEING and understanding BEING so in the present moment, which is the only real thing we have. The COG's are obsessed with the doing of the law and forever searching the past for the pieces of God's puzzle for the future. Their basing everything on prophecy and the 3-5 year prophetic "It won't be long now " format is ridiculous, mistaken and so far off at least the message of Gospel Jesus as opposed to Revelation Jesus (they are not the same ) they will never be anything but splits, splinters and of course, slivers like Pack.
I am so glad I at least was able to recover a good portion of my life , move on through the mud, the blood and the beer and do something helpful and interesting devoid of and apart from religion.
I'll take a Good Guy Greg over any magickal calender anyday. Things can get better now, instead of waiting for the "right" day.
Maybe that is why no one can know the day of Christ's return?
Like a broken clock, the 3-5 year return will one day prove to be correct. Considering that most members in these splinters are in their 70s, the end can't be far off.
I thought Jesus taught the kingdom of God would be within, and
"It is written in the prophets: 'And they will all be taught by God.'"
So who are all these men like Armstrong anyway? Jesus done done away with the middle men.
The origin of the holy days that the COG's observe was very likely well before the old testament was written. Similar holy days where observed by ancient cultures centering around the agricultural cycles. The Hebrew holy days where not given by God but started by men.
Well, 7:30, why would "the end" have anything to do with splinters of a false prophet, or the age of the members? Those members are simply people who have wasted their lives on a false teacher, and his use of bizarre theories to supposedly unlock the understanding of a book of hypothetical prophecies which appear to be linked to the emergence of certain conditions of humanity, not some sort of mathematical timeline.
Even if you believe the man-made theory of six-thousand years for man and one thousand for God, the keepers of the oracles (Jews) tell us that we are now living in year 5777.
Global climate change is moving planet Earth towards some of the conditions outlined in Revelation, and President Trump's new nationalism seems to be moving us away from global cooperation and more towards some of the international geopolitical conditions described in Revelation, but these are both long-cycle patterns which could still be slowed.
Many theologians who actually have accredited degrees on the subject observe that by the time the events of Revelation's apocalypse kick in, the US is nowhere to be found in those prophecies, based on accepted symbols, or descriptive verbiage.
It isn't that a broken clock is actually right two times per day. It's that it appears to be right for one minute two times per day. And, if it's got a sweep-second hand, it appears to be right for one second two times per day. It's an illusion, not reality.
Believe it or not, some Christians use the bible as their reference point rather than some denomination, religious leader or theologian. "The end" is found in the book of Revelation. It's not hard to understand.
It's just me and me bible.
Believe it or not, some Seussians use The Lorax as their reference point rather than some denomination, religious leader or theologian. "The end" is found in this book. It's not hard to understand.
It's just me and The Lorax.
"Every day is the "right" day, when it's safe to live and play."
Swomee Swan
The problem is, that so many of those who were exposed to Armstrongism accept the theories and personal things ol' great guru Herbie overwrote into Revelation as if it were "what the Bible says".
When HWA and his lackeys said "Don't believe me, believe what the Bible says", it was sleight of hand. The true meaning of that statement was "Believe what I've told you that the Bible means." As if there were
not any other valid interpretations. If HWA's interpretation had been the one and only correct one, Jesus would have returned in 1975 and set up Armstrongism as God's
Government on Earth for all eternity.
And, despite what the self-serving revisionists have to say today, that is precisely what the entire church had believed was going to happen, and did not begin to question until sometime in 1972 when the tribulation failed to materialize.
Byker Bob said,"And, despite what the self-serving revisionists have to say today, that is precisely what the entire church had believed was going to happen, and did not begin to question until sometime in 1972 when the tribulation failed to materialize."
MY COMMENT - Byker is 100% correct. When the second 19-year time cycle came and went with no German attack on America happening in January 1972, the silence in the Church for about a month was deafening. After years of preaching, teaching and speculating from the pulpit and in print of a January 1972 Great tribulation and a 1975 return of Jesus Christ all became a big nothing burger and after a month of silence by the Church, HWA announced the true significance of the second 19 year time cycle was (DRUM ROLL PLEASE)...Advertising in Readers' Digest.
Any ACOG HWA wannabe who says otherwise is a liar, and that is the Plain Truth.
The Jewish feast days ARE of pagan origin!
(Zec 11:15
) And YAHWEH said to me, Again take to yourself the tools of a foolish shepherd.
) For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land; he shall not visit those who are cut off, nor will he seek the young, nor will he heal that which is broken, nor will he sustain that which stands. But he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear off their hoofs.
) Woe to the worthless shepherd who abandons the flock! The sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye. His arm shall be completely withered, and his right eye shall be totally darkened.
(Zec 11:16
(Zec 11:17
HWA (Hebrew - covet) fulfilled these scriptures. He was foolish/wicked. He never tried to redeem those that were disfellowshipped, he never healed (physically and spiritually), neither had compassion for its members, but took the best for himself, leaving the flock with barely nothing to provide for their families. Tithes were not for the NT assembly. Neither was there 3 tithes plus a tithe of the tithe, but only one tithe that covered 3 purposes, in the OT.
HWA abandoned the flock and flew all over the world to enhance himself before world leaders. He never used the name Jesus Christ, but referred to a 'hand from somewhere.'
His right arm (GTA) was spiritually withered. He was blind in his right eye. There is no one else that fulfills this prophecy nor will be in the future. HWA was NOT a man OF God, but he was used to preach the gospel around the world. His prospects for being in the world to come, is not good. He was never converted, as plainly shown by his continued incest with his daughter for ten years. he had a short fuse and clearly showed that he had an unsound mind.
If one studies the entire chapter of Zech.11, one will see that Yahweh is removing His flock from the organizations that formed after the WCG.
Now that is a truth worth getting behind Sweetblood. Don't focus on a man but focus on your own spiritual development. Let wisdom light your path.
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