Why does the "god" of Armstrongism have to continually "test" the faith of "its" followers? Apparently, for the last 80 some years "it" has never deemed the faithful to be worthy of anything and therefore has to continually "test" them to find out how faithful they are. Members are too stupid to do what's right and "it" needs to weed out the chaff. This is the same crap that Bob Thiel, Gerald Weston, Vic Kubik, and all the rest of the COG henchmen use on their followers. That angry "god" is eternally pissed off and is ready to squash everyone and refuse them eternal life.
Is it any wonder COG members are depressed and tired of the current state of affairs in the church? This is why they are leaving each and every COG out there.
Dave is setting himself up for a major tragedy to happen in his church. With all of his constant lying, he is going to push some employee or member over the edge and we may see another mass killing like Living Church of God experienced. It will never be his fault though but that of the unstable mind of the church member or employee. That is how Living Church of God spun the story to take the heat off of Meredith's vile sermons. Dave will do the same thing.
From a reader
From Davey himself:
November 6, 2020
Greetings from Headquarters!
In God’s Church, we do not take political sides—period! We actually have a booklet explaining the many biblical reasons true Christians do not vote. But we are a people who look at plain facts and can see the difference between right and wrong. Habakkuk—who wrote with powerful clarity of OUR TIME!—was likewise deeply troubled by what he saw in vision. How much more we who must live through it!
Keep the election in mind as we look at the vision this prophet was given.
Habakkuk opens “The burden which Habakkuk the prophet did see” (1:1). “Burden” means many things, one of which is “doom.” America has entered the darkest time in its political history. Not only is the nation divided, but neither side is willing to concede.
The president appeared poised to win. Strangely, however, votes simply stopped coming in about five key states and the counting was shut down! This has never happened before! President Trump described this turn of events. His words set up the remainder of Habakkuk. He said:
“The results tonight have been phenomenal… There’s never been anything like it to support our incredible movement. “We had such a big night. You just take a look at all of these states that we’ve won tonight… We won states.” Then this: “And all of a sudden I said, ‘What happened to the election? It’s off.’ And we have all these announcers saying what happened?”
Here is more from the same speech: “This is a fraud on the American public. This is an embarrassment to our country. Frankly, we did win this election. We did win. So our goal now is to ensure the integrity for the good of this nation…”
The president in one breath claimed victory and accused the left of what could easily be called the greatest political heist in American history. Habakkuk—and what news reports revealed over the ensuing hours and days—prove him right.
Habakkuk continued in verses 3 and 4: “Why do You show me iniquity, and cause me to behold grievance? For spoiling and violence are before me: and there are that raise up strife and contention. Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment does never go forth: for the wicked do compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceeds.”
Here is but one example of what happened. Recall the president warned: “We don’t want them to find any ballots at four o’clock in the morning and add them to the list.” He made this statement to illustrate a point, but this is allegedly exactly what happened less than two hours later! In fact, numerous reports like this emerged in multiple cities. Over the next days, states the president was on the way to winning began to change direction, flipping states to the challenger. Widespread media efforts to explain away the reversals also followed.
The point is this: In a world where iniquity, grievance, spoiling, violence, strife, contention, slacked law, no judgment and wickedness is everywhere, you CANNOT get all the facts! It is clear there is MUCH wrongdoing, but when there is a concerted effort to take down the most powerful government in the world—an effort that has lasted four years—things become very unclear, very fast.
Brethren and co-workers, I made the calculated decision to write this letter as soon as possible. Based on what Habakkuk foretold, you can expect the situation to get MUCH WORSE before it gets infinitely better with the imminent arrival of God’s Kingdom. We are praying for you. Please do the same for us.
In Christ’s service,
David C. Pack
P.S. Brethren, this is for you. The possibility of a longer-than-expected wait became a reality. God has tested our patience—and is testing it even further—to see who believes Christ will “come quickly!” So much is at stake for those in the “little flock” that Christ promised would go first. I just wanted you to hear from me that there are a number of additional scriptures that tell us everything is RIGHT ON TRACK! Stay the course!
“We actually have a booklet explaining the many biblical reasons true Christians do not vote.” -- Dave
RCG cult members are VOTING with their feet and their wallets and their very lives to support Satan's false prophet David Pack.
While "we don't vote" is Dave's expectation of the members, it is obvious who his political champion is.
There is a theory that suggests that narcissists are attracted to narcissists because "you remind me of me." Dave's behaviors when he is dead wrong on anything are also similar which, no doubt, gives him a reason to feel justified because he, as a narcissist himself, is attracted to others like him and justify passing the blame for mistaken views on to others rather than say "I was wrong." Dave Pack has never uttered those words and never will as don't his political heroes who "remind me of me."
"K. Alex Burton et al. in a study aptly entitled “You Remind Me of Someone Awesome,” (2016) explored the extent to which narcissists liked each other.[i] They noted that prior research suggests narcissists may tolerate fellow self-lovers better than non-narcissists do, but those studies did not involve observing actual behavior, arguably limiting the generalizability of the results.
Their study gauged reactions to actors exhibiting narcissistic or non-narcissistic behavior. The results? They found narcissism was positively associated with liking narcissistic actors, and negatively associated with liking actors who were non-narcissists. They suggest that these results were mediated by perceived similarity, as well as tendencies of selective interpretation when it comes to assessing the actors’ behavior.
Burton et al. explain that the “narcissistic-tolerance theory” holds that due to perceived similarity, narcissists are more tolerant and fond of narcissistic peers. They note this explains why narcissists often gravitate towards each other, perhaps reflecting a viewpoint of narcissism as less objectionable than most people would perceive.
Their results not only support the theory of narcissistic tolerance, but they further found it was apparently due, at least in part, to perceived similarity. Upon recognizing similarity to narcissistic actors, narcissistic participants selectively interpreted the actors’ traits more positively, which increased liking. Burton et al. note these findings corroborate prior research suggesting that narcissists treat people better when they perceive them as more similar to themselves.
Interestingly, regarding self-perception, Burton et al. note that because narcissists liked each other more due to perceived similarity, it was unlikely they experienced any degree of self-loathing stemming from their narcissistic identity.
Likability Does Not Create Loyalty...."
3.05 PM
So researchers have discovered that Pharisees "love" each other. Now where have I heard that before?
“We do not take political sides, period”. He sure seems to have plenty to say about it though. Dave has a lot to say about everything. He thinks that his beliefs are the same as knowing. Can’t tell him anything. He admires Trump, his kind of guy; likes to surround himself with yes men and those who will believe whatever he says. I hope that soon Dave is “Fired” too.
If David Pack cared to actually check into it, it’s very straightforward what happened with the election, and the initial leader in a state being subsequently overtaken by the other party. (Which happened both ways).
Prior to the election Trump constantly suggested postal voting was flawed, and encouraged people to vote on the day. Biden on the other hand, because of the virus, strongly suggested his supporters vote by post. So in a state that was fairly evenly split, Trump supporters would outnumber Biden supporters with those that were voting on the day, and Biden supporters would outnumber Trump supporters with postal votes.
Most of the close final states were not allowed to start counting postal votes until the evening of the polls closing. So it is no surprise in those states those that had voted on the day were counted first, and Trump took a lead, only to be whittled down, or overtaken by Biden once the postal votes started to be counted (a slower process, as there is more checking and validation to be done).
But in some states, such as Florida, state rules allowed postal votes to start being counted prior to the polling day. In this case, Biden took an early lead, as the postal votes tally came in first, and the lead was whittled down and overtaken by Trump’s votes, as the votes balloted on the polling day started to be counted.
Both these situations are exactly as you would expect, given the differences in the recommended way to vote from the two parties.
Many people, including D Pack, like conspiracy theories, but sometimes the truth is far more straightforward and more boring, as would seem to be the case in this instance!
Dave Pack's important P.S. stated: "P.S. Brethren, this is for you. The possibility of a longer-than-expected wait became a reality. God has tested our patience—and is testing it even further—to see who believes Christ will “come quickly!” So much is at stake for those in the “little flock” that Christ promised would go first. I just wanted you to hear from me that there are a number of additional scriptures that tell us everything is RIGHT ON TRACK! Stay the course!"

, b/c if those words of John are true, then why so much concern about timing of events, about patience, about God needing to test Dave and his little "pack?"
"[Ye] serpents, [ye] generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?
Everything is RIGHT ON TRACK? What track? Has that track been completed or does it dead end someplace? Time will tell.
Stay the Course? What means that? Does that course have anything to do with the following course-mentioned verse?
"Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:" Eph 2:2
Where might that course lead Dave? Perhaps to belief in a Micky Mouse Millennium? Some soon-coming 10 kings/nations? Where are they? Of course, Dave's Jesus, "another Jesus," hasn't returned to reign on earth as Dave expects.
But Dave says: "...God has tested our patience—and is testing it even further—to see who believes Christ will “come quickly!”..."
Why would God test? If Dave were really tested, in accordance with whatever idea Dave has of testing patience, Dave would fail, as he has already illustrated. He better hope God isn't testing him and his...followers. It would be hopeless.
When will Dave believe the words of John 3:16-17
Jesus come quickly? Why? Where would He go? Can Dave, perhaps driven by another spirit (like the Pharisees were - e.g. Matthew 23:33
34 Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and [some] of them ye shall kill and crucify; and [some] of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute [them] from city to city:
35 That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar.
36 Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.) really be so confident to think he is not on the track of some course believing in another gospel while looking for another Jesus, when the Bible said that only The Father knows times and seasons such as what Dave is striving to "second-guess" about.
Will Dave ever successfully second-guess the times, the seasons...well, even some specific day?
Time will tell...
With Dave's obsessive fascination with Habakkuk, we just may see very shortly a post from NO2HWA with the headline: Dave Pack in bed with Habakkuk.
Dave Pack's post script statement where he said; "the possibility of a longer than expected wait became a reality" is almost beyond ridiculous. This "after the fact comment" coming from a month where he predicted at least 5 different comings of Jesus Christ, established that fact as impossible not to happen, didn't know the day - then did know the day - then didn't know the time of day and the statements, your not going back to your homes and all the COG splinters are going to be destroyed and three men are going to have one of their eyes put out and one of their arms shriveled and there is not going to be an election and by the way he can prove it, prove it, prove it, prove it, prove it; is the greatest understatement of all time.
What is the difference if Dave ran out into the middle of rush hour traffic for a month declaring; I am not going to get run over by a car - there is no possible way I could be run over by a car, the scriptures are more clear than ever brethren, none of us can be run over by cars - brethren we are all told to go out into the highways and byways to bid those to the supper - everyone join me and don't worry, you are not going back to your own homes and it is impossible that any of us could be hit by cars.
Three weeks later: P.S. Brethren, this is for you. The possibility that we could be hit by cars became a reality!
Just think about that - no, on the other hand don't think about it - it is just too hard on the mind.
"Many people, including D Pack, like conspiracy theories, but sometimes the truth is far more straightforward and more boring, as would seem to be the case in this instance!"
Audits are even more boring and legal. Let the truth be told.
A fool and his money are soon parted. No way to get around that. People are gullible.
Dave's flock of sheeple are there until the end. The end being end of lifespan.
the PS sounds like it was written by Ron Weinland...
I'm not surprised when Obama was President Pack spared no opportunity to bash the man. He encouraged the staff to watch fox news. The media articles he quotes to propel his prophecy ideas are all far right-leaning sources.
I was shocked once I left and realized the world is not at all what he paints it to be.
I remember hearing pack says the church has no dog in this fight and we are not to get involved in politics and yet feeling like he always took to the rights side. He once said that the church if it had to would align more with the right because of what they stand for. That sealed the deal for me and for sure made me realize he most definitely leans more republican in his thinking despite being commanded in his own bible not to take a side.
It's so fascinating to see the parallel between trump and Pack.
They are both delusional narcissists.
They are both unable to grasp empathy.
They are both criminals.
They both love money more than other people's lives.
Everyone who has ever been around them has had their lives destroyed.
They are into inflated and false statistics.
When they think they are winning, they are actually losing.
RCG resembles trump administration so well, a house divided against itself can not stand. And it's only a matter of time before pack will no longer have control in RCG. Almost every single minister once considered the great, the upper echelon of the church have all left, more high profile leaders continue to leave. The man will eventually drive everyone out and lose so much income the church will have to sell off buildings or repurpose them. Its going to get so ugly.
I think for Christians there's good to find in any political party in the world. Especially socialism makes a point about looking after or being ones neighbors keeper. The right side has some good things on the preservation of young life (while having no qualms about killing all other life for economic gain) disguising it as "property rights", as if 1 percent is entitled to 50 percent or more.
Christians should however look for other qualities like "lying or cheating" or other of the ten commandments.
I hear the Trump admin was quick to claim "the Pfizer vaccine" as a huge success on their part. In reality Pfizer is not even part of the "Warpspeed" program.
Therefor Mike Pence alone for that reason does not qualify as a Christian, but a liar answerable to God for eternity and every 4 years to the People.
Americans sure will appreciate a UK Brit telling them this QuesterUK....
Especially socialism makes a point about looking after or being ones neighbors keeper.
One WCG minister who called himself "The Original Greek" once started a sermon saying "(ancient) Israel was the first welfare state." I used that line to calm another pastor who stated to rant about (what he thought was) socialism.
'Americans sure will appreciate a UK Brit telling them this QuesterUK..'
I am not telling anyone anything. 50% of Americans already know this, and the other 50% could know it if they checked out the facts of the matter.
Sometimes its easier to see the picture if you are not part of it!
Nck, socialism is great but not when it's administered by humans. I'd say that the Kingdom will be more socialist than capitalist but guess what? Christ will rule. Anyone foolish enough to put humans in a position where they have the ability to redistribute wealth are...
Americans often confuse socialisn and communism.
I won't debate you on politics or human psychology.
I might nudge you to look at old photographs of 1890 living conditions in Manhattan or any British city during the Industrial revolution, Paris 1830 and you will understand Victor Hugo or Les Mis musical.
The view of socialism differs depending on the culture that you live in.
For example here in the UK health care is available to all, without having worries about getting into debt to obtain necessary care. But also anyone that wants to pay extra for quicker, and (maybe) better care is free to do so.
In USA it appears that many have a great problem in the thought that they are allowing the poorest free health care.
It seems from this side of the pond that many in USA would prefer to see the poorest element of the population be deprived of any health care if doing so that meant those able to afford a little more had to contribute something towards towards others.
To many over here this seems the complete opposite of what Jesus taught.
Nck and Questeruk neither of you understand the U.S. like you think that you do. Conservatives have no problem with the legitimate poor getting government health insurance, the problem is with those who are lazy and on the dole of the government. I really think that you who think socialism is so grand go back to something that you should have read in second grade, The Little Red Hen.
Contrary to what you've been told everyone in the U.S. has access to health care and no one is going into the poor house if they can't afford a major surgery. Every hospital and Doctor that I know will work out a payment schedule. If you can only afford $40 a month they'll work with you. It took my wife and I several years to pay off our first kid, but pay it off we did though we had no insurance and did it while living on minimum wage at the time. Oh to be twenty again. We were poor but we worked. Now we are in the top 15% in net worth in the U.S. It can be done, but you have to work. Which is contrary to what the barnyard animals in the Little Red Hen were willing to do.
The reason that you hear that millions of Americans don't have healthcare is for that very reason. Tell me, which would you rather pay? $1000 a month for health insurance or $50 a month in a payment plan to a hospital?
Contrary to the crap you hear from the mainstream media the poor in the U.S. have better healthcare than those who are self employed and choose the monthly payment plan over the high cost of health insurance. At least until Obamacare screwed them over and forced them into buying insurance!
Also, the reason that health insurance is so expensive is because those poor people who have government health insurance go to the emergency room with just a sniffle. The government sets a limit on what they will pay so the hospital has to overcharge insurance companies to make up the difference.
You can spout the claim that the U.S. doesn't care about the poor all that you want but it just shows your ignorance!
Maybe this web site can help you understand how things are done here.
Or this one:
Jesus taught caring for the legitimate poor, not people who refuse to work because the government will take care of them. Whether you want to believe it or not the U.S. is full of such lazy people. Compassion is not an excuse for laziness. Again, you haven't a clue.
1000 dollars per month health insurance.
You have 15 kids?
I know exactly how it works.
Healthcare is best in Cuba I know. Many surgeons driving a cab and selling mellons for extra income.
I do hope that your top 15 percent income enabled you to travel a bit and check things first hand.
While travelling you can park in a parking lot without fearing getting shot by "someone unwilling to work" or by the police trying to report actions by the "unwilling."
You are so right!
I wish the "widow with the mite" could have afforded insurance. That lazy woman should just work harder, I know, it can be done. I mean biblical Israel had such a great system, she should have married the brother of her deceased husband and paid her debts with some good old fashioned Old Testamentic sex.
Nck, you really need a lesson in reading comprehension. The widow would fall into the category of the legitimate poor. Again, you're a fool! You prove it every time you write a post. And yes, around $1,000 per month for health insurance is exactly the cost.
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