Saturday, April 24, 2021

Church of God Faithful Has End-times Timeline Laid Out For You


Double click to enlarge so you can print it and tape it in your kitchen cupboard 
where the authorities will never think to look 
when they come to inspect your home for church literature.

Church of God Faithful is a splinter group of the Philadelphia Church of God cult. Formerly led by Bob Ardis, this little group has shrunk into oblivion when compared to the Philadelphia Church of God.

COGF claims it is the true Philadelphian era of the church while the PCG is the Laodicean era of the church. Both of these groups are running side by side, supposedly doing some kind of work. 

On December 8, 2022, one man from each church will rise up and become the two witless witnesses and will continue to preach to the world till May 20, 2026, then they will be killed and left on display in Jerusalem where they will be resurrected 3 1/2 days later.

One thing you can grant Armsgtrongism that it has the best mythologists in the history of the church. Never have we had such a collection of deluded men as we do in 2021, all vying to be the one true leader of the one true church and telling the most outrageous myths and lies ever. 

Petra is going to one of the biggest shitfests the church has ever seen. 1996 will pale in comparison when all of these self-appointed buffoons arrive all at once in Petra and claim they are in charge. Imagine them actually reaching a decision and appointing one man as the overall leader and then Bob Thiel trapeses in through the Siq and says, "Here I am, stand in awe! I am in charge now because I dreamed I was!"  Spittle and fists would start flying.

No LSD trip could ever be this wild!


Anonymous said...

It would make a great sit com; "As the world turns at Petra," or "Days of our lives at Petra."

Sweetblood777 said...

It is interesting that Yahweh chose no religious leader down through the centuries to represent Him. All these leaders always rebuked and hated the true representative of Elohim. With this fact in mind, why would any of the COG pretenders think that they have been chosen to be Yahweh's representative?

One who really feared the real Elohim would not be so presumptuous to think and then state that they were the chosen ones. In fact, is this not what the Anti-Christ, the devil himself, preaches to the world?

No, the real chosen ones do not know what they are about to be. They would be 'nobodies' who are humble and seeking righteousness, while not being afraid to speak against the evils of this time. None of the COGs fit this description. They instead dish out baby food for the masses and even their own members, if they are not busy making up bull shit.

I yearn that I would live to see the two witnesses on the world scene and I am mentally prepared to give up my life for the truth, once I have proven to myself that what they say is actually the truth as far as humanly possible to discern it.

Hoss said...

Dec 8th, 2022 - a date, like Jan 7th, 1972, which will live in COG infamy. Or be denied, explained away, is the fault of the brethren, ...

Anonymous said...

Petra is going to one of the biggest shitfests the church has ever seen. 1996 will pale in comparison when all of these self-appointed buffoons arrive all at once in Petra and claim they are in charge.

Not true. Jordanian police/army forces will take into custody any COG members who try to set up housekeeping in Petra, and will deport or incarcerate them if they try to overstay their visas (usually issued as 30 day visas). In fact, if Jordanian authorities notice a sudden surge in applications for visas from the USA, they'll likely stop issuing them and will try to stop the problem before it starts.

Tonto said...

Looks like a BOARD GAME!

Does it have the same rules as CANDY LAND??

Where is the spot that says "Go Directly to Jail"?

Anonymous ` said...

"This is just a possible scenario."

I was looking for a disclaimer and finally saw one in the lower left hand corner. This is a shrewd move and is worthy of Millerite Apollos Hale. What it essentially means is that the chart is a conjecture.

An interesting point is that it identifies the "great falling away" of 2 Thessalonians 2:3. And something needs to be said about the semantics of this. Nowhere in scripture does it speak of a "great falling away." This coined term cries out for capitalization, like The Great Tribulation, so I will write it as The Great Falling Away. Scripture does speak of a falling away. This falling away is just one instance in a class of such events spanning the entirety of church history. To transform this terminology from a generic to a particular requires some sense of the propagandistic value of language. It is spin. There is no special event that could be termed The Great Falling Away as if it were a milestone in the prophetic future. People have been apostatizing from the beginning.

As a sidebar, there is another problem. It is called presumption. Splinterists are afflicted with a hubris that leads them to believe that the great currents of Scripture are all about them - little apocalyptic Millerite organizations with very few members and always on the verge of schism in the 21st century. Hence, The Great Falling Away refers to the splintering of Armstrongism that nobody is even aware of except insiders. Each Sabbath a globally significant drama, putatively, is played out at services. And the lead player in the dramatis personae is the little denomination itself. It is a profound but dubitable ego trip.

One could note similar Semantic issues in regard to "The Great Tribulation." A term of a generic nature is hyped into a specific terminology. Not a good technique for literalists.
David Bentley Hart did a NT translation with special attention to what the source Greek actually was saying. And he stated in responding to a review written by Garry Wills: ". . . I had not been aware before reading it (the review) that the term “great tribulation” had any special association with certain nineteenth-century schools of Protestant chiliasm . . ." In other words, at the level of the source Greek, "The Great Tribulation" is a common language reference in koinĂ© to a really bad time. It seems to have been recruited as a special term to support special pleading by Dispensationalists in recent time.

The fact is, people who are pre-occupied with prophecy have their own lexicon and it is not always derived from the unadorned language of he Bible.

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Anonymous said...

Hoss ..... Jan 7th, 1972?? I used to think it was more like Jan 26, so I stand corrected! (And don't care). Those bombs did not fall and a third of folks weren't hauled off into captivity.

I think GTA used to preach that these things did not happen because the 'church' had not made itself ready, or some such thing. Like you say, the preachers were not wrong, the problem was with the people. Jesus must have been wringing His hands over this unsolvable problem.

Anonymous said...

Funny thing is, economic cycle analysts are seeing a devastating spike in commodity prices coming in the next few years (perhaps caused by an interest rates spike/US debt-default) --- I'm thinking of the commodity scarcity/world trade crisis outlined in book of Revelation!

DennisCDiehl said...

Well yeah! Only a uncalled, Satan deceived carnal mind , with all its enmity against the truth, who can know it!, can't see the writing on the prophetic wall! We never saw it but now it is crystal clear to ME. The math is correct! :)

Anonymous said...

Gerald Flurry's PCG cult is a satanic fraud and every splinter group that comes from it is likely to be a satanic fraud too.

If the people had ever known anything, they never would have gone with Gerald Flurry's PCG cult in the first place.

Anonymous said...

You left out the "we have met the enemy and it is us" line.

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

Hoss said, "Dec 8th, 2022 - a date, like Jan 7th, 1972, which will live in COG infamy. Or be denied, explained away, is the fault of the brethren, ..."

MY COMMENT - At the end of the second 19-year time cycle starting from 1934 and the Radio COG broadcast on KORE radio in the first week of January, 1934, the significance of that date was later revealed to be (drum roll, please)......advertising in Reader's Digest magazine! Are you saying that you not hear all the many sermons preached from WCG pulpits and all the church chatter about advertising in Readers Digest in the decade leading up to the first week of January, 1972? Were you asleep? :)


Lake of Fire Church of God said...


You left out "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways". So, of course, you can never know it.:)


Anonymous said...

The battle between the King of the North (USA/NATO/Zionists) v. The King of the South (Iran) is found in Dan 11:40-44. The battle between the King of the North v. the Kings from the East (Russia/China) is found in Rev 16:12-16 and is called Armageddon, just when the Messiah returns. You can watch it tonight on the news.

Hoss said...

Were you asleep? :)

My first attendance at a WCG service was actually post-1972. Prior to that, I remember how the date was stressed in the literature.
In a few early sermons, I remember ministers, including GTA, saying in perfect hindsight that they didn't believe 1972 would be significant and backed away from preaching it.
And, in hindsight, I thought the next 19-year date, Jan 7 1991, had more fear-mongering value: on that day, Saddam Hussein prepared his forces for the "Mother of all battles".

Anonymous said...

TBH I stopped reading the chart after: “1986...HWA, the end time Elijah.” I knew then it started on a false premise so would end up with a false conclusion🙄