Monday, April 15, 2019

Dave Pack: Am I A Failure?


Byker Bob said...

Uh....if you have to ask????


Anonymous said...

There's an overwhelming body of evidence that Dave has gone off on a spiritual, moral tangent. So there's failure on the part of members if they choose to remain in his group. It means that they are following a man rather than following Christ.

Anonymous said...

How does David Christ today explain away what he told his followers in December 1998?

"I want to make a statement, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don't follow me. I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z. Do you understand what I'm saying? Listen to me now, when I tell you don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do I'm gonna paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I'm saying brethren? Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget it...And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me...But I'll tell you what, I'm not going anywhere."

Pack warned his flock that if he went off track he would deny doing so, and would come up with excuses. This means that his followers today are without excuse.

Anonymous said...

'Am i a failure?' is not the question that comes to my mind.
I find myself often wondering what kind of Spirit is influencing the leaders of Cog world these days.

By their fruits as Jesus warned. Perilous times indeed.

Anonymous said...

The person that I live with that is a member of Pack's group joined up with them 3 years ago. I have shown him some of the things that Dave said in the past but for some reason he excuses it and thinks that it is made up. Has no interest in the true character of the man or of HWA. He thinks it's persecution of the true church so that proves he is in the "right" one.

Retired Prof said...

Anon at 8:20 reminds us, "Pack warned his flock that if he went off track he would deny doing so, and would come up with excuses. This means that his followers today are without excuse."

This may be Pack's "get out of jail free" disclaimer. If any victims sue to get their stolen funds and property back, Pack can say, "I warned you this would happen. When you joined, you in effect signed the waiver. Nothing you have, neither your goods nor your autonomy, is yours. It all belongs to me." It is unclear whether the "undue influence" exception to religious donations will protect the people he ruined.

Byker Bob said...

I wonder how many minority members Dave has in his empire. If he had a strong cadre of Hispanics, as an example, he should be asking "Am I a pendejo?" or, ""Am I a chingadera?" And, the answer to both would be in the affirmative.


Anonymous said...


Please expose this fraud. Thank You