Saturday, February 29, 2020

UCG Refuses to Consider Three Member Appeals Against Ministry

From the latest UCG council of elders meeting.

Ethics Committee—Dan Dowd
The Ethics Committee is tasked with addressing ethical violations by any elder, overseeing the Member Appeal Committee and the Elder Appeal Committee, in addition to any other matter the Council would remand to it.
Currently there are no pending matters before the Ethics Committee. However, since the December 2019 meetings the Ethics Committee was involved in three proposed Member Appeals. Those Member Appeals were rejected because the individuals submitting the appeals did not meet the criteria for a Member Appeal (specifically, they had not received any “disciplinary measures” to appeal). The Ethics Committee worked collaboratively on the letters to explain to these members why their appeal was not being considered.
Later in these meetings, the Ethics Committee will discuss moderators for the GCE Elders Forum and ask the Council to appoint men for the Member Appeal Committee.
Members on the Ethics Committee: Dan Dowd (chair), Bob Dick, Darris McNeely, Mario Seiglie and Tony Wasilkoff.

Church of God members have never had a real avenue of justice in the church when abusive church leaders assert their power over members.  Usually, that justice was a swift kick out the door.  These people will soon get a pretty little letter filled with UCG's version of we "love you, but we are not going to do anything about your accusations."  As we are all well aware, no one exemplifies love more than the boys in Cincinnati. 


Anonymous said...

The only reason for an ethics committee is fear of losing members and their tithe money to other splinters. It's a survival thingy. In attitude, they don't give a hoot about justice.

Anonymous said...

So, since there are no 'visible marks' on the abused/mentally or emotionally mistreated or troubled, no problem to correct, right?

I've never understood how one can, "do as they say, not as they do."

If somebody's messed up in how they DO things, how can they EVER be right in what they say? It always seems to come back to OBEY everyone and anyone over you (according to who this book says is over you) NO matter what. No matter what it does to you, your faith, your spirit, your mind, your family, your interaction with any other human being...just OBEY! Do what you're told and ("Let everything be done without complaining or disputing") sit down and shut up. It seems that obedience is THE qualifier and ONLY obedience. Whatever happened to justice, mercy and faith? Where did love go? You know, patient, kind, gentle... .

Overlords are a poison to mind, body and spirit.

Anonymous said...

Who knows what that is all about. Doesn't bode well tbh.

Byker Bob said...

Reminds me of Russia, where the purpose for you to have a defense attorney is to agree with the state that you are guilty, but to plead on your behalf for a lighter sentence.

Typical totalitarian suppression of the human spirit.


Anonymous said...

What about Matt 18? Tell it to the church... If its not UCG then just tell everyone.

There is a risk of false accusation going around with this idea but I am not sure what else would work.

Anonymous said...

The ethics committee seems to be nothing but a dog and pony show, like much of the workings of the UCG seems to be.

Anonymous said...

Is this situation connected to the recent Reno UCG church ?

Anonymous ` said...

This is why I do not have membership in any denomination. Churches are no better at governance than secular organizations. And they are subject to all the same shortcomings. I have noticed a trend that some of the staid, mainstream denominations typically do well in governance. Some of the wildfire, charismatic, zealous or prophecy-oriented denominations seem to have leaders always in the newspaper for some malfeasance. For some reason, idiosyncratic theologies and criminality seem to track together. The lesson of our times...

Anonymous said...

These appeals are from UCG members who are upset that UCG won't acknowledge the earth is flat, and that UCG won't teach that the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Since their beliefs were not considered and allowed to become UCG teaching by the UCG editorial department, they appealed to the Council of Elders' Ethics Committee, and say they are being mistreated by the their local congregants and pastors for their beliefs.

The truth is that UCG has been very kind to them, but simply cannot publish or teach that the earth is flat and that the earth is only 6,000 years old.

Tonto said...

Members who have an issue with the ministry , have the case adjudicated only by paid ministers? Can you say "Conflict of Interest" 5 times fast?

What about the concept of a "jury of ones peers"?? There needs to be a non-elder, non paid minister, appeals board , consisting of lay members , who are elected by fellow lay members.

Frankly, elders and paid ministers should only have a limited term, say 4 years, and have to be reelected by the laity in an enfranchised vote. Many churches practice this model successfully. This "ordained for life" is like becoming a "made man" in the mafia, and allows you to become unaccountable and untouchable.

NO TITHATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! UCG members should take the Dwight purple hymnals and throw them into Boston Harbor and demand some change!

RSK said...

Seems like a really light workload for an ethics committee.

Byker Bob said...

The problem is that this is so typical of the past history of all of Armstrongism from any perspective. This is the way in which due process and right of appeal have always been handled, even if the specific cases were about willfully stupid flat earth young creationists attempting to change the church doctrines. The fact that there are flat earthers in UCG simply reminds us of the fact that Armstrongism has always attracted mental cases, off-balance people who refuse to shut up about their idiocy. Armstrongism is FUBAR.


Anonymous ` said...

A sidebar: It is worthwhile noticing that the UCG Council and its Ethics Committee is a source of dogma and practice for the UCG. What Armstrongist doctrine consists of for most splinter groups is based on 1) the Bible, 2) published literature from the HWA Era, 3) decisions made by governance processes. I believe the average Armstrongist would claim that the belief of their church is based on the Bible alone. Sola Scriptura. And this is not true.

In this process of dogma creation, only 1) and 2) above are generally accessible to lay members. The old WCG Church Administration Department made many dogmatic decisions that are now inaccessible to anyone as far as I know. I don't know where these files are, who owns them, what redaction has been performed and what access is permitted. Hence, history will have only a partial picture of what Armstrongism actually is. And most Armstrongists have only a partial picture of what Armstrongism actually is.

Anonymous said...

At least you have a committee to appeal something to. In cogwa you have no committee to anything to. It's their way or the highway. It is like the have little dictators waiting for you to screw up. And the head Gestapo agent franks see himself as Hitler and all his goose-stepping buddies on the various boards of this or that Strange they seem to hold office until they croak or retire. Oh, wait they do have elections just like in China, Russia, etc. The cogwa churches in Virginia are all run by the same hireling shanerful at best.

Anonymous said...

Ok Tonto why don't you lead by example then. How long have you held your jobs within UCG? Much longer than 4 years.
Not so much Boston harbour for you more a canal.

Liam Grabarkewitz said...

The UCG ethics committee refused to hear my complaint about low quality, cheap bulk Costco toilet paper is what is available at services. Also that the coffee and the membership itself were 6000 years old.

Anonymous said...

The UCG started off in 1995 as the largest WCG splinter group. The UCG did nothing but split and splinter ever since then. It tried to grow by doing its own thing without ever mentioning HWA or the WCG. It tried to grow on godlessness, since that was more popular than righteousness. The UCG welcomed in filthy old stalkers and kicked out their victims. Then it wondered what more it could possibly do to try to grow.

Anonymous said...

Like mother like daughters.

R.L. said...

There's one case that all the critics of UCG seem to forget: Melvin Rhodes.

He was called home from a trip to Africa in 2012 and stripped of his credentials. It's a wonder that he still attends UCG at all. And I don't recall the Ethics Committee ever being mentioned, concerning his dismissal.

Anonymous said...

"The truth is that UCG has been very kind to them, but simply cannot publish or teach that the earth is flat and that the earth is only 6,000 years old."

Can anyone confirm if this is the issue? If so, I can't see how UCG can win this one. They can't capitulate and they can't seem to be nice to people no matter how hard they try.

Anonymous said...

Melvin Rhodes stepped down from being a UCG Pastor and Beyond Today writer himself.

Get your facts right.

Anonymous said...

Some UCG ministers are giving "damage contro"l messages since the Reno defection. They'll say things like don't follow a man, but what about not following a corrupt organization or work?

Anonymous said...

Re Rhodes wasn’t it due to some alleged infidelity on his part?

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
Melvin Rhodes stepped down from being a UCG Pastor and Beyond Today writer himself.

Get your facts right.

March 1, 2020 at 10:38 PM"

So you were told!

Anonymous said...

4.58 AM
Melvin Rhodes stepped down after being asked to do so by his board. And that's 'asked' in the same way that the Mafia uses the word.

Anonymous said...

My wife and I were taking a long "neighborhood walk" yesterday.
We passed a vehicle with a "flat earth" bumper sticker on it, and it made for interesting conversation.

But the funniest part of it was when my wife said, "If the earth was really flat, cats would have pushed everything over the edge by now!"

Tonto said...

Found this online, over at Thiel's site , apparently for marital infidelity, in regards to Rhodes.

November 1, 2012

Dear Fellow Elders and Employees,

It is with deep regret that we must make the following announcement to you.

Dennis Luker, president, received a letter on Friday, October 26, that made a charge of unchristian behavior against Melvin Rhodes. Immediately an investigation was initiated according to established Church policy and a meeting was set up with Mr. Rhodes regarding the matter.

After meeting with senior Church administrators, Mr. Rhodes admitted that unchristian behavior had taken place a number of years ago, and voluntarily resigned from the Council of Elders. The Council was immediately informed by the administration, and directed that Church administrators request Mr. Rhodes also submit his resignation as an elder and employee of the Church. Mr. Rhodes voluntarily agreed to do this and is presently in full cooperation with the Council’s directive.

The Council and administration will continue to examine all information in relation to Mr. Rhodes’ past conduct. If further action is warranted, the Council and administration will take whatever steps are needed.

Roc Corbett was next in line for the Council and has been seated. A new Council chairman will be selected as soon as possible.

We ask your prayers for Melvin, his family and all concerned.


Dennis Luker

Anonymous said...

Rhodes was an adulterer

Anonymous said...

"Rhodes was an adulterer"

Key word "was".

As is/was every male, whether physically or spiritually. Christ saves adulterers. The question is whether he will save the self-righteous.

LCG Expositor said...

Tonto said...
Members who have an issue with the ministry , have the case adjudicated only by paid ministers? Can you say "Conflict of Interest" 5 times fast?

What about the concept of a "jury of ones peers"?? There needs to be a non-elder, non paid minister, appeals board , consisting of lay members , who are elected by fellow lay members.

Reminds me of the 2007 LCG feast at Myrtle Beach. With Rod Meredith in attendance, elder Ray Clore had the guts to suggest that LCG use a board of lay members to hear cases and learn judgment, in accordance with 1 Corinthians 6. I half-expected Meredith to haul Clore off stage on the spot, but he didn't. .

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
At least you have a committee to appeal something to. In cogwa you have no committee to anything to. It's their way or the highway.

Of course. This is why they had to leave UCG. The audacity that someone could not see the obvious superiority of these men and would actually vote them out of power. How could anyone be so blind. Has a lot of similarities to today's Democrats spreading lies in an attempt to remove a legitimate and properly elected government and establish themselves as the leaders. .