God’s ministers must be extremely well organized in order to ensure we get the maximum out of this worship of God and that we are ready to rule church and state when Christ returns! If ministers do not do their jobs, disasters will result!This comment was made at the Philadelphia Church of God Ministerial Conference at the end of December 2018. Of course, this conference, like very single PCG conference, dealt in Old Testament books and personalities. Jesus was not part of the conference, as usual. The law always trumps Jesus.
This conference centered on the Book of Chronicles, Ezra, and their emphasis on the Levites and the rules and order it lays out for them and the tribes. Governance and order are extremely important to the PCG as it is used as a tool to keep members in line and submissive.
Since Gerald Flurry declared himself the rightful heir and KING of the Church of God last year with the declaration that he is now in possession of the new coronation stone, the PCG has to search for any connection they can make to that kingship.
So Ezra is talking about both kings and priests, which also shows that this message is mainly for us. All the priests and the Levites were organized very carefully. Like David, God’s ministers must be extremely well organized in order to ensure we get the maximum out of this worship of God and that we are ready to rule church and state when Christ returns! If ministers do not do their jobs, disasters will result! Today, 95 percent of God’s people have turned away from Him—probably the greatest disaster ever to strike God’s Church! Satan has taken them captive because they were not able to preserve God’s truth.Lange’s also notes that “Ezra was showing the magnitude of the festivals.” Why was this important? Because Israel went into captivity for breaking the Sabbath and polluting God’s holy days.
Of course, they can never "get to the bottom" of the holy days as they ignore the very one they supposedly pointed towards.God’s Church must make sure those holy days are organized. Those festivals picture God’s master plan, and they have so much depth that we will never get to the bottom! We must never allow them to become mere rituals, or a major catastrophe will always strike!
What causes righteous nations and churches to go astray? The Sabbath and holy days become ritualistic; the ministers’ messages become dull, boring and meaningless. We must never let that happen. Ministers are there to make the holy days deeper and more meaningful every year.
Philadelphia Church of God ministers have routinely profaned the Sabbath and interfered in its members' worship of God since its inception. Gerald Flurry's "no contact" policy, the appalling actions of Wayne Turgeon and other leaders has ripped families, marriages and the lives of members apart with legalistic filth that keeps their followers trembling in fear.Ezra was showing the Jews why they went into captivity. It revolved around polluting and profaning the Sabbath and holy days.
Remember though, Flurry got his training in this legalistic crap at the feet of Herbert Armstrong. While there were few teachings about Jesus there sure was a lot of teaching about the law.
Ezra was pounding home the basics. God’s people have had a terrible, terrible track record in this age. At the end of his life, Mr. Armstrong grew upset with and even pleaded with the ministers, saying, You men need to talk more about the Sabbath! That was stunning—yet look at what happened when they failed to heed that admonition and got away from the basics.PCG ministers have now headed home to force upon the brethren more laws about the Sabbath and other regulations that Flurry passed on to them at the conference. They were told by Flurry that whatever they preach that God will back them u, even in the members do not respond.
If a minister sees that such a basic subject is really needed, he should prepare and deliver it and see if God doesn’t give him special help—even if people respond to it negatively. The minister is not up there to impress somebody or make himself look good. He is there to try to give God’s people what He wants them to have. God always backs that, even if it is the most basic subject you have ever heard in your life. If it’s what they need, that is what God’s minister should give!
Your Bible makes it clear that the Feast of Tabernacles (Feast of Booths, or Sukkot) is celebrated with palm fronds. This is significant for Christians because Scripture also tells us that when Jesus Christ entered Jerusalem, the people waved palm fronds to honor Him as He passed by.
Can PCG members wave resort hotels at their Jesus? The Bible does not just command temporary dwellings during the Feast. Those dwellings are to be made of the branches specified in by Scripture, and similar branches are to be waved on the first day, mirroring how Jesus was received in Jerusalem.
PCG members have not learned even the most basic basics that any observant Jew could explain, so they cannot see how those basics tie in so completely to what Jesus Christ did for His followers and for all of humanity. Instead, they make reservations in hotels and have the mistaken idea that they are obeying and honoring God, despite their near-total disobedience regarding the meaning and practice of Sukkot.
“PCG: Ministers Must Be Ready To HAMMER Home The Basics”
Well, since Gerald Flurry claims to be “the nail in a sure place,” maybe they should hammer him on the head.
Chronicles and Ezra? Lol
Basics? Sounds as if they are restricting their members to Armstrongism's version of "milk".
Mr. Flurry ready to rule the world? He will be like Howard Hughes, afraid to be near common people lest he become ill. That's why he need a Gulfstream jet. None of the PCG ministers have a clue as to how to operate a city's infrastructure. They cannot even mow their own lawns. Most likely a lowly member does that. Between PCG, RCG, LCG, CCCG - Thiel becoming world rulers, all we would end up with is civil war between each head insisting I am numero uno.
Gerald Flurry got his teachings from Satan the Devil. In fact, Gerald Flurry was too busy guzzling beer to pay attention to anything that HWA taught. That is why Gerald Flurry has garbled, warped, and perverted everything so badly. Gerald Flurry's PCG actually rejects the commandments of God in order to keep its own traditions. For example:
God's Ten Commandments: (1.) Have no other Gods.
PCG tradition: Worship Gerald “That False Prophet” Flurry and call him by various titles that belong to God.
God's Ten Commandments: (2.) Do not make or worship idols.
PCG tradition: Worship plagiarized and revised writings (like Malachi's Mess.), and runts (like Gerald Flurry), and regular stones (as if the PCG found the right one to replace the Stone of Destiny).
God's Ten Commandments: (3.) Do not misuse God's name.
PCG tradition: The PCG always is careful to do all of its own evil in God's name to try to make Him look bad. The PCG always tries to pass off its own satanic abuse as the “government of God.”
God's Ten Commandments: (4.) Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
PCG tradition: PCG members must worse-than-waste every single Sabbath at a satanic imposter cult meeting. They cannot miss any, no matter how far they must drive to listen to destructive and self-destructing recordings.
God's Ten Commandments: (5.) Honor your father and mother.
PCG tradition: PCG members are required to cut off all contact with parents and any other close family members who went to a better (“less satanic”) so-called Church of God and who did not make the mistake of following That False Prophet.
God's Ten Commandments: (6.) Do not murder.
PCG tradition: Petty local tyrants in the PCG continually lie, slander, back-stab, rug-pull, and kick innocent people out of the PCG in the hope that this will cause them to be killed off for all eternity in the Lake of Fire, as if they can force God to be their accomplice and help them to carry out their wicked and murderous schemes.
God's Ten Commandments: (7.) Do not commit adultery.
PCG tradition: The PCG wrecks marriages and promotes sexual immorality. Old sex maniacs, sex perverts and predators run wild and out of control in the PCG. Arrogant and malicious local goons will get the old predators what they want if it tries to run away from them.
God's Ten Commandments: (8.) Do not steal.
PCG tradition: The Flurry family religious fraud steals all the tithes and offerings and uses them for its own selfish and wicked purposes.
God's Ten Commandments: (9.) Do not bare false witness against others.
PCG tradition: PCG ministers, elders, deacons, and members gossip and lie and slander maliciously and continually.
God's Ten Commandments: (10.) Do not covet.
PCG tradition: Old PCG local leaders and old members cannot keep their filthy old hands off the younger people that they lust after. They have no self-restraint at all.
I concur fully with Anon 5:38. The PCG has broken and continues to break ALL of Yahweh's commandments. They can't even observe Yahweh's Holy Days on the right days. They follow the Jewish dates which is totally wrong.
No wonder Yahweh says:
Amo 5:21 I hate, I reject your feast days; and I will not delight in your festive assemblies.
Amo 5:22 Though you offer Me burnt offerings and your grain offerings, I will not be pleased; nor will I regard the peace offerings of your fat animals.
Amo 5:23 Take away from Me the noise of your songs; and I will not hear the melody of your stringed instruments.
They, like the Jews, follow their own traditions rather than what Yahweh commanded.
Those that follow them are walking towards their own destruction.
Come out of her and be you separate says Yahweh, the Lord of Hosts.
Sing Along Time- Sing to the tune "If I had a Hammer" - Trini Lopez 1963
If I had a hammer
I'd hammer on the Brethren
I'd hammer till I broke them...
All over this church!
I'd hammer out scorning
I'd hammer out false warning
I'd hammer out fear between
My brothers and my sisters, ah-ah
All over this church...
The Gospels may cause people to think badly of the Jews, but the problem was the Church of God leaders during Jesus' ministry. The rest of the Jews loved Jesus.
At the time of His ministry, God's Church was the Jews and proselytes, and the chief ministers were the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Today, in the New Covenant Christian era, we have the same problems - not only in the COGs, but in other denominations as well.
Ministers should be ready to hammer home the basics.
In actuality, the ministers are basically hammered at home (or in the parking lots.)
The basics: Don't hurt people, and don't take their stuff.
Sweetblood777 on January 8, 2019 at 5:10 AM said...
They can't even observe Yahweh's Holy Days on the right days. They follow the Jewish dates which is totally wrong.
No wonder Yahweh says:
Amo 5:21 I hate, I reject your feast days; and I will not delight in your festive assemblies.
You appear to misunderstand what Amos is talking about.
Jeroboam son of Nebat had taken ten tribes and split off to form the northern kingdom called the house of Israel, which included the cities of Dan and Bethel.
Solomon's son Rehoboam continued to rule over the southern kingdom called the house of Judah (the Jews), which included the city of Jerusalem where God's temple was located.
To keep the Israelites under him from returning to the city of Jerusalem in the kingdom of Judah to observe God's annual festivals in the fall, and possibly re-supporting Rehoboam, Jeroboam son of Nebat set up golden calves for the Israelites to worship at Dan and Bethel in the northern kingdom of Israel, and instituted a festival in the eighth month, a month of his own choosing, to compete with God's fall festivals in the seventh month that were celebrated in Jerusalem where God had chosen to place his name.
Amos was written sometime after the kingdom split in two. Notice Amos 1:1
Notice that Amos 5:1
This is why Amos 5:21
The man-made calf and festival in the eighth month at Bethel that Jeroboam son of Nebat made up did not become better and more acceptable to God with the passage of time. Rather, generation after generation the Bible sums up the story of the kings of the northern kingdom called the house of Israel by saying things like, “And he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD: he departed not all his days from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.”
Anon 11:20 AM, do I detect in you a root of bitterness, that you would mock That 80 Proof-it? If you see any bears, I suggest you keep your distance. Not because they'll maul you, but because Dennis Leap found them on Tinder and is looking forward to a date.
"The rest of the Jews loved Jesus."
What percentage of the Jews really followed him? Not many. They liked his words but did not do his deeds. It was "an evil and adulterous generation".
3.29 PM
Exactly. At Christ's trial, the crowd was persuaded by the Pharisees to demand Christ's death. As Pilate pointed out to the crowd, 'what evil has he done?' But they still called for his death. Sounds like a murderous Cain versus Abel reaction.
The Ministers as well as Stephen Flurry have also come away with another message from the conference advising members to‘’Get their affairs in order’’ before they flee. They are deeming this little time left as urgent and its dangerous. Only thing left is to tell members to sell their belongings and give all their money to the church.
Anonymous on January 14, 2019 at 7:16 AM said...“The Ministers as well as Stephen Flurry have also come away with another message from the conference advising members to 'Get their affairs in order' before they flee. They are deeming this little time left as urgent and its dangerous. Only thing left is to tell members to sell their belongings and give all their money to the church.”
Gerald Flurry used the occasion of the Tkaches' Great Apostasy of January 1995 to attract former members of the WCG to his PCG by using HWA's name and photograph and pretending to be HWA's loyal follower and successor. Then, Gerald Flurry “flooded” the PCG with much “new revelation,” that is, with his own satanic heresies. Most people wised up sooner or later, and either left the PCG or got kicked out of it. Of all the people who got tricked into going to the PCG, over two-thirds of them have already escaped from it. If there are somehow any even half-decent people still in the PCG at this late date, they should flee from the PCG, and they should do it before they hand over everything they own to the PCG.
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