Rulers of Church and State? They won't be ruling over a Hamster!
So they think they are going to rule "Church and State".
These are the words of certain Armstrongism leaders who think they somehow are qualified to be world leaders. Who somehow think they are the heirs of the Kingdom of God under Jesus Christ. They believe they are preparing to be world government administrators and leaders in their "World Tomorrow". They honestly believe Jesus Christ is going to appoint them as the highest rank of rulers and leaders in what they call "The World Tomorrow".
Yes, they do. I know, because I once thought as they did, and acted as they did. I sat in their shoes, in their worldview. I don't doubt for a second they believe - with their whole minds - that somehow, this is their destiny. That they are earning and qualifying for the corner office and highest positions on the 4th floor of Universal Headquarters of Kingdom, Incorporated. Yes, they believe this.
They believe that because every seventh day, and every festival time, their gatherings and their method of worship are exactly what God demands and requires of His people. They believe, that because of their ties to their magnificent End Time Apostle who Restored All Things, and their obedience to the Restoration, that if they hold fast to that Faith once Delivered, that they will hold such magnificent offices that they will be right "up there" with Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Paul, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and in their minds, Herbert, Garner Ted, Rod, Raymond, and all of the other pioneers of Armstrong's short-reigned movement. They think these things because this is what they have accepted as truth, and have committed their lives to. They think these things because to think otherwise would make their entire lives a lie. To think otherwise would be - to them - unconscionable.
Yet by this train of thought, they not only ignore the deep, spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ, but they also ignore the entire core and foundation of the entire Gospel they think they proclaim. They ignore the countless failures that they proclaim as present truth. They ignore the harm they cover like a cat covers its dung in the litter box. They reason their way around any evidence that completely refutes their viewpoints. They instead ingest a toxic diet of pride, hubris, power, lust, mammon, arrogance, and abuse and spew it all over well-meaning members with the force and smell of a bad night's drinking binge. They do this unashamedly, and unapologetically. They do this blind and deaf to any reason, to any logic, to any emotion, or to any evidence of truth. They are intoxicated with the delusions of power and the poisons of the drug of brainwashed thinking and cult mentality. They think they act in love, but stab their claws deep into the hearts of the shackled and the chained, thinking they are holding them to ordained Law and divine submission, not seeing the dungeons and depth of depravity they tie their victims to, and as starving vampires, suck the living life and energy out of their victims while energizing themselves with their lives.
While molesting the Gospel of Jesus Christ with their depravities, and spitting on the face of the Lord with their doctrines of satanic nightmares, they sit in their high lives relishing in their "blessings" and "favor" from the spiritual extortion of their victims. As we have read, many have, under the full duress and victimization of their abusers, entered the depths of depression and anxiety due to being cut off from their loved ones. Many have taken their own lives because there is no longer any reason to love in their own minds. Others sit there as lifeless drones, listening to rehashed garbage over and over and over again. Others sit there and take the berating, uncompassionate, loveless "authority" of their spiritual "overseers", never measuring up and always not doing enough. Most sit under the threat of punishment and disfellowshipment for their mistakes, always fearing their loss of salvation or not "qualifying" enough to make it, and stay restrained by their slave masters because they fear if they leave what little they have will be taken from them. They do this because they have bought into the lies which came from Herbert himself and have been taught over and over again by his hirelings.
God has said in his word that those who want to be the greatest must become the least. He has said that those who want to rule must become servants. He has said if you want to be rich, give to the poor. He has said that he is looking for those who are the hands and feet of Jesus. God has said to feed the hungry. To clothe the unclothed. To visit the jailed. And to nurse the sick.
God has condemned the love of money, and the advancement of sordid gain. He has condemned those who take advantage of the widows and the fatherless. Those who take advantage of the poor, or make merchandise of the brethren. He has spoken time and time again, over and over again in the scriptures about the importance of the fruits of the Spirit, and the manifestation of love in His people to God and to man. He has said over and over again the importance of mercy, of grace, of forgiveness, and of truth. He has said that His people would humble themselves, and look not to worldly possessions, but spiritual discernment and God's guiding Spirit.
But what do we have? What do we have in the Church of God scene?
We have leaders who build compounds and mansions. Who take their members for everything they have for what? For jet aircraft. For trees. For BMW's, and gemstones. For buildings laden with crystal and Steinways. For the finest desks and offices, suits and ties. For posh surroundings and expensive dinners. For trips, and for the best Feast-cations. Instead of embracing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and his ministry of love - they've traded it all in for mammon and selfish ambition and wickedness. And they seem to be blind, deaf, and mute to it all.
They think they're going to rule church and state? They are not qualified to rule a hamster or a gerbil, much less any sort of world government! Anyone who has any knowledge of the words of Jesus Christ knows they are making a sham out of the Gospel, and perpetuating an ongoing scam. The only reason why they keep going is that there are people who continue to buy into the lies and the untruths that these false prophets, teachers, and ministers have convinced them to believe.
These "ministers" - no matter what they say or believe in their delusions - are not qualified, nor will they have any part of the rule of God's people, since they refuse to obey and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, and instead embrace the shadows that pointed to Him. They don't exhibit the love or compassion that marks a servant of Jesus Christ. They live in a make-believe world of empty threats and empty words. I will say it again. The only authority they have is the power of deception to those who submit themselves to such deception. Otherwise, they are just weak men who make a mockery of the Lord they claim to serve and know.
Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest". And there are thousands of members of the COG's who absolutely require rest for their souls and minds and hearts. A rest that cannot be found in one physical day out of the week no matter how perfectly they observe it - but only in Jesus Christ's indwelling spirit. That is the promised Rest that's available, if only people would take the hand of their Savior and enter into it, and run from the lies and the shackles and the chains.
submitted by SHT
submitted by SHT
Between the Golden Globes and the Oscars I would gladly present the Martin Luther award to SHT. Someone is hammering a pamphlet on the door of the leadership of the Church here.
If Mr. Pack's members had the gonads to tell him you are a false prophet and walked out of his church service, Mr. Pack would pee in his pants. His power over you is over. The only power he has over you is what you give him. Repeat for Mr. Flurry, Weinland, etc.
I have often wondered, if everyone is supposed to be ruler, who is going to be left to rule over? I can't imagine all these rulers subjecting themselves to one another, they can't do it now, how will they do it then?
I don’t believe the Bible thingy about god & Jesus and all those other myths, but you nailed it about how these delusional psychopaths exploit the whole thing. All religions do that. It was needed to civilize the masses way back when, but enlightenment supersedes religion and adherence to a well defined set of ethics, and willingness to accept change and adapt as the people of the world go forward into the future is right. All the old school lying cheating selfish demagogues are dying off, and their predictions are not, have not come true. I can forgive those who sincerely believed the fantastic stories laid out in the Bible (a book written by men). But those who don’t believe the stories but use it as a tool to manipulate and enrich themselves are criminals. Their game is ending. I’m less than 100 years (my prophecy) religion will be gone because other beings from distant planets in the cosmos will have been discovered and the god of earth will be revealed as a concoction of the elite who used it for thousands of years to exploit and control the masses.
It’s difficult to even know where to begin in commenting on this topic. Humans are created in God’s image in that, unlike the animals, we are capable of exercising dominion. We learn how to maximize the exercise of dominion by collecting experience specific to given fields. How many ACOG members are gaining any manner of broad-based experience in the field of governance or government? Do they expect God to just grab a funnel and pour this experience into their minds, enabling them to properly rule or administrate over those still human in the millennium? What ever happened to the concept of knowing your talents and purpose in this life, and developing kingdom skills? And, how many people even do that? How would memorizing and practicing the Armstrong formula qualify an individual to even preside over a homeowners’ association, let alone ruling over a city, country, or planet?
Armstrongism didn’t properly teach members how to think. We see residual effects of wrong thinking even in ex-members, years after they have left the org. Some remain clueless fodder for every stupid conspiracy theory, every fringe idea, and every Hisloppian leap that comes along. They will never get anywhere, because they are not able to even distinguish quality of information, or to determine what is deserving of their investigative time, and separate that from what is just plain silly and should be rejected out of hand. How many people are there who have endured 40+ years of prophecy failure, yet keep their lives on hold because they are thinking “Well, it could still happen! Let’s give it another 3-5 years! We’ll know who was really out of the loop and will be gnashing their teeth then!”
That’s how you qualify to rule??? I submit that there are many fields in which to rule. In life, it’s important to have a career path, and not everyone is a king or priest. As you develop your skills through education and experience, your stature and status grow within your field. You receive greater responsibility, a larger area of dominion, until you have either reached the logical extent of your talents, or are limited by your health, age, level of enthusiasm, or the greater system within which you are functioning.
Gurus should be very careful of the carrots they dangle before their followers. Those who choose to follow should always do their due diligence to determine whether or not the carrots are 1) of tangible value, and 2) are even attainable. Some gurus waste your time, and in the end, leave you with nothing. In fact, less than nothing because they take everything from you that they can, without giving you anything of value in return. That is the worst kind of rip-off, because it results in the crushing destruction of what should have been your life.
SHT - you break my heart! I thought for sure PCG would be put in charge of North Korea where they would work with Kim to make sure the people in their country never talked to anybody else in a different country.
Plus ensuring all the limited wealth of the country went to the ruling elite only.
I thought this is what they have been qualifying for.
I’m glad you are telling it exactly like it is, SHT. Somebody, someday, might actually get the courage to actually get up and leave. And yes, being so thoroughly indoctrinated with fear, it does take courage. I know...I’ve been there, done that. Here, you have a support group. You are not alone. You are NEVER alone. Sing the song “You’ll Never Walk Alone” out loud or to yourself. And believe the words. You can do it! You have FREEDOM to bask in the LOVE of God, not the heavyhanded manipulations of men. Let the shackles fall and RUN!
Anonymous 6:16 AM, I agree with you. You said it very well, thankyou, all those who now believe in the new Jesus and Grace, still believe in the same stuff that WCG pushed, just with a different interpretation.
Matthew 19:20
...“All these I have kept,” said the young man. “What do I still lack?” 21Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow Me.” 22When the young man heard this, he went away in sorrow, because he had great wealth.…
-- This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14You are My friends if you do what I command you.
John 15:12
All religions do that.
And you have checked out every religion on the planet I suppose.
That's like if " let every man esteem others greater than themselves" what are the others suppose to do? Lol
Phil 2:3
Here is another proof of Dave "Gods Apostle/Joshua/Elijah" Getting something else wrong!
Please share expose this fraud.
just grab a funnel and pour this experience into their minds
HWA said he had an artist draw such an illustration, but having a teacher pour worldly knowledge into the head of a student. I've never seen such a picture in any WCG publication.
give it another 3-5 years
Reminds me of the Seinfeld Chinese Restaurant episode where throughout the story a table would be ready in "5-10 minutes".
LOL, Hoss! That set off an artist conception of my own!
A clean cut young student sits restrained in a chair. The student is attired in a purple and gold Ambassador College sweatshirt. There is a large funnel intruding into the student’s cranium. On a sturdy shelf above sets a Universal Rundle toilet bowl, labeled “HWAcaca”. A downpipe from the toilet is centered above the funnel. Herbert W. Armstrong stands just to the left, - smirk on his face. His right hand is on a large cooking spoon, mixing the contents of the toilet, his left hand positioned on the handle, about to flush. At the right, we see Stan Rader furtively lifting the student’s wallet from his rear pocket.
Did I capture the zeitgeist, or what???
I think in pictures, BB, and boy, did you create a visual! Well done!
SHT does a wonderful job of shifting the focus from God and His instructions to a fallible man, thinking that somehow the man's shortcomings negate the word of God.
HWA did a wonderful job of shifting the focus from himself and his preferences and theories to God, thinking that somehow his own shortcomings become the word and instructions of God.
Once he got people equating his word with God’s word, he had them as slaves for life.
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