Monday, February 24, 2020

A Commercial Breakl: Be Curious!

This is how we got here...

"With most people, disbelief in a thing is founded on a blind belief in some other thing"
George Christoph Lichtenberg

Leading to regrets and dis-illusionment
(Not a bad thing BTW)

To have regret is to be disappointed with yourself and your choices. Those who are wise, see their life like stepping stones across a great river. Everyone misses a stone from time to time. No one can cross the river without getting wet. Success is measured by your arrival on the other side, not on how muddy your shoes are. Regrets are only felt by those who do not understand life’s purpose. They become so disillusioned that they stand still in the river and do not take the next leap.

It is dangerous to let the public behind the scenes. They are easily disillusioned and then they are angry with you, for it was the illusion they loved.
I am disillusioned enough to know that no man's opinion on any subject is worth a damn unless backed up with enough genuine information to make him really know what he's talking about.
Experience proves that none is so cruel as the disillusioned sentimentalist.
Our greatest illusion is disillusion. We imagine that we are disillusioned with life, when the truth is that we have not even begun to live.
Disillusionment means having no more misconceptions, false impressions, and false judgments in life; it means being free from these deceptions. Refusing to be disillusioned is the cause of much of the suffering of human life.
We can be of little service to our fellows until we become disillusioned without being embittered.
When she was younger, my mother was quite committed to Roman Catholicism. But she got disillusioned with it and moved closer to something like Buddhist beliefs near the end of her life.
“All knowledge hurts.”
Cassandra Clare, City of Bones
“There are some things in this world you rely on, like a sure bet. And when they let you down, shifting from where you've carefully placed them, it shakes your faith, right where you stand.”
Sarah Dessen, Someone Like You

Curiosity outside of Church dogma,  organizational control and faith in the one true view is what the Churches of God, by nature, suppress. A lack of curiosity keeps you in place. An abundance of it gets you watched, judged and marginalized. It can get you dis-membered if you're not careful
All speaking the same thing (right or wrong evidently) that there be no division among them is more important than the freedom to explore other points of view, possibilities and interpretations.  Curiosity outside the box is dangerous to the One True Church interpretation. It is fatal to the organization.

We create purpose and meaning in the world and in our lives now
The belief and expectation that one has "found it" and need look no further for any other belief or explanation is the belief that eventually dis-illusions. 

Always ask questions. Always keep an open mind to the answers. 

Be Curious...It's ok


Anonymous said...

Most members in the ACOGs are in their 70s, so they have had ample time to 'prove all things.' It's a big default in ones self responsibility to have to be told like a kid that it's OK to be curious, and have a look around intellectually.

It's this sin of omission that has enabled the likes of Dave Pack to rob blind his members with his lies, creating his own Michael Jackson type fantasy compound.

Anonymous said...

A God who would smite you for using the intelligence and curiosity He gave you is not a God worthy of worship.

R.L. said...

Curiosity KILLED the CAT!! (pounding lectern)

Doesn't that prove how dangerously WRONG it is?

Anonymous said...

We create purpose and meaning in the world and in our lives now
The belief and expectation that one has "found it" and need look no further for any other belief or explanation is the belief that eventually dis-illusions.

Having lived a full life, I will make a comment to this posting. It appears that the poster believes this is a major problem with people who make comments here. I cannot speak for anyone here, but I can speak for myself. From the very beginning of my adult life I learned to think before I began to get involved in anything. This meant working, travelling, responsibilities, accountabilities, relationships, religion, etc. That is my nature and I assumed everyone does that. I will admit it did and does cause some problems in personal relationships, but it does produce a life that takes a personal responsibility for successes and failures. Now how does that fit with my being a believer with Faith in Christianity and the Biblical revelation of God and Jesus Christ? It is simple? I make an effort to apply the biblical principles where they fit in the life I live. I pray and ask God to guide me when there are questionable concepts that would do damage to Him and His Word. I do not point out all of the problems I may believe exists nor do I try to solve them. I am patiently awaiting the day when this life has finished, but do not knowingly do things that threaten the life of anyone. Of course, I continue to build love in my family relationships. I would like people to see the biblical writings as a positive view for managing human life, but that only comes with Faith and well managed life.

Anonymous said...

5.25 PM
I believe this article is primarily addressed to the blogs readership. I attended spokesman's/graduate club for 5 years and found the intellectual content of speeches disappointing. Even from the university educated members. While it's true that ministers discouraged members questioning church dogma and exploring alternatives, there was nothing to stop members privately pursuing this course. It's on members heads that many still blindly believe what the despotic ministers teach. Historically, those in power have always distorted the moral teaching of their society to their advantage.

Anonymous said...

the new moon crescent was seen by several people this evening in Africa, making tonight the beginning of the 12th biblical month. Meaning that the Passover is not far way. Observers throughout the fertile crescent are confident that the conditions will be appropriate to begin the new year with the sighting of the next crescent, which I agree with. OR, we could all follow the AA's here and dismiss everything altogether and just get ready to die from the CoVid 19 event.

Sorry atheists, I choose life.

(disclaimer...blah blah blah)


Byker Bob said...

Formulas and routines quickly become boring. Real answers only prompt additional questions. One size might fit one person, but one size rarely fits all.

I believe that it is good to have a set of core precepts, but to remain free to analyze circumstances and surroundings and to apply those precepts flexibly, as appropriate. One needs those core precepts in order to maintain a sense of right and wrong, a standard for behavior, even in cases where all those around one have abandoned right and wrong.

You can't let other people do your thinking for you, because you alone are accountable. Not them. And, this is the root problem with most arbitrary authority that we all encounter. It is all too often people who think they know it all taking the power and attempting to premake all of your decisions for you. Discern examples. Take the best that others demonstrate, and reject the rest. Each of us is the captain of our fate and the master of our souls. The monent we realize all of that that is the instant at which the cultic shackles will have been broken.


Anonymous said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

Well LXX, it's been centuries since there's been a thinning of the human herd. Modern science and doctors have largely controlled the events
which used to periodically accomplish that. With the planet being overloaded and all the problems that brings, would it necessarily be bad if a figurative forest fire were allowed to burn itself out? Fact is, the planet has needed an event other than war to wipe out a chunk of humanity in order to regain its health. It looked as if AIDS was slated to accomplish that, but now medical research has largely controlled it. Most of the people here won't understand, but I'm thinking that maybe you and one or two others will be able to see and appreciate the logic behind it.

Anonymous said...

ANON Said: Fact is, the planet has needed an event other than war to wipe out a chunk of humanity in order to regain its health. It looked as if AIDS was slated to accomplish that, but now medical research has largely controlled it. Most of the people here won't understand, but I'm thinking that maybe you and one or two others will be able to see and appreciate the logic behind it.
My Comment: This sounds like the way the world thinks. The solution is to limit births or cause some disaster when it appears there are to many unacceptable human beings in existence. It appears to me that biblical messages has a more acceptable message for those who should be populating the earth.

Anonymous said...

But people won't really listen to end time prophecy until the bodies start to,drop 11:41, and I mean here in America. They've been warned for at least 80 years now.

Question for LXX Do you think we should start a letter writing campaign to the POTUS to inform him that as King of the North he has a prophetic purpose and needs to obliterate Iran and get on with building the temple in Jerusalem?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous February 25, 2020 at 1:52 PM said...
But people won't really listen to end time prophecy until the bodies start to,drop 11:41, and I mean here in America. They've been warned for at least 80 years now.

HWA preached to people who are now dead. They were warned? For what purpose when the vast majority are dead???

What a perversion of human reasoning you have.

Anonymous said...

6.42 AM
Christ warned of the 70 AD siege of Jerusalem. Many died before the event. So was the warning a waste? No, since a moral decline occurs over many generations. The failure of those alive at Christ's death to repent, led to the disaster of 70 AD. One generation betrayed the next.