If you thought the video from the other day was totally absurd, wait till you hear more claims that Dave Pack makes about himself. It is going to be a matter of weeks before he proclaims himself as a "christ." That is about the only thing left for him to claim.
His new claims:
- Attended college in the "Crown City" of Pasadena...apparently makes him "Kingly"
- Born in 1948, the same year as Modern Israel
- For the last 26 years lived near the city of Summit...which is 20 some miles from Akron, which is named after Ekron which is 20 some miles from Jerusalem.
- Lives in a city founded by Elijah Wadsworth...Which validates Packs claim as Elijah...WUT???
- I have the name David and I am a descendant of King David
- Lives in a State with the motto "With God all things are possible"
Talk about connecting the meaningless dots
Sounds like Dave Pack thinks he was chosen before he was born. That puts him on the same level as who? John the Baptist? Jeremiah? Jesus?
I wonder if we could get Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel, and Malm together for a debate on who is the greatest.
Would be fascinating to watch.
Maybe Gerald Weston or Richard Ames could be the moderator.
Gerald Flurry claims to be a descendant of king David too. I don't think he ever provided any proof. When he made that claim he didn't show the family tree. You are just expected to take his word for it. No "prove all things". He should have a family tree from an authoritative independent source.
I remember some where along sermon #30 in the present sermon series when we sat through a two hour and twenty sermon by Mr. Pack, that at the end of the sermon the leading man in the congregation got up and said; "that sermon was all about himself". So much for edifying the body of Christ!
. The idol David C. Pack has become the abomination of desolation in the Church of God and whoso sees let him understand.
As Mr. pack piled up title after title and then inserted himself into a prophecy about Jesus Christ thereby claiming he was Jesus Christ, a warranted call to headquarters went like this: two ministers on the phone ask what is your problem? Me - just so we know where everyone stands, do you two believe everything Mr. Pack has preached? Ministers - yes yes absolutely yes, you can't get this understanding anywhere else. Me - with his present track record of having to toss multiple complete sermons and the pulling from publications of many books you still completely agree with everything as it stands now? Ministers - well Mr. Pack has only had to make a few very little tweaks in his understanding. Me - is it my job to correct him? Ministers - no. Ministers - what is your question? Me - I don't have a question, I am questioning.
With the run to heighten his status as an idol came the strong arm decree to sell all that you have to fund the worldwide presentation of that idol (DCP). The ministry and members just sit there believing it all, fooling their brains that this is the new normal for the end time Church of God.
What is transpiring in the RCG right now is a parallel to what Christ spoke of in Matt. 24:15
Jesus Christ's words of warning for a physical idol polluting the holy place is to flee because what follows is the great tribulation. What more should members do when an idol sits in the very temple of God?
If you are in the RCG and are funding the idol Pack, you are giving offerings unto an idol. If you are listening to and ingesting his every word, you are eating food sacrificed to an idol.
There is nothing good that will come from following a vanity laden man. Just look at the example of the vanity laden Lucifer/Satan for a comparison. It was never enough for Mr.Pack to be just a church pastor. He had to be an Apostle of the true Church of God. That wasn't enough for him so he proclaimed that all the splinter COGs would come under him. That won't be enough for him so he claims all Jerusalem will come under his control. That won't be enough for him so he claims the whole world will be under him.
Is the day soon, when he proclaims that he will ascend above the most high in heaven? What else could come from the mouth that has proclaimed every biblical personage that there is?
Talk about pulling "crap out of thin air" with random facts! ...
Using his methodology , he could have just as easily said something like...
"PACK is a four letter word P stands for Peter, A stands for Aaron, C stands for Christ, and K stands for King David "
"I was born in 1948. If you add the last two numbers , four and eight, you get twelve. This means Im one of the 12 Apostles."
"Wadsworth is in Medina County Ohio. Medina is the city where Muhammad died. I too am a great prophet, even greater than Muhammad"
"I went to college in Pasadena, (the following is true btw) and Pasadena is at 34 degrees North Latitude. Many other nations, including Algeria, Syra, Iran and China are also on the 34 degree latitude including , no less than, PAKISTAN! Brethren is this not a direct sign from the almighty that I am to be a ruler over many nations??"
We've been expecting him to claim to be some kind of Jesus, somehow, for some time now. But I think all the lead ministers and staff leaving has set back the timetable a bit. From what I've been hearing it's back on track again. I hope everyone survives ok. Take care RCG members.
I had a similar experience with an elderly relative. He became Messiahical, looking at me as if to say 'you're looking at the face of God.' I put it down to him compensating for becoming physically frail. It's unnerving seeing someone slide into a fantasy world of make believe.
That is fantastic news!
Where can I send the "Zakath"?
And do you require 2nd and 3rd "Zakath"?
Long ago I felt Dave had crossed proverbial line, and then double crossed it.
This latest collection of "proofs" of his "status" reminds me of an Impromptu speech topic our minister assigned at Spokesman's Club: "Muhammad Ali in all his glory" -- Dave would have nailed that one easily!
One thing to note is how calm and easy he is about telling his tale of why he sees himself as he does. He is not endeavoring to prove it to his audience but rather simply explaining why it is so. I have to wonder just how his wife REALLY feels about all this. She did not grow up in the Church and not much of this was ego centric theological insanity was expressed before he met her. Like HWA, it seems the death of his first wife Shirley, may have eliminated the brakes on his ego. There are no brakes now.
This delusional view of himself will end badly for Dave
Where can I listen to these marvelous sermons? Any link?
Generally, when you see a barrage such as this, you are witnessing a bootstrap thing. The person hanging it up there is attempting to convince himself while simply allowing a captive audience to listen in. He is an external processor.
If any of the ACOG leaders were 1/10 of what they say they are, we would not be witnessing retrogression. There would be incredible growth. Over the past twenty years, their trends have been overwhelmingly negative. Those on the inside continue to see these negative trends as inexplicable. Is it any wonder why they would feel the need to trumpet and amplify their own praises?
It is sad how some of the COG splinters have descended into madness along with their brain-washed followers.
Some of the COGs may be stricter than the others and some of the individual ministers may be harsher than the others, but I do not think of any of them as insane like RCG, PCG, etc.
I have a question for Anonymous "What About The Truth"
What are your thoughts on the living room church of God?
The MAJOR False Prophets (with Extra Demons!!!)
Gerald R. Flurry Identity Thief with many false identities. Likes to praise himself to the high heavens even as he remains very short. Given by the Devil a “new commission” to suppress the true gospel, cause massive division among former WCG people, wreck families, promote sexual immorality, and edit and change HWA's writings. Gerald tries to pass off his own satanic abuse as the government of God.
David C. Pack More cunning and deceitful than most could imagine. Forever changing doctrines. He is really, really full of it and suffers from diarrhea of the mouth. An unusually covetous “common” thief. Obviously has some sort of “scorched follower” policy. He is the “abomination that causes destitution” of his followers. Dave expresses the wrath of Satan, with all sorts of yellings and spittings of unrighteousness.
The MINOR, Rinky-Dink, False Prophets
Ronald E. Weinland Prophetic fantasy fiction writer. None of the things he wrote ever did, or ever will, happen
Robert J. Thiel Thinks of himself in terms that are “not realistic.” Looked to demons and pagans and got fooled by them.
The False Prophet Wannabes
David ben Ariel Rejected, AIDS-ridden, dead guy.
Eric W. King Pathetic, wandering goofball in need of institutionalization by mental health care professionals.
Please Share and Expose this Fraud. Thanks
How much time does Flurry have left? Is he sick yet?
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