Thursday, August 27, 2020

Privilege and Entitlement in the Churches of God


Concretized Christianity has a blog entry up on Privilege and the Churches of God and it has a lot of good points.

If you ever hear II Timothy 3:1-5 read during a sermon on the Sabbath, you will hear it followed by the assertion that it refers to “the world,” to “others,” and not to “us.”

But is that true?

Observing the words and conduct of people who claim to be members of the ekklesia (the body of Christ is not a physical organization, but instead a spiritual organization) on social media and in other venues, I personally can attest that it’s not true.

Every word of God, as Paul points out in I Corinthians 10, applies to each of us personally. If we abide in the word of God, striving to live by every wordin it, then we abide in God and Jesus Christ and they abide in us. Every time we open the word of God, we are one-on-one with God and Jesus Christ in an intimate relationship and conversation.

So every word there is personal to each one of us. The word of God is a mirror into which we look. If God condemns something or warns about something, our response should be to ask ourselves, “Is that how I am? Does that reflect something in my character? Is that something I am thinking, saying, or doing? Does this exist anywhere in my life?”

If we look at the majority of the word of God as being for someone other than ourselves, then we miss the boat of our calling, our converting process, our transformation through the power of God’s spirit completely.

The church and a lot of its leaders have always loved to use scripture as a weapon to denigrate others. It has seldom been used as a tool to be considered with introspection to see if it was actually there for our own benefit to see how we measured up. Of course, most of the time the church and many of its leaders thought they were without blame and that they set the best example of living godly lives as possible. We are eighty-some years down the pipeline now and I think almost all of us know that has never been the case and STILL is not today in 2020. In fact, it seems to be worse today than ever in the history of the COG movement!

The blog entry continues on with this:

It’s quite sad to me to see people revealing their inner selves and to see how far we are from living by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Many of us are revealing ourselves to be the very things that Paul warned Timothy of in II Timothy 3:1-5.

That is disheartening to observe. But what it reflects is ignorance in some cases. But, underneath the ignorance, is one of the main roots of why this behavior exists and that is the sense of privilege.

Anyone who has been around the churches of God for any length of time knows about privilege. First, we see it in action in every one of the church of God organizations. There is a pecking order – a hierarchy – and privilege is layered throughout that until you get to the people who just fill the chairs every week and fawn over and idolize those with privilege, while in the organizational sense, they have no privilege and aren’t even, legally, members of that church of God organization (only the organizational privileged are).

However, those people know they have privilege compared to others (the world) because they are told that over and over. They’re special. They’re the elite. One day, they will be resurrected first and they will rule with Jesus Christ as kings and priests for 1000 years.

We were set up in the church over the decades to view ourselves as the epitome of righteousness in God's sight. There were no better Christians on earth than COG members. We were endlessly told we were a privileged lot that would soon be kings and priests and would be rulers of planets throughout the galaxy. Not only that, but we were to be GOD's.

Today in some of the larger COG groups we wee that "pecking order" mentioned above as the enforcement of "proper government".  The problem with that "pecking order" is that the privilege stays at the top and leaders live lives of excess at the expense of members. That lofty deluded grandeur makes them untouchable in church members' sight and so they are afraid to rock the boat and hold leaders accountable and thus suffer greatly from spiritual and psychological abuse.

The writer above is correct in how those sitting in the seat each week have no privilege in the church. In fact, they are not even members of the churches they think they belong to. The by-laws and legal documents of almost all the COG's state explicitly that the only members of the church are the ordained ministers. Herbert Armstrong did this when he established the Radio Church of God and COG leaders have done so ever since.

Power is an idol in society and an idol in the churches of God. The lust for power is often the sole motivation for what these man-made organizations do and say.

Privilege and power often go hand in hand. Whether the power is real or imagined, organizations and people who believe they have power manifest the corruption of the idea of privilege.

We can see the above in Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel, and Dave Pack. Their imagined power is a product of deluded minds and not something God has passed on to them. Thiel, in self-righteous anger after LCG and Rod Meredith constantly refused to follow his commands, had to start his own group in order to have the power that he has always been denied, regardless of the COG entity he was a member in. To be seen as a great person in the COG is the prime motivator of most of the current batch of COG leaders. That privilege puts them above the members and all the hurts and problems members have. They are totally oblivious tot eh world around them.

People who have not suffered and who also cannot see, relate to, nor empathize with the suffering of others is a symptom of privilege. James discusses this in the second chapter of his letter. Privilege creates a bubble of illusions that is solely focused on self: what I want, what I need, who I am, and what I think or believe.

The bubble of privilege is opaque, so that anything that is outside that bubble is invisible. Jesus discussed this bubble of privilege in Matthew 25 in His parable of the goats and the sheep.

The sheep had no bubble of privilege. They were looking for needs among the people around them and meeting those needs, no matter where they found them. They weren’t doing it because someone was “important,” or because other people would see them and applaud them, or because it made them feel good or superior. 

The sheep were doing it because it was the right thing to do. They were following God’s word (read Deuteronomy sometime if you want to see what loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength – about the first third of the book – and loving your neighbor as yourself – approximately the last two-thirds of the book – looks like in action and ask yourself if this looks like you) and they were following the example of Jesus Christ.

The goats had the bubble of privilege. Inherent in their response was, “well, Jesus, if You personally had come to us and asked us, of course, we would have done these things for You.” In other words, if the Son of God had made the first move, knocked on the door of their bubble of privilege, and said, “I need…,” they would have done it. Otherwise, they didn’t see, know, or care to seek out the needs they could meet right outside their bubble.

I remember the stories in Pasadena as the church was imploding and departments had to start laying off employees. The one that stuck in my mind all these years was one about Bernie Schippert and a woman he laid off. She said he sat there behind his huge rosewood desk with his Rolex on his arm and told her that the church owed her nothing as they laid her off, despite working for the church for over 20 years (this was while the church was sending him to law school and footing the bill).

The church has a sad record over the decades of never being able to see the needs of people in the congregations, or even with employees. When people did go in and ask for assistance it was denied a large percent of the time.  Can you imagine a Restored Church of God member asking Dave for assistance when he is constantly milking them for money!

The best part of the article is the last part and the COG response to COVID.

People across this country are murmuring about COVID-19. Some people, even among those in the ekklesia have bought into the spiritual insanity we see everywhere around us, and believe COVID-19 is a hoax

Some people are clamoring to get back to “normal,” complaining that they’ve been confined to their homes, working their fulltime jobs with benefits, and paying the bills and enjoying extras, for too long and they want to get back together with other people, including those in the ekklesia, because, “people die every day, and if people die because we get back together, so be it, because us being together is more important than a few thousand people, who are going to die sometime anyway, dying.” (This is not made up. It is a synthesis of much of the sentiment you’ll see on social media.)

I want to address some of these points of privilege. While people are complaining about being confined in their homes, they are ignorant of the fact that there are many people both in the United States and around the world would simply be happy to have a home to be confined in, as opposed to, if they’re fortunate, living in a vehicle, and, if they’re not, living on the street.

People with privilege will counter with, “Well, it’s their fault they’re homeless. They’re either lazy, addicts, or ‘trash,‘ and they’re where they are because that’s what they deserve.” Some among the ekklesia would be among the people saying these things.

While people are complaining about having to work fulltime jobs with benefits, paying their bills and enjoying extras, they are ignorant of the fact that the American economy over the last 12 years has left many well-educated, highly-skilled people scrambling to find gig work (American work is now highly tilted toward a gig economy, which is freelance with no job security and no benefits and no set amount of income to depend on) just to cobble enough money together to try not to end up homeless.

People of privilege haven’t had to look for work for a very long time. They have absolutely no idea how much the employment landscape has changed. They have been fortunate enough to remain in jobs that, so far, have been insulated from the economic upheavals that have roiled the United States since 2008.

So the response of people with privilege to these gig workers is, “Well, it’s their fault if they don’t have a fulltime job with benefits. They’re either lazy or not trying hard enough, and if they really wanted a job, they’d have a job.” Some among the ekklesia would be among the people saying these things.

The disregard for human life among people of privilege is most appalling. There are some among the ekklesia who would rather people die so they can all start congregating again rather than to have to continue virtual services at home.

There’s some kind of magical thinking about the physical presence of other people and socializing. As if that’s the key, and you’ll hear people say this, to fellowship and unity.

And it is, from a purely physical point of view. But it’s not spiritually. Jesus told the Samaritan woman in John 4 that a physical place of worship was irrelevant because those that God has called and chosen worship Him in spirit and truth.

But that’s not the focus for many of the church of God organizations or many among the ekklesia. Why? If we’re a spiritual organism and we “say” we love each other, why are we in touch with people in the ekklesia on a regular basis, whether that’s an email, a text message, a digital meeting, or some other means to check in and make sure everyone – not just our little group of friends – is doing okay, doesn’t need anything, and has whatever assistance they made need?

Frankly, most of us just don’t care. As long as everything’s okay in our little world, we simply don’t think about or care about anyone else. In fact, the only reason we want to get back together physically is to see “our friends.” The same people we don’t see in isolation, we won’t see when we’re in the same room with them. 

With this insanity of wanting to be physically together right now comes more insanity, among which includes being asked to disobey God.

Pastors of church of God congregations are already scouting for people to volunteer to do a lot more work on the Sabbath than is already being done. People who have no idea how to truly sanitize (they don’t even have access to the commercial chemicals and machines) a space are being asked to work to clean the meeting facilities before services and after services. Other volunteers are being asked to screen people for temperatures before they let them inside.

When they get inside, everyone must wear a mask and stay six feet apart from everyone else. There are no hugs and no handshakes. In fact, there is no conversation. Instead, you’ve got the people of privilege screaming across the room at each other while the invisible, who know that no one will notice whether they are there or not, are home, resting as God commanded (and this virus has enforced a true Sabbath rest, which has been delightful) and worshiping God with like-minded members of the ekklesia in spirit and truth.

Where did we get so off track? This is definitely not God’s way, nor is it agape. It, instead, is the system’s way, the way of the curse, the product of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. 

Will we ever see and repent?

That is between God and me and God and you.

What are you personally going to do?

One would think that after 80 years of hearing what we SHOULD be doing that the church today in 2020 would be doing that. It still cannot. Or, won't.


Anonymous said...

Very well said. Thank you!

Tonto said...

Concrete and all:

There is a place for mercy in this life.

HOWEVER, I cant care more about someone else's life more than they do for themselves.

A big key to life is asking the right questions. The teachers will appear, or at the very least, "Google" those questions. Most of the time, the answers to life do not cost money in the least.

Unfortunately, the answers to life are not really open to negotiation, and that is what most people want to do. They attempt to compromise, minimize or just plain ignore the right answers and somehow wish that if "they keep doing what they have been doing" that somehow things will be different. Yes, changing direction and habit are the toughest things in life.

Whether it is the homeless dude, or some COG big wig, I see the same types of denial and rationalizations. A blindness to reality, and the necessary steps and asking of questions to improve it.

DennisCDiehl said...

"She said he sat there behind his huge rosewood desk with his Rolex on his arm and told her that the church owed her nothing as they laid her off, despite working for the church for over 20 years (this was while the church was sending him to law school and footing the bill)."

EXACTLY the same thing Bernie Schnippert told me when I inquired about retirement after 26 years. The man was arrogant and heartless. Alas Bernie has passed and his widow has married Dave Albert.

Anonymous said...

DennisCDiehl said...

"Alas Bernie has passed and his widow has married Dave Albert."

August 27, 2020 at 4:10 PM

Dave Albert was married to Carol (R?), then bitterly divorced. Then he married Carol Johnson and had her change her first name to Simone because of his previous experience with Carol (R?). So, what happened to Simone?

The W.A. said...

You challenged me with this to check the bylaws of COGWA, which are posted online.

They make a distinction between "members of the Corporation" - executive-level, you might say - and "church members." So what you wrote about this, at least in COGWA, is false.

Glenn said...

Simone died a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

eh, not everyone AT church is IN the church....might even go so far as to say that the church is a minority in the congregations....

doesn't mean those are bad people, just very confused, and they will lash out if they feel wronged, even though they weren't.

that's just part of their confusion.

Anonymous said...

I heard Simone died of cancer.

Earl said...

W.A., we've always used the term church members, but they are not really members of the organization as they have no power and are not privileged. I suspect the legal documents utilize the term "members of the organization (ministry/elders)" and do not mention the Church members.
The whole reason for bringing up "church members" (who have no input on making decisions) in the bylaws is to distinguish them from the "members of the organization" who have all the power.

COGWA is the same subtly. Though I grant you they are no RCG or PCG.

Concretized Christianity said...

"The W.A. said...
You challenged me with this to check the bylaws of COGWA, which are posted online...They make a distinction between 'members of the Corporation' - executive-level, you might say - and 'church members.' So what you wrote about this, at least in COGWA, is false."

The COGWA bylaws are rife with subtle deceptions, this being one of them (in the original version, the President of the Corporation was specifically called the "spiritual head of the Church" - there was enough outrage that the wording was changed).

First, you have to look at scripture and filter COGWA's bylaws through that. The word "church" is erroneously translated from the original Greek word, "ekklesia," which simply means "assembly" or "called out ones." According to scripture, the ekklesia is a spiritual body, not a physical entity (or corporation).

Nowhere in scripture is there any mention of two layers of "members" (hierarchy, elitism, privilege) within the ekklesia. The ekklesia is not a business (one of Christ's issues with the synagogues in His time), but COGWA and the rest of the COG groups are businesses.

In most businesses, you have employees and customers. Employees are "members of the Corporation." Customers are not members of anything (COGWA distinguishes between church members - those "who have affirmatively elected to be identified as members of Church of God, a Worldwide Association" and "members of the Corporation" - the people with power and paychecks, and the wording seems as if they are mutually exclusive) related to the business.

So who are the COG customers? Who pays them? Customers have no say so in how a business runs, they have no voice in anything concerning the business. The only way they can express displeasure with the business is to take their business somewhere else.

Which is exactly what's happening in all the COG corporations. Except the customers are finding that all the COG corporations are selling the same mixed of good and evil/truth and lies with their own twists and spin and threats to make people afraid to study God's word, believe God's word, grow in God's word, and discern between what they hear and what God says, as the Bereans did.

Using the term "Church member" makes the customers believe they are in the fold, while the reality is that they're merely customers and expendable and forgettable if a better opportunity or customers come along.

It's dishonest.

Anonymous said...

The governmental structure in most of the COGs is similar, and while I am not specifically familiar with COGWA's internal papers, I am familiar with some of LCG's. Lip service is paid to Jesus Christ being the head of the church, and at the top, but practically speaking as interpreted by the church authorities, He leads from the top down through the various layers of the human church hierarchy. This would be LCG's hierarchy as taken from a handout I received years ago while attending with that group...

Presiding Evangelist, advised by his Council of Elders: This guy in COG language comes in directly under Jesus Christ in authority over the rest of the church, and might be roughly comparative to a pope. His Council of Elders could be compared to the College of Cardinals or to an Ecumenical Council that is called to advise the pope on doctrinal issues, etc. It is these guys who carry the final authority in the COG kingdom to interpret the Bible's meaning and how it applies to doctrine and policy within the church. Anyone who might disagree with these folks' interpretations is seen as being in rebellion to God and His hierarchy and ultimately threatening and divisive to the church, particularly if they voice their disagreement.

Director of Church Administration: This guy is the one who is in charge over the rest of the ministry but under the Presiding Evangelist. This guy's counterpart in Catholicism might be sort of like a Cardinal. Since the Catholic Church is much larger, they tend to have a lot more layers, and sometimes it's difficult to pinpoint an exact equal, but you can find similarities both in offices and responsibilities of those offices.

Regional Pastor: He comes in under the Director of Church Administration but over other area pastors. They are placed over certain larger geographical areas. Their counterparts in Catholicism would roughly be an Archbishop.

Area Pastor: This guy is the one you are most likely to have direct dealings with if you are a member of the laity, though Regional Pastors are also often given specific areas to pastor as well, so in some cases your Regional Pastor also doubles as your Area Pastor. Most area pastors are responsible for more than one local area, but have less responsibility than a Regional. This guy might correspond to a Catholic Bishop with some overlap with a Priest or Archbishop.

Assistant Pastors: These guys are usually assigned to a Regional or Area Pastor, are on the payroll and assist the main guy in carrying out his authority and responsibilities. They as well as the local church Elders who are not usually on the pay roll might be roughly comparative to the Priests on the Catholic totem pole.

Deacons: These folks are the lowest members of the organizational hierarchy both among the Catholics, as well as in COG land. The COGs do also have Deaconesses on occasion, but these women are not allowed to speak or serve in other ways that deacons might be and for practical purposes come in under the deacons.

And under all these layers come the unwashed masses of the laity. As we see, while the specific titles are not the same, the organizational structure is much the same. What this pyramid of levels doesn't take into account though is that each of us has direct access to God through our Mediator Jesus Christ and the holy spirit that dwells within us as individuals, and our relationship and responsibility before Him cannot be overridden by any pope, evangelist, minister, or any other title someone else might have. We answer to God for what we choose to believe.

Concerned Sister

Anonymous said...

Concerned Sister
Exactly. It's like even righteous Moses pointing to himself rather than to God. Moses might have believed God's punishment too harsh, but I think he would change his mind if he could observe the same sin institutionalized in Christiandom.

Anonymous said...

Concretized Christianity article reads as if a disgruntled and bored ministerial pharisee has written it. Too many in the past "sold their soul to the company store" (the physical affluence of WCG) and sacrificed being apart of the true vine of Jesus Christ. (a spiritual calling)

Now decades later, after climbing the WCG ladder, they are bored, stale and out of ideas.

Anonymous said...

It's strange the way people part of the hierarchy in one church attack the hierarchy in another.
Why not begin on your own turf concerned Sister.

Anonymous said...

Concreized Christianity admitted:

..when the reality is that they're merely customers and expendable and forgettable if a better opportunity or customers come along.

Dreadful godless atheist admission there "CC". But thanks for putting it in print for all to see.
Many converted people have know that for years.

But what have YOU forgotten "CC" ?

Again, you've forgotten about God. God the Father and Jesus Christ. Their character and compassion.

Do you have any godly compassion "CC" ?

What happens when "my way monarch ministers" like yourself, think people invited by God the Father and with Jesus Christ as their High Priest and Saviour are "merely expendable"

What happens ?

The door of understanding closes to you "CC" and you go worse and worse.
God protects HIS little ones. Never forget that.


Anonymous said...

I believe CC was making the point that the corporate COGs treat their "members" as customers who are expendable and forgettable. I don't think CC was promoting this as his/her personal view of other Christians.

Concerned Sister

Anonymous said...

Oh we know exactly what CC was trying to do but in trying to drag COGWA into it revealed more than CC thinks.

Retired Prof said...

I'm not going to try concretized Christianity. Sounds way too hard.

For wimps like me, UCG came up with a softer, gentler Christianity when it introduced Jelly.