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Not to enter the hornet's nest you just threw a stone at, but I think this goes along the line of reasoning here: (Disclaimer: I do not endorse this position)
That makes no sense. The Jews were before the pope and they keep the Sabbath on Saturday.
I thought in armstrongism calendars and (rolex) watches are merely tools.
Most of the ancients reasoned their important days around the stars moons and suns, which have obvious connections with food production and infant survival rates and therefore life as a philosophical concept.
It is NO COINCIDENCE whatsoever that a senator from kansas (food production) is personally responsible for saving all world tomorrow broadcasts for posterity.
The concept of a "week" is odd in the great scheme of the universe clock. (a clock universe being a medieval concept)
For the rest the bible says that the oracles were given to the jews. And they went through unimaginable persecution to preserve those oracles.
The Essenes (The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, Eisenman and Wise) celebrated the sabbath commencing on the 4th day of Abib (Nisan), 3 days after the new moon of the Passover month, then celebrated on the 11th, 18th, and 25th. The second Essene month reveals a sabbath on the second day of the month, exactly 7 days from the 25th of Abib. This formula was continued through the rest of the solar year. Why did they do this? They felt it necessary to be in harmony with the Genesis creation account in which God created the sun and moon on the 4th day, and rested 3 days later. Makes perfect sense. How could there be a sabbath before the celestial bodies which reckon it had been created? The metrics were not in place until the 4th day.
Gotta share this too. I just visited several sabbatarian websites. There are a number of such sites that present themselves as scholarly. One made frequent reference to the Israelites knowing precisely when the sabbath fell as they wandered through the “dessert” (sic) Pullease!
Thousands of years later, Marie Antoinette was heard to say “Let them eat cake!”
The ancient Hebrews probably got not only their calendar but also the holy days and Sabbath from the Babylonians.
Why do we need a day to rest? Don't we all sleep at night? Isn't that sufficient rest for a lot of us? Yes many of us have one or two days a week off, this is called a week-end. But for many people including me we are more busy for some of that time as we are at work. Some people enjoy their work so much that it is relaxing for them to be at work. That is their rest.
5.08 AM
A 'relaxing job?' What could that possible be? Oh, I just remembered. It's a being a minister in a ACOG. They give recycled bland sermons, and just boss members around. Yes, a very comfortable job. No holidays required.
I suppose if you don't believe God, you don't need a day of rest.
The Essenes celebrated 3 days after the new moon
(different sects fighting over whether Sabbath-day should be synced to 'New Moons' like as originally in Babylon.)
Could explain famous Pauline anti-sabbath text Col. 2:16
Thousands of years later, Marie Antoinette was heard to say “Let them eat cake!”
What vacuous nonsense. She never said that; it's a myth.
Even the dumb twits at the PC wikipedia propaganda site will admit that much.
Such dumb and ignorant remarks are typical of those who fancy themselves to be educated but know nothing and keep showing it. Then, in the same post, they complain about pretenders to scholarship.
For the rest the bible says that the oracles were given to the jews. And they went through unimaginable persecution to preserve those oracles.
The Jews did not preserve the oracles of God. They rejected them and replaced them with the Talmud.
And they did not suffer any more than a lot of other people. Read some history and see what other people went through. Bubonic plague, etc.
And they certainly were not persecuted any more than the peoples of Palestine whom they wiped out for their religious beliefs and because they were not Hebrews, i.e. ethnic cleansing, which the Jews are still doing in Palestine today.
No, sleeping at night is not enough. Everyone needs a day off regularly. If you are too busy on the weekend then you still aren't getting one.
Ever hear of humor, 8:25? Ever hear of a joke? Of course you haven’t, which is why you will always just be a slug.
Don’t you know that God has a sense of humor? Why else would He have invented farting?
Arent all the days of the week named after a "Pagan God"? The Gregorian and Julian calendars never changed the weekly cycle. Jesus kept the same Sabbath as the Jews, and "time has not been lost".
Even when I was a high school student, I discovered that if I took a day off per week, I was a lot more productive. The Sabbath works.
I do not believe it was humor that made God invest time in the invention of farting.
My personal sense of humor tells me that God most likely had a good laugh when he decided that beans would be on the "kosher" clean food list.
In my industry, we speak of “time to decompress”. So much happens during the week at home, at work, at school, and in daily news, that humans need time to decompress and process it all, putting everything into proper perspective,staying fresh for the task. This is nature of the beast (not ACOG “Beast”) stuff. We’re hard-wired for it, although various military organizations have experimented with drugs and medical procedures that would cause soldiers in battle not to require sleep.
God seems to have given the seventh day to Jews/Israelites as part of their national culture. Though I no longer believe that Saturday is required for ACOG brainwashing in order to “qualify” for the free gift of salvation, I do find myself naturally decompressing on Saturdays enabling me to get up and do it all again as the new week rolls around.
What is a Luna Sabbath ?? Never heard of such a description.
The Sabbath is the seventh day. Pope Greg and co can put whatever pagan name they like on it. It is still the 7th day = the Sabbath.
I get it. You are joking, 12:50. And I got a good chuckle out of your post. Thanks for that. However, maybe there are lurkers floating around out there who don’t know that the Hebrew calendar is a sola-lunar calendar. To simplify, years and days are based on the sun. Months and weeks (quarters of the moon) are based on the moon.
Lunar sabbaths were counted from the first sighting of the new moon. (Sound familiar?)
There are websites with further information on the lunar sabbaths. These cite both Philo and also Clement of Alexandria as resources proving that weeks as well as months were based on the moon, and the authors on the sites use the early church’s unified date of Pentecost to prove that both Jews and Greeks from the earliest Christian era knew of the lunar sabbaths.
I don’t know if I find the arguments in favor of either lunar sabbaths or fixed day sabbaths totally convincing. On the other hand, why would such a big deal be made over new moons in passages from the Old Testament if observance of the new moons had no further or deeper purpose? What happened to the lunar sabbaths? Did the proto-Catholics blend the lunar sabbaths into the Julian calendar? Was Hillel II complicit in this as he orchestrated the precalculated “fixed” calendar, as opposed to the one based on the running observations of the priests?
I submit that this is yet another bit of knowledge allowed to disappear in antiquity, by divine design, to make it impossible to persist in the Old Covenant when there was a better new one.
c f ben yochanan
"Almost all scholars today agree that the primal seven-day calendar, as used among the very ancient Semites (including the Babylonians and Hebrews), was based upon the moon. Furthermore, this unique weekly cycle was observed in tandem with the lunar phases. An example of the early week, based upon the phases of the moon, is described in the Fifth Tablet of the Semitic Story of Creation. Note that the moon is said to “make known the days” and its horns “the seasons,” creating the Sabbath on the 7th and 14th days of the month."
I'll ask a question no one has asked about this meme. What is the source of the information?
Did a web search for "Adventist Conference" just now, and found nothing about meetings in the 30s or 90s.
I’m a former PCG member and I still rest (and worship) on the Sabbath because God commands it for His sons.
). In the future, the gate of the Temple in Jerusalem will be opened purposely on these days so people have access for worship within the House of God. On the six days of work, the gate is closed.
Since been cast out of the PCG, I have learned that God regulates the start of each month by the New Moon. God designed the true monthly calendar to be directed by the moon cycle, not by a perpetual (so-called seventh-day) Saturday.
The first day that is fully black is a New Moon, but it’s still a part of the same Lunar Hebrew month. Then when the New Moon Day comes, you will see a sliver of light before sunrise, and this is the signal that DAY ONE of the new month is about to begin AT SUNRISE, not sunset. This is another deception that will eventually be universally corrected. The day starts at sunrise, not sunset. This is also totally provable in the Bible.
We are then to work SIX DAYS in a row (days 2-7) and observe the Sabbath on days 8, 15, 22, and 29 of the Hebrew month. These days actually fluctuate month by month but are on the same day for that particular month. In this current Lunar Hebrew Month (January 14, 2019), today is Day 8, Month 11, which means Monday is the first Sabbath day of this 11th Hebrew month (sunrise Monday to sunrise Tuesday).
Keeping the Sabbath when it’s regulated by the Moon is so simple, even a young child can understand it. On the 8th day of the Lunar Month, the moon shows itself as half size in the sky; on the 15th day, it’s a full moon; 22nd day, it’s half size again. God didn’t want His people to have any excuses for not keeping the Sabbath. He made the awareness of when it was as plain as the moon cycle in the sky! But in Satan’s world, enemies of God changed the time and the seasons a long time ago, but this will be corrected.
Even the New Moon Day will be kept in the future as a day of worship: “Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the Sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened” Ezekiel 46:1
well, technically, the Sabbath is NOT Saturday, it's the 7th day, which falls partly on Friday and partly on Saturday of the Roman calendar. (there goes your whole pagan day thing)
likewise, Pentecost is not Sunday, it is the 1st day of the week (the morrow after the 7th Sabbath) which falls partly on Saturday and partly on Sunday.
and you won't find the calendar in the bible because God didn't create a new calendar, He simply gave the dates on the calendar in common usage at the time...there was no need to plot out the days since everyone knew when the 14th day of the first month was...and likewise for the other dates God ordained...that calendar has been preserved and has come to be known as the Jewish calendar, or the Sacred Calendar....no great mystery here.
As far as I'm concerned, this 'which is the correct calendar' concern, is a waste of time. God expects a church body to do their due diligence, and have the members follow suit. He does not expect every member to spend a ridiculous amount of time on a technicality which has no relevance to Christian development.
This calendar obsession is Pharisaic gibberish.
Read a good book instead.
This Lunar Sabbath truth is FASCINATING - so superior to the SdA/Armstrong error!
good luck keeping the lunar sabbath - I can't imagine having to explain to schools and workplaces your religious days schedule -especially if you combine it with moon visibility from Jerusalem.
Whether you keep Friday, Sabbath, or Sunday, or none of them, everyone else is on a 7 day week schedule.
Whether you believe God commanded it or not, it also seems to suit our human work cycle.
I don't see any evidence in the Bible to support a lunar sabbath cycle.
It seems that people can find something to support whatever opinion they wish to believe in.
Some people feel humans are incapable of being rational, and this seems to be more one more proof of this concept.
@ TLA 8:17
You are using the same rationalisations as the lackadaisical Sunday-keepers:
You have been handed new truth [New Moons/Sabbaths], what are you going to do about it?
Imagine what a world it would be if nobody worked on Full Moons!
Any wonder (working) people go bananas on Full Moons?
Anonymous at 9:35 PM said...“Since been cast out of the PCG, I have learned that God regulates the start of each month by the New Moon. God designed the true monthly calendar to be directed by the moon cycle, not by a perpetual (so-called seventh-day) Saturday.”
Anonymous at 6:28 AM said...“This Lunar Sabbath truth is FASCINATING - so superior to the SdA/Armstrong error!”
Anonymous at 2:36 PM said...“Any wonder (working) people go bananas on Full Moons?
It is bad enough that you fell for the lies and nonsense in fibbing Flurry's PCG. Now beware lest you fall for something even worse.
This Lunar Sabbath lie is RIDICULOUS--so inferior to the SDA/Armstrong/Bible truth!
You appear to have gone bananas over Full Moons. Try not to allow any post-PCG stress disorder to drive you totally nuts.
Anon. 9:35 Just how do you count Pentecost?
Other lunar sabbath folk have seen the problem that counting seven sabbaths with a lunar calendar doesn't equal 50 days, so some now count the seven sabbaths and then begin their 50 day count making Pentecost some 100 days after the wave sheaf.
The people who strive to keep the lunar sabbaths are coming from the same place as the ones who believe the weekly sabbath of the fixed calendar from the 350s CE on is to be kept. They’re both attempting to keep an element of the OC, literally and Pharisaically. The lunar Sabbatarians have just done a little deeper research is all.
I often wondered why HWA didn’t go deep enough into kosher. We’d spend all manner of time in the supermarket, decyphering every code word for unclean ingredients, and then eat in restaurants that cut and grilled clean and unclean meats with the same equipment. So, HWA sluffed off on kosher, and on the lunar sabbath.
A lunar sabbath would have severely limited the career choices and income of tithe payers. The current demographic of the ACOGs wouldn’t have a problem with it because it’s irrelevant to Social Security.
Davie Pack doesn’t allow people to retire, so the lunar sabbath would definitely be a limitation to “common”.
Fanaticism is as fanaticism does. The fruits are usually pretty bad!
BB, have you considered that Sunday Pentecost may also have been HWA's attempt to stop people from having to choose between career and church? For that matter, keeping just the first and last days of Unleavened Bread was a step in that direction.
If WCG required people to take five weekdays off work every DULB, and also required at least five or six weekdays off work for the Feast of Tabernacles, and required Monday Pentecost church attendance, the vast number of Americans who got just two weeks of vacation would have been unable to keep their jobs and be part of WCG. HWA would have had a church of farmers and self-employed salesmen and contractors.
By changing from the original practice he found in the Bible, HWA created requirements that could be kept by most average working people, while also ensuring that the requirements made the church the focus of their lives when not at work. If HWA's eventual choice of Holy Day observances wasn't made as a calculated business decision, it nevertheless had the effect of one!
Actually, now that you mention it, in our local area, there were a substantial number of farmers and self employed amongst the membership. I can also tell you that many incoming AC students came in right off the farm in the ‘60s. You’d see FFA frequently listed as an extracurricular activity in student biographies.
Being self-employed today, it is difficult to understand how one can run a business successfully and be a member of a group that puts so many demands on the members’ time and finances. Running a business is very demanding in and of itself.
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